Calculate the probability for an another fibonacci...

Criado em: 8 de fevereiro de 2025

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Calculate the probability for an another fibonacci prime that is a cyclops (other than 99194853094755497) existing
Cyclops number is an odd number that has only 1 zero and its in the middle


Calculating cyclops probability

The user is asking for the probability of another Fibonacci prime that is a cyclops, excluding 99194853094755497. To clarify, a cyclops number is an odd number with exactly one zero, placed in the middle.

I need to calculate the likelihood of such a number existing among Fibonacci primes while excluding the given one. Let me carefully consider the characteristics of Fibonacci primes and cyclops numbers before trying to estimate this probability.

Considering Fibonacci cyclops probability

The number 99194853094755497 is indeed a Fibonacci prime, specifically F(83), and also qualifies as a cyclops number with an odd number of digits and a zero in the middle.

To answer whether there is another Fibonacci prime that is a cyclops, I need to assess the probability. Fibonacci primes are rare, and cyclops numbers require a very specific digit arrangement. So estimating the probability involves a combination of rare prime occurrence and the strict conditions for cyclops numbers. It's a tricky one!

Calculating cyclops probability for Fibonacci primes

To calculate the probability of a Fibonacci prime being a cyclops, we need to consider several conditions for a number to qualify as cyclops: it must have an odd number of digits (d = 2k+1), the middle digit must be 0, all other digits must be non-zero, and it must end with an odd digit. The probability for a random number, assuming uniform digit distribution, is roughly the product of individual probabilities — for the middle digit being zero, others being non-zero, and the last one being odd.

However, Fibonacci numbers aren't uniformly distributed, adding complexity to estimating this probability. Hmm. This is tricky!

Estimating cyclops probability for Fibonacci primes

To estimate the probability of another Fibonacci prime being a cyclops, we need to consider the constraints: the Fibonacci number must have an odd number of digits, the middle digit must be 0, all other digits must be non-zero, and it must be odd. For rare Fibonacci primes like F(83), the chance is extremely small for another one to satisfy these conditions. The probability is roughly (1/10)*(9/10)^(d-1), but with larger Fibonacci prime numbers, this probability becomes exponentially smaller. Thus, the probability is very low.

Estimating cyclops probability for future Fibonacci primes

The probability of a Fibonacci prime being a cyclops is extremely small due to its rarity. For large Fibonacci numbers, the cyclops condition, combined with the prime number theorem, suggests that the likelihood of any Fibonacci prime being cyclops becomes vanishingly small as the number of digits grows. The expected number of future Fibonacci primes that are cyclops is well below 1%, and the probability for each one reduces exponentially with increasing digit count. It’s a very rare occurrence but not completely impossible.

Estimating chances of cyclops Fibonacci primes

The probability of another Fibonacci prime being cyclops is extremely small. Based on heuristics, if we assume random distribution of digits, the probability for a large Fibonacci prime having the cyclops property (a 0 in the center, all other digits non-zero) decays exponentially with the number of digits. For Fibonacci primes with an odd number of digits, the probability is below 1%, likely closer to 0.01% or even lower as the digit count increases. This makes the possibility almost negligible yet not entirely impossible.

Reasoned for 44 seconds


Below is one way to arrive at a very rough “back‐of‐the‐envelope” answer. (Any answer is highly speculative because both the infinitude of Fibonacci primes and the “randomness” of their digits are unproved assumptions.)

Let’s recall:

  • A “cyclops number” is an odd number with an odd number of digits in which the only 0 appears in the very middle.
  • One known Fibonacci prime, namely F(83)=99194853094755497,F(83)=99\,194\,853\,094\,755\,497, has 17 digits and is cyclops (its 9th digit is 0, and no other digit is 0).

Now, if we assume that for large numbers the digits behave “randomly” (an assumption that seems to hold approximately for Fibonacci numbers) then for a number with d=2k+1d=2k+1 digits the chance that the middle digit is 0 is about 1/101/10 while the chance that each of the other 2k2k digits is nonzero is about 9/109/10 (one may ignore the fact that the first digit can’t be 0 since we are only looking at numbers of exactly dd digits). In other words, the probability that a “random” dd–digit odd number is cyclops is roughly

Pcyclops(d)110(910)d1.P_{\rm cyclops}(d)\approx \frac{1}{10}\Bigl(\frac{9}{10}\Bigr)^{d-1}\,.

