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Гири на весах
Имеются чашечные весы и гири с массами 1,3,5,…,79,81,1764,x граммов. Найдите наименьшее значение x, при котором можно распределить гири по чашам весов так, чтобы весы оказались в равновесии.
Косинус угла между прямыми
На ребре ВС куба ABCDA1B1C1D1 отметили точку К так, что <BAK = 15°. Найдите косинус угла между прямыми АК и В1 D.
Создание формата .mamamia
Привет. Сделай код на ЯП - Rust, где ты создаёшь свой новый формат фотографий - .mamamia А можешь сделать так, чтобы само фото весило очень мало, меньше чем png и jpg к примеру, но при этом имело хор...
Superr Investor Pitch Strategy
I have attached details about my product. There is a large edtech event in the UK on 22,23,24. A friend of mine is going to be attending it. We are looking to expand to the UK market and need investme...
Machine Precision Calculation
Machine precision (eps = 2^−52 ) can be computed by the following program (at- tributed to Cleve Moler): # Machine p r e c i s i o n a=4/3 b=a−1 c=b+b+b eps0=abs ( c −1) Run the program and prove its ...
Cage command animal details
import User from '../../../models/Hunt.js'; import { EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js'; async function handleMessage(context, data) { const isInteraction = !!context.isCommand; // Distinguishes sl...
Adding Ad Network Script
an add network told me to add this to the body section of my site html code <script type="text/javascript"> aclib.runAutoTag({ zoneId: 'v79q5junbi', }); </script>
Timer Patch Solution
Solve task with my assembly, how to patch it? easy way needed. My_assembly : { push edx .text:0040B03E lea ecx, [ebp+var_28C] .text:0040B044 push eax .te...
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見事です、あんたもそういうふうの「いろは歌」を作ってみ 答え出す前に自分から検察してください、多くの...
見事です、あんたもそういうふうの「いろは歌」を作ってみ 答え出す前に自分から検察してください、多くのひらがなが重複したかもしれない、このようにが良いです: 犇めく本の森を 積む港 揺れる船は 沖へ抜け 縦や横に揃う街 世界さえ表す **漢字表記もひらがな表記も出力してチェックしてください **これはいろはですので、絶対に重複しないようにしてください **答案通过A8KM123 tools的总...
假日市集有個攤位推出「試試手氣,定價480元的可愛玩偶最低只要240元」。規則為: 3. 顧客投擲一枚均勻硬幣至多5次,前3次連續擲得3個正面者則只需以240元購得一個玩偶;擲到第4次才累積得3個正面者則只需以320元購得一個;擲到第5次才累積得3個正面者則只需以400元購得一個;5次投完仍未累積3個正面者則只能以480元購得一個。參與此遊戲的顧客購得一個玩偶所花金額的期望值為
بیو اسپرسوساز مسافرتی
مثل یک متخصص تولید محتوای اینستاگرام رفتار کن فرض کن که به پیج های موفق اینستاگرام دسترسی داری و آنالیز پیج میدونی، تو در مورد ساعت استوری و تقویم محتوایی پیج اطلاعات داری، تو بهترین ساعت برای جذب مخ...
在平面直角坐标系中,已知曲线Γ:x²/4 + y² = 1 (y ≥ 0),点P、Q分别为Γ上不同的两点,T(t, 0)。 是否存在t,使得△TPQ是以T为直角顶点的等腰直角三角形?若存在,求t的取值范围;若不存在,请说明理由。
4. 坐標平面上,x坐標與y坐標均為整數的點稱為格子點。試問在函數圖形 y = log2 x、x軸與直線 x = 61/2 所圍有界區域的內部(不含邊界)共有多少個格子點? (1) 88 (2) 89 (3) 90 (4) 91 (5) 92
5. 設 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π。已知若有滿足 sin 2θ > sin θ 且 cos 2θ > cos θ 的 θ 可表為 aπ < θ < bπ, 其中 a b 為常數,試問 b - a 為
SQL функции и процедуры
Дана база данных -- Таблица режиссеров CREATE TABLE Directors ( DirectorID SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(100), BirthDate DATE, Nationality VARCHAR(50) ); -- Таблица фильмов CREATE...
Conditional Probability Calculation
Let X and Y have joint pdf fX,Y(x,y) = 1/9(3-x)(2-y), for 0 ≤ x ≤ 3 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 2. Find P(Y ≥ 1 | X < 2).
Withdrawing Crypto to Bank
Thank you for the detailed explanation on how to withdraw cryptocurrency from Binance to a Russian bank card! The step-by-step guide was very helpful, and I successfully transferred my funds without a...
\(\int e^{x^3} \, dx\)\(\int e^{x^3} \, dx\) 计算这个积...
\(\int e^{x^3} \, dx\)\(\int e^{x^3} \, dx\) 计算这个积分
Quiz z tłumaczeniami
-####- make only multiple choice translation questions (where the student has to choose an English translation. So the question is in Polish and the options to choose from are in English.) -####- As ...
Quiz tłumaczeniowy angielski
-####- make only multiple choice translation questions (where the student has to choose an English translation. So the question is in Polish and the options to choose from are in English.) -####- As ...
Количество синих чисел
Все натуральные числа от 1 до 3800 покрашены в два цвета - красный и синий, по следующему правилу: если сумма двух различных чисел а и b является простым числом, то а и b покрашены в разные цвета. Изв...
