見事です、あんたもそういうふうの「いろは歌」を作ってみ 答え出す前に自分から検察してください、多くの...


使用 OpenAI 01 Pro 回答 OpenAI01


犇めく本の森を 積む港
揺れる船は 沖へ抜け



**答案通过A8KM123 tools的总结进行修正和展示,直至没有错误(保证最终和例子一样是有实际意义的诗歌)


Crafting the sequence

I’m mapping out an "iroha" poem by using each kana exactly once, both in kanji and hiragana, while avoiding any repetition.

Factoring in kana

I’m using 47 kana, including "ん" and "を", and excluding older kana like "ゑ" and "ゐ". This is the typical modern set.

Listing kana

Presenting the 46 modern kana, including "ん" and "を", with "を" as the 45th character in the sequence. This clarifies the standard set.

Mapping out the sequence

Ensuring Iroha uses 46 kana, including "ん" and "を". This will guide us in constructing the poem accurately.

Mapping the poem

I’m tasked with crafting a fresh, coherent poem that uses all 46 kana. The poem will be provided in both kanji and hiragana formats, with careful validation to avoid repetition.

Crafting a poem

I’m aiming to construct a meaningful, coherent poem using all 46 kana systematically in each line. Progressing thoughtfully to ensure each kana is used creatively.

Correcting duplicates

I’m piecing together a coherent poem with non-repeating kana. Notably, "灯す風に 想いをやる" has duplicates like 'も' and 'す'. Progress is evident in refining the sequence.

Crafting single-word lines

To resolve repeated kana issues, I'm opting for single words with unique syllables, ensuring a fresh approach for each line of the poem.

Crafting a meaningful sequence

I'm beginning with "あいくえお かきくけこ" for kana order, then steering towards a orders to form a meaningful, coherent poem.

Select wording carefully

I'm gathering refined terms to create a poem that uses all 46 kana uniquely, ensuring each character's distinctiveness and preventing any repetition. Progressing through thoughtful selection.

Formulating a unique poem

I'm crafting a four-line poem, ensuring each syllable is distinct and systematically incorporated, avoiding duplication to maintain coherence and creativity throughout.

Figuring out uniqueness

I'm mapping out the poem to ensure each kana is distinct so far, noting that 13 unique kana are already used, and avoiding duplication of any syllables to maintain coherence.

Ensuring no overlap

Taking a closer look, I'm confirming no kana duplicates so far. Each character used is distinct, which helps in maintaining the poem's uniqueness and coherence.

Ensuring kana distinctions

Checking for repeated kana so far, confirming the poem's progress. Each character remains unique, and I'm beginning to form the second line with distinct kana.

Identifying kana patterns

Interestingly enough, "のどかな春に さくら咲けり" has duplicate "さ". Replacing "さくら" ensures each kana remains unique. Progress is clear in refining the poem.

Tweaking the approach

I’m thinking through different words and ensuring each kana is unique. Systematically choosing unused kana from line 1 to form line 2 is becoming a more effective strategy.

Tracking kana usage

I’m compiling a list of unutilized kana to ensure each one is uniquely chosen for the poem. Progress is being made by identifying remaining options to maintain coherence.

Clarifying kana usage

I'm focusing on the base kana forms for the "iroha" poem, leaving out diacritics. Each base kana should be used only once, even if voiced forms differ.

Establishing base kana

I'm focusing on using the base kana forms, avoiding repeated use, and excluding diacritics. This ensures each character is unique and contributes to the poem's clarity.

Clarifying the selection

I've identified 13 base kana forms used so far. Listing the 33 not yet used, I ensure each character is unique and systematically integrated.

Listing remaining forms

I’m compiling the 33 base kana forms not yet used, ensuring each character remains distinct to keep the poem consistent and unique. Progress is evident in the systematic approach.

Tracking base forms

I’m listing the 26 unused base kana forms, ensuring each character remains distinct for the poem. This methodical approach helps maintain the poem's coherence and uniqueness.

Crafting line 2

I’m piecing together a unique line using 26 unused base kana forms. Ensuring each character's distinctiveness is crucial to maintain the poem's coherence.

Crafting a unique phrase

I’m carefully selecting non-repeating base kana forms for each word, avoiding sokuon to simplify, and ensuring each kana's distinctiveness for a coherent and original phrase.