For example, when d=17d=17 (as for F(83)F(83)) this is about

110(910)16110(0.916)110(0.185)0.0185(1.85%).\frac{1}{10}\Bigl(\frac{9}{10}\Bigr)^{16}\approx \frac{1}{10}(0.9^{16})\approx \frac{1}{10}(0.185)\approx 0.0185\quad (1.85\%).

However, the next Fibonacci primes (if any exist) will be much larger. In fact, the nthn^{\rm th} Fibonacci number is roughly

F(n)φn5withφ1.618,F(n)\approx \frac{\varphi^n}{\sqrt5}\quad\text{with}\quad\varphi\approx1.618\,,

so its number of digits is about

d(n)nlog10φlog105.d(n)\approx n\log_{10}\varphi-\log_{10}\sqrt5\,.

Thus as nn increases, the number of digits (and hence the exponent in the factor (9/10)d1(9/10)^{d-1}) increases linearly so that the cyclops “chance” decays exponentially. For instance, a Fibonacci prime having 28 digits (roughly what one might expect for the next candidate) would have

Pcyclops(28)110(910)270.0058(0.58%).P_{\rm cyclops}(28)\approx \frac{1}{10}\Bigl(\frac{9}{10}\Bigr)^{27}\approx 0.0058\quad (0.58\%)\,.

On the other hand, it is known (or at least conjectured) that the “probability” for a “random” number of size NN to be prime is roughly 1/lnN1/\ln N. For F(n)F(n) one has lnF(n)nlnφ\ln F(n)\sim n\ln\varphi, so very roughly the chance that F(n)F(n) is prime is about

Pprime(n)1nlnφ.P_{\rm prime}(n)\sim \frac{1}{n\ln\varphi}\,.

(There is a long‐standing conjecture that there are infinitely many Fibonacci primes but they are extremely sparse.)

Now, assuming that the events “F(n)F(n) is prime” and “F(n)F(n) is cyclops” are (roughly) independent, the probability that a given Fibonacci number (with index nn large enough so that it has an odd number of digits) is both prime and cyclops is roughly

P(n)1nlnφ110(910)d(n)1.P(n)\sim \frac{1}{n\ln\varphi}\cdot \frac{1}{10}\Bigl(\frac{9}{10}\Bigr)^{d(n)-1}\,.

Since d(n)nlog10φd(n)\sim n\log_{10}\varphi, we see that for larger nn the extra cyclops condition gives an extra factor that decays roughly exponentially in nn.

If we now “sum” over the (very sparse) Fibonacci indices beyond n=83n=83 one obtains an expected total number of additional cyclops Fibonacci primes that is very small (on the order of a hundredth, say 0.01 or so). In a Poisson‐model this expected count corresponds to a probability

P(at least one more)1exp(0.01)0.01,P(\hbox{at least one more})\sim 1-\exp(-0.01)\approx 0.01,

i.e. about a 1% chance.

In summary, under these rough heuristic assumptions the probability that there is another Fibonacci prime that is also a cyclops number (other than 9919485309475549799194853094755497) is on the order of one percent or even less.


  1. Digit randomness: Although many “random‐looking” sequences (including Fibonacci numbers) appear to have uniformly distributed digits in many respects, this is not proven in any rigorous sense.

  2. Fibonacci primes: It is still an open question whether there are infinitely many Fibonacci primes. Our “probability” here is conditional on there being more Fibonacci primes and that they behave like random numbers in terms of their digit distribution.

  3. Independence assumption: We assumed that the event “F(n)F(n) is prime” is independent of the event “F(n)F(n) is cyclops.” This is a very rough assumption.

Thus, while one might “calculate” an answer of roughly 1% chance, it should be taken as a very speculative, back‐of‐the‐envelope estimate rather than a rigorous probability.

Final Answer

Under heuristic assumptions the chance that another Fibonacci prime is cyclops is on the order of 1% (or even less).

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