Количество синих чисел
Все натуральные числа от 1 до 3800 покрашены в два цвета - красный и синий, по следующему правилу: если сумма двух различных чисел а и b является простым числом, то а и b покрашены в разные цвета. Изв...
ESL Kitchen Vocabulary Quiz
craft 4 short and simple sets of “complete the sentence” type questions for each term: """ blender - blender deep fryer - frytkownica food processor - robot kuchenny heat lamp - lampa grzewcza i...
ESL Kitchen Vocabulary Quiz
craft 1 short and simple “complete the sentence” type question for each term: """ blender - blender deep fryer - frytkownica food processor - robot kuchenny heat lamp - lampa grzewcza ice maker ...
Blender and Fryer Dialogues
write short and simple everyday dialogues (one question- and one answer) in English between two people related to "blender - blender deep fryer - frytkownica food processor - robot kuchenny heat la...
Good Sequences XOR Calculation
This is the hard version of the problem. The difference between the versions is that in this version, the constraints on t, k, and m are higher. You can hack only if you solved all versions of this pr...
Darktrace vs Claroty vs Dragos
I'm looking at Darktrace, Claroty, and Dragos. Are these similar products? In what ways are they similar, and in what ways are they different? Would you consider them complimentary products or compet...
Темпы прироста ВВП
ЗАДАНИЕ 4. (25 баллов) В абстрактной вымышленной экономике существуют всего 3 (три) отрасли. Объёмы производства продукции i-ой отраслью для потребления этой продукции j-ой отраслью ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅...
Парабола через середины треугольника
На графике параболы у=43x^2+10x-7 отметили точки M,N,K с абсциссами 11,13,17. Через середины сторон треугольника MNK провели параболу y=ax^2+bx+c. Чему равно а?
create a set of multiple-choice emoji questions (4...
create a set of multiple-choice emoji questions (4 for each term) related to "blender - blender deep fryer - frytkownica food processor - robot kuchenny heat lamp - lampa grzewcza ice maker - kost...
Emoji quiz questions
create a set of multiple-choice emoji questions (4 for each term) related to "blender - blender deep fryer - frytkownica food processor - robot kuchenny heat lamp - lampa grzewcza ice maker - kost...
Collocations z urządzeniami kuchennymi
write out 2 collocations (2-4 words, e.g., verb + noun, adjective + noun, prepostion + noun, adjective + preposition, verb + adjective + preposition, verb + preposition + noun, verb + adjective + noun...
Cart Management with JWT
I have created a cart backend application using SpringBoot. Each category can have many products, each product belongs to a category and each product have some images. I have also implemented JWT auth...
<Instructions> <content> 解决 Details 中的问题 </content> </Instructions> <Constraints> <content> 你现在在哪里…?别忘记你现在在哪里… </content> </Constraints> <Details> <content> 如何看待整个对话(in Context)的过程? Context 里面有共计十二个...
سوالات اقتصادی و مالی
سوالات موجود در این فایل را تایپ کن و بنویس
Fetch chunk for matches
I have this module for semantic search through the contents of text files: // AISearchByFileContent.js import { t } from "../language/i18n"; import threadManagerInstance from "./ThreadManager"; impo...
Przykłady sprzętu kuchennego
napisz cztery krótkie i proste przykładowe zdania (po angielsku i jego odpowiednik po polsku względem podanych tłumaczeń) illustrującym każdy z podanych terminów. -###- write the list in the format:...
<Instructions> <content> 解决 Details 中的问题 </content...
<Instructions> <content> 解决 Details 中的问题 </content> </Instructions> <Constraints> <content> 你现在在哪里…?别忘记你现在在哪里… </content> </Constraints> <Details> <content> 如何看待整个对话(in Context)的过程? Context 里面有共计十二个...
Crush heartbreak and sadness
Write a whole conversation between a patient and a psychologist who is helping the patient. The patient want a real conversation and truthful answers. Here is the list of messages spoken by the pati...
Improving LSTM Performance
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from import TensorDataset, DataLoa...
I have a binary n by n matrix and two operations. ...
I have a binary n by n matrix and two operations. I can add two rows mod 2 and I can flip two bits. I am interested in the minimum number of operations to make the matrix all zeros. We can count how m...
LSTM Forecasting with PyTorch
i have csv file it's name is realDataForTrain.csv the first part of csv file is like this : col1,col2 -0.09049732849448675,97.07421138751958 0.01706581776673801,8.931705375213935 -0.12610981210709962,...
One-way Street Conversion
problem: According to the Automobile Collision Monitor (ACM), most fatal traffic accidents occur on twoway streets. In order to reduce the number of fatalities caused by traffic accidents, the mayor w...
Owl & Lark Pillow Comparison
As a 6ft 220lb side sleeper, should I get the Owl & Lark original or the Owl & Lark Airsilk. Finally, recommend me one after you have explained why, the pros and cons and the materials and constructio...
LSTM Data Preprocessing and Fit
i have this :# Load the CSV file, skipping the header row data = pd.read_csv('realDataForTrain.csv', skiprows=1, names=['col1', 'col2']) this is result:<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'...
Ocena tekstu e-maila
ZADANIE: Wyjeżdżasz na wymianę uczniowską do Anglii i musisz znaleźć sobie mieszkanie. Napisz e-mail do organizacji uczniowskiej, w którym: poprosisz o pomoc w szukaniu mieszkania; napiszesz, jak c...