Minimizing Dark Travel

Tạo vào: 25 tháng 1, 2025

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Min Travel in Darkness

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Alice and Bob live in a city represented as a 2D plane. Alice is currently at the coordinates ( a[0] a[1] ) and she wants to meet Bob, who is at the coordinates (b[0], b[1]).

The city has n streetlights, each illuminating a circular area. A streetlight located at (lights[i] [0], lights[i][1]) provides light within a circle of radius lights[i][2]. The illuminated areas of different streetlights may overlap. Alice can take any path on the 2D plane to meet Bob. She can move in any arbitrary direction at a constant speed of 1 unit per second. Since it is nighttime, Alice wants to avoid traveling through dark areas as much as possible. Determine the minimum time Alice has to spend traveling in the dark.

Finally, you need to return the greatest integer less than or equal to the result (i.e., the floor value of the answer). For example, If the answer is 4.97, you should return 4.


Input: a[]= [- 2, 2] b[]= [2, - 2] . lights[] =[ [1, 1, 2] , [2, 2, 1] ]

Output: 2

Explanation: Alice needs to use the first streetlight with a radius of 2 to minimize the time spent in the dark. In this case, the minimum possible time will be 2.324 seconds, and the floor of 2.324 is 2.

Input: a[]= [- 1, - 1] , b[]= [1, 1] lights[] = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2] ]

Output: 0 code in c++

Suy nghĩ

Illuminating the path

I’m working through a 2D plane with a source and destination, incorporating streetlights into the mix. The challenge is to streamline the path to minimize time spent outside illuminated zones, aiming for the shortest dark path.

Transforming the problem

I'm thinking through translating the problem into a graph-based approach, using metrics to minimize dark path distance, and potentially adopting computational geometry techniques to handle obstacles and transitions.

Laying out the edges

I can envision the circles as nodes with edges weighted by outside distances. Overlap reduces the cost to zero, simplifying the traversal to find the minimum cost path.

Piecing together the graph

I’m noting that to traverse between circles, I consider the external distance minus the radii. Constructing a graph with n+2 nodes, I’ll calculate the shortest path for the minimal cost.

Piecing together the function

I’m assembling a function to calculate Euclidean distance, defining nodes for source, destination, and circles, and constructing adjacency to build the graph for the shortest path.

Mapping the strategy

I’m noting the use of Dijkstra's algorithm with a priority queue, calculating max outside distances, and carefully managing floating-point precision to ensure accurate graph traversal.

Thought about minimum travel in darkness for 11 seconds

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We have:

  • A starting point A=(ax,ay)A = (a_x, a_y)
  • A destination point B=(bx,by)B = (b_x, b_y)
  • nn streetlights, each streetlight ii has center (xi,yi)(x_i, y_i) and radius rir_i

Alice travels at speed 1 unit/second. We want to minimize the total time spent outside any illuminated region. Equivalently, if we think of “time in darkness” as “distance traveled outside the union of circles,” we want to find a path from AA to BB that minimizes the length of its portion outside all circles.

A common competitive-programming approach to problems like this is to build a (weighted) graph where:

  1. Nodes:

    • One node for the starting point AA (call it node 0).
    • One node for the destination point BB (call it node n+1).
    • One node for each of the nn streetlights (call them nodes 1 through n).
  2. Edges & Weights:

    • Between each pair of streetlight nodes ii and jj:
      • Compute the distance dd between their centers.
      • The “gap” you must be in darkness while moving from the coverage of streetlight ii to the coverage of streetlight jj is: cost(i,j)  =  max(0,  d(ri+rj)). \text{cost}(i, j) \;=\; \max\bigl(0,\; d - (r_i + r_j)\bigr).
      • If the two streetlights overlap or just touch (dri+rjd \le r_i + r_j), then the cost is 00, because you can go from one illuminated region to the other without going dark.
    • Between AA (node 0) and streetlight ii (node i): cost(0,i)  =  max(0,  dist(A,centeri)ri). \text{cost}(0, i) \;=\; \max\bigl(0,\; \text{dist}(A, \text{center}_i) - r_i\bigr).
      • If AA is already inside or on the boundary of streetlight ii, that cost is 00.
    • Similarly, between BB (node n+1) and streetlight ii (node i): cost(i,n+1)  =  max(0,  dist(B,centeri)ri). \text{cost}(i, n+1) \;=\; \max\bigl(0,\; \text{dist}(B, \text{center}_i) - r_i\bigr).
    • Finally, we must consider a direct edge from AA to BB. In many formulations, you can either:
      • Add a direct edge cost from 0 to n+1 as dist(A,B)\text{dist}(A, B). (Because you could technically ignore all lights.)
      • Or just rely on possibly traveling through lights for cheaper “darkness” cost.

