AI API Manager Extension

생성일: 2025년 1월 17일

답변에 사용된 모델 OpenAI 01 by OpenAI01


ok i want an AI that can add api and can be used with a sentence from this like this but can you improve and make it the best as possibile reliable and efficience pls :
import json
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from groq import AsyncGroq
from typing import Dict, Optional, List
import logging
from datetime import datetime
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs

class AIAPIManager:
def __init__(self, settings_file='api_settings.json', groq_api_key='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'):
self.settings_file = settings_file
self.apis = self.load_settings()
self.groq_client = AsyncGroq(api_key=groq_api_key)
self.logger = self._setup_logger()

def _setup_logger(self):
logger = logging.getLogger('AIAPIManager')
if not logger.handlers:
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
return logger

def load_settings(self):
with open(self.settings_file, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
except FileNotFoundError:
return {}

def save_settings(self):
with open(self.settings_file, 'w') as file:
json.dump(self.apis, file, indent=4)

async def smart_api_analysis(self, user_input: str) -> Dict:
"""Analyse intelligente de l'API à partir de l'entrée utilisateur"""
message = f"""You are an API configuration expert. Analyze this user input and create a detailed API configuration.
If it's a URL, analyze its structure. If it's an API description, extract key information.

User Input: {user_input}

Consider these aspects:
1. Is this a URL or API description?
2. What's the authentication method?
3. What's the API's purpose?
4. What are the common endpoints?
5. What parameters are typically required?

Respond in this exact JSON format:
"api_type": "rest|graphql|soap",
"base_url": "string",
"auth_info": {{
"type": "none|api_key|oauth|bearer|basic",
"location": "none|header|query|basic",
"key_name": "string",
"required": true|false
"common_headers": {{"key": "value"}},
"detected_endpoints": [
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"method": "GET|POST|PUT|DELETE",
"required_params": ["param1", "param2"],
"optional_params": ["param3"],
"description": "string"
"suggested_name": "string",
"rate_limit_info": "string",
"confidence_score": 0.0

chat_completion = await
{"role": "user", "content": message}

response_content = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
# Handle potential JSONDecodeError
return json.loads(response_content)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
self.logger.error("Erreur Groq: Invalid JSON response. Falling back to basic analysis.")
return await self.fallback_analysis(user_input)

except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f"Erreur Groq: {str(e)}")
return await self.fallback_analysis(user_input)

async def fallback_analysis(self, user_input: str) -> Dict:
"""Analyse de repli si Groq n'est pas disponible ou si la réponse JSON est invalide"""
parsed = urlparse(user_input)
if parsed.scheme and parsed.netloc:
return await self.analyze_url(parsed)
except Exception as e:
# If not a URL or other error, create a very basic config with low confidence
return self.create_basic_config(user_input)

def create_basic_config(self, user_input: str) -> Dict:
"""Crée une configuration de base avec des suggestions d'endpoints si possible"""
config = {
"api_type": "rest",
"base_url": "",
"auth_info": {
"type": "none",
"location": "none",
"key_name": "",
"required": False
"common_headers": {},
"detected_endpoints": [],
"suggested_name": "unknown_api",
"rate_limit_info": "unknown",
"confidence_score": 0.2

# Basic endpoint suggestions based on user input
user_input_lower = user_input.lower()
if "cat" in user_input_lower or "chat" in user_input_lower:
"name": "get_cats",
"path": "/cats",
"method": "GET",
"required_params": [],
"optional_params": [],
"description": "Get a list of cats"
"name": "get_cat",
"path": "/cats/{id}",
"method": "GET",
"required_params": ["id"],
"optional_params": [],
"description": "Get a specific cat by ID"
config["suggested_name"] = "cat_api"

elif "nasa" in user_input_lower:
"name": "get_apod",
"path": "/planetary/apod",
"method": "GET",
"required_params": [],
"optional_params": ["date", "api_key"],
"description": "Get Astronomy Picture of the Day"
config["suggested_name"] = "nasa_api"
config["base_url"] = ""

return config

def analyze_url(self, parsed_url) -> Dict:
"""Analyse une URL pour créer une configuration"""
params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
base_url = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.netloc}"

auth_info = {
"type": "none",
"location": "none",
"key_name": "",
"required": False

for param in params:
if any(auth_term in param.lower() for auth_term in ['api_key', 'apikey', 'key', 'token']):
auth_info = {
"type": "api_key",
"location": "query",
"key_name": param,
"required": True

return {
"api_type": "rest",
"base_url": base_url,
"auth_info": auth_info,
"common_headers": {},
"detected_endpoints": [{
"name": "default",
"path": parsed_url.path,
"method": "GET",
"required_params": list(params.keys()),
"optional_params": [],
"description": "Default endpoint detected from URL"
"suggested_name": parsed_url.netloc.split('.')[0],
"rate_limit_info": "unknown",
"confidence_score": 0.7

async def smart_add_api(self):
"""Interface utilisateur intelligente pour l'ajout d'API"""
print("\n🤖 Assistant IA d'intégration d'API\n")
print("Entrez l'URL de l'API ou décrivez-la en langage naturel:")
user_input = input().strip()

print("\n⏳ Analyse en cours...")
config = await self.smart_api_analysis(user_input)

if config['confidence_score'] < 0.5:
print("\n⚠️ L'analyse automatique n'est pas très sûre. Aidons l'IA à mieux comprendre.")
# Guide the user for more information
if not config['base_url']:
config['base_url'] = input("Avez-vous une URL de base pour l'API ? (Entrée pour ignorer) : ").strip()
if config['auth_info']['type'] == 'none':
auth_input = input("L'API nécessite-t-elle une authentification (o/n) ? ").strip().lower()
if auth_input == 'o':
config['auth_info']['type'] = input("