Ensuring coherence

I’m reviewin' the line for poetic clarity and coherence, checkin' each unused kana to keep it unique and meaningful. No duplication has been found so far.

Assembling line 3

I’m piecing together the remaining 23 unique base kana forms to craft line 3, making sure each character is distinct and enhances the poem's poetic essence.

Crafting unique expressions

I'm working to form distinct lines by avoiding duplicate kana. This involves finding alternative expressions or synonyms, especially for frequently used characters, to maintain fresh and meaningful content.

Refining efficiency

OK, let me see—by removing "そ" from the list of unused kana, I can speed up the process of ensuring each character is unique and distinct.

Crafting line 3

Piecing together the 24 unused kana forms for line 3, ensuring each character's uniqueness and distinctiveness. Here's the progress: 佐, す, る, ろ, ん, み.

Restructuring line 3

I’m ensuring line 3 remains unique by avoiding repeated kana from previous lines, like "と" and "よ," and integrating distinct characters such as さなえとときめき.

Crafting line 3

I’m incorporating 11 new base forms, such as "さなえ に うむ わせ たより," ensuring each character's distinctiveness to maintain the poem's coherence.

Assessing unique forms

I’m making sure each kana in the third line is fresh, using 11 of the 24 unused forms. This keeps the poem's coherence intact.

Ensuring coherency

Mapping out the remaining 13 unused base kana forms to create a memorable line. I’ll check each form's unique incorporation to maintain the poem's coherence.

Crafting a poetic line

Mapping out the 13 remaining base kana forms, I'm ensuring each character's distinctiveness, steering clear of repetition, and aiming for a coherent line.

Mapping the phrase

I’m assembling a coherent structure using the 13 remaining base kana forms, ensuring each character is unique and fits the poem's theme without repetition.

Constructing unique phrases

Interestingly enough, "ふるめれ" uses four distinct kana forms without repetition. Assembling upon this, I’m focusing on creating coherent phrases for the poem.

Correcting the list

I identified an error in the leftover kana list, ensuring "わ" was removed. Piecing together seven unique forms for line 3, maintaining the poem's coherence and distinctiveness.

Piecing together the puzzle

OK, I’m confirming that "わ" isn't in the leftover 13 base kana forms, showing consistency in using each base form uniquely. This keeps the poem coherent and distinct.

Constructing a coherent line

I’m organizing the leftover 13 base kana forms to craft a clear and meaningful sentence. Each character needs to be used uniquely to keep the poem consistent.

Creating the phrase

Piecing together 13 base kana forms, I formulated the phrase "あめふるちの" to ensure each character's distinctiveness and cohesion.

Integrating kana forms

I’m crafting a coherent phrase using 7 unique kana forms, ensuring each character's distinctiveness. This systematic approach helps in maintaining the poem's coherence and unity.

Mapping the selection

I’m ensuring each remaining kana form is distinct and necessary to maintain the poetic coherence. This systematic approach helps in forming a meaningful and coherent phrase.

Crafting meaningful phrases

OK, let's form a phrase with "お, つ, ま, れ, ろ, ん" while preserving each kana's uniqueness to craft a coherent and meaningful expression.

Crafting distinctive phrases

Working through forming meaningful phrases from leftover kana, like "おつ まれ ろん," while ensuring each character's uniqueness to maintain coherence in the poem's construction.

Crafting the structure

I’ve seamlessly worked through a unique poem, ensuring each character fits perfectly into a cohesive statement. The result is a unified, meaningful composition.

Ensuring uniqueness

I’m checking line 4 for any kana duplication. Each character is used only once, maintaining the poem's integrity and coherence.

Ensuring clarity

I noticed "ろ" appeared in line 2, so it can’t be used again in line 4. This confirms the poem stays clear and each kana remains unique.

Correcting the lineup

I’ll tweak lines 2 or 3 to dodge "ろ" and use all base kana forms uniquely. This makes sure each character is fresh and helps the poem stay coherent.

Revisiting line 2

OK, I’m ensuring "ろ" is removed from the leftover list after line 2. This adjustment allows for a fresh start in lines 3 and 4, keeping the poem cohesive and unique.

Verifying character accuracy

I'm making sure the remaining base kana characters are unique and don't repeat. This keeps the poem cohesive and stays true to the earlier rules.

Ensuring consistency

I’m cross-checking the remaining base kana characters to avoid repetition, focusing on maintaining the poem's integrity and adhering to earlier rules for a cohesive, unique poem.

Revealing unused forms

OK, let's map out which base kana forms haven't been used yet, maintaining the poem's integrity and adhering to earlier rules.

Listing final kana

OK, I’m pulling together the unused base kana characters after line 2 to ensure a unique poem progression, staying true to the final set.

Mapping out unused characters

I’ve identified 11 base kana characters left for line 3. This confirms careful alignment with the constraints, ensuring every character is unique and maximizes creativity.

Taking a closer look

I've removed used kana characters from line 3, trimming down to 13 unique ones. Progress is steady, and the next steps are becoming clearer.

Counting carefully

I'm piecing together the leftover kana from line 3, aiming for 12 unique ones after excluding the 11 used. Ensuring accuracy in the tally is key at this stage.

Verifying the count

After removing the 11 used kana from the 23 starting ones, I confirmed 12 kana remain, ensuring this was done with precision.

Crafting line 4

I identified 12 remaining base forms for line 4. Exploring combinations like "あのふ ちつ める を まれん お" to ensure each forms exact usage.

Crafting viable lines

I checked word combinations to match 12 base forms: "あめ" uses 2, "のち" uses 2, "ふる" uses 2, "まれ" uses 2, "おつ" uses 2, and "ん" is standalone.

Verifying the balance

I’m mapping out a phrase that includes all 12 base forms: "あめ のち ふる まれ おつ を ん". This ensures each form is present once, checking for completeness.

Crafting the narrative

I’m pulling together a poetic narrative. Lines 1-3 have rich imagery, invoking emotions and a sense of peace. Finalizing line 4 to ensure coherence across the sequence.

Ensuring consistency

I'm mapping out the poetic narrative, verifying each line for repeated bases. Adding kanji to maintain readability and meaning without introducing errors. Progressing thoughtfully towards finalizing the manuscript.

Choosing kanji readings

OK, let me see. I’m mapping out kanji for "釣りの愉しみ" (his enjoyments of fishing). Considering words like "謎解きの楽しみ" (enjoyments of solving riddles) and "興味" (interest).

Mapping out partial Kanji

I'm noting that certain words don't quite fit the context. Instead, I'll tweak them to merge familiarity with advanced vocabulary.

思考,持续 8m 45s


現代仮名(全46文字)(あ い う え お/か き く け こ/さ し す せ そ/た ち つ て と/な に ぬ ね の/は ひ ふ へ ほ/ま み む め も/や ゆ よ/ら り る れ ろ/わ を ん)を、一文字も重複せずすべて使用しています。

1) 漢字かな交じり表記

犇(ひし)めく 本(ほん)の 森(もり)を 積(つ)む 港(みなと)
揺(ゆ)れる 船(ふね)は 沖(おき)へ 抜(ぬ)け
縦(たて)や 横(よこ)に 揃(そろ)う 街(まち)
世界(せかい)さえ 表(あらわ)す

2) すべて平仮名表記

ひしめく ほんの もりを つむ みなと
ゆれる ふねは おきへ ぬけ
たてや よこに そろう まち
せかい さえ あらわす

3) ひらがな使用状況チェック

「ひしめく ほんの もりを つむ みなと
 ゆれる ふねは おきへ ぬけ
 たてや よこに そろう まち
 せかい さえ あらわす」


  • ん(46)……「ほん」
  • を(45)……「もりを」
  • か行・さ行・た行なども、濁点なしで揃っています(「が」「じ」「だ」などは登場せず)。
  • 小書き文字(ゃゅょ、っ)は使用していないため、上記46文字を正しく網羅しています。

4) 意味の簡単な説明

  • 犇(ひし)めく
  • 本の森
  • 積む港
  • 揺れる船は沖へ抜け
  • 縦や横に揃う街
  • 世界さえ表す

このように、ひらがな46文字を一度ずつ用いながら短い詩歌をまとめたものを「いろは歌(いろは pangram)」と呼ぶことがあります。


  1. 漢字かな交じり
  2. 純平仮名表記
  3. 文字チェック(重複なし)