Once this graph is built (with (n+2)(n+2) nodes and up to (n+2)(n+1)/2(n+2)(n+1)/2 edges), run a shortest path algorithm (Dijkstra) from node 0 to node n+1. The result gives you the minimum total darkness distance. Since Alice moves at speed 1 unit/s, that distance is also the time in darkness. Finally, we take the floor of that value.

#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // A simple function to compute Euclidean distance. double dist(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { double dx = x1 - x2; double dy = y1 - y2; return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); } int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); // Read the coordinates of A (start) and B (destination) double ax, ay; double bx, by; cin >> ax >> ay >> bx >> by; // Read the number of streetlights int n; cin >> n; // Read streetlights: each has (x, y, r) vector<double> lx(n), ly(n), lr(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cin >> lx[i] >> ly[i] >> lr[i]; } // We will create a graph with (n+2) nodes: // node 0 = A // node n+1 = B // nodes [1..n] = streetlights // We'll store adjacency in a vector of vectors (or adjacency list). // Each entry: (neighbor, cost). vector<vector<pair<int,double>>> adj(n+2); // Helper lambda to add edges in both directions. auto add_edge = [&](int u, int v, double w){ // For an undirected setup, add both ways: adj[u].push_back({v, w}); adj[v].push_back({u, w}); }; // 1) Add edges between each pair of streetlights for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(int j = i+1; j < n; j++){ double d = dist(lx[i], ly[i], lx[j], ly[j]); double cost = max(0.0, d - (lr[i] + lr[j])); add_edge(i+1, j+1, cost); } } // 2) Add edges between A (node 0) and each streetlight (node i+1) // cost = max(0, distance(A, center_i) - radius_i) for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ double d = dist(ax, ay, lx[i], ly[i]); double cost = max(0.0, d - lr[i]); add_edge(0, i+1, cost); } // 3) Add edges between B (node n+1) and each streetlight (node i+1) for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ double d = dist(bx, by, lx[i], ly[i]); double cost = max(0.0, d - lr[i]); add_edge(n+1, i+1, cost); } // 4) Also consider a direct edge from A to B (in case it's cheaper to go outside all lights). { double d = dist(ax, ay, bx, by); add_edge(0, n+1, d); } // Now we run Dijkstra from node 0 to node n+1. // distance array vector<double> minDark(n+2, numeric_limits<double>::infinity()); minDark[0] = 0.0; // priority queue for Dijkstra: (darkness so far, node) priority_queue<pair<double,int>, vector<pair<double,int>>, greater<pair<double,int>>> pq; pq.push({0.0, 0}); while(!pq.empty()){ auto [currDark, u] =; pq.pop(); if(currDark > minDark[u]) { continue; } if(u == n+1) { // We can stop if we want the distance to B immediately break; } // Relax edges for(auto &edge : adj[u]){ int v = edge.first; double w = edge.second; double newDark = currDark + w; if(newDark < minDark[v]){ minDark[v] = newDark; pq.push({newDark, v}); } } } // The answer is minDark[n+1], the minimal "darkness distance" from A to B // Then we floor it as requested. double answer = floor(minDark[n+1]); cout << (long long)answer << "\n"; return 0; }


  1. Nodes:

    • Node 0 represents AA.
    • Nodes 1 through nn represent the nn streetlights.
    • Node n+1n+1 represents BB.
  2. Edges:

    • Between every pair of streetlights i,ji, j: The cost is max(0,dist(centeri,centerj)(ri+rj))\max\bigl(0, \text{dist}(center_i, center_j) - (r_i + r_j)\bigr).
      • If the circles overlap, dist(centeri,centerj)ri+rj\text{dist}(center_i, center_j) \le r_i + r_j, the cost is 0.
    • Between AA and streetlight ii:
      max(0,dist(A,centeri)ri)\max\bigl(0, \text{dist}(A, center_i) - r_i\bigr).
      • If AA is inside or on streetlight ii, cost is 0.
    • Between BB and streetlight ii:
      max(0,dist(B,centeri)ri)\max\bigl(0, \text{dist}(B, center_i) - r_i\bigr).
    • Also an edge between AA and BB, with cost = dist(A,B)\text{dist}(A, B).
  3. Shortest Path:
    We run Dijkstra (since edges can have 0 or positive cost) from node 0 to node n+1n+1. The distance we get is the minimal “dark distance.”

  4. Output:
    Finally, we take floor(...) of the best distance found, and output it.

This solves the problem of minimizing time spent in darkness (equivalently, distance traveled out of coverage), returning the floor of that minimal value.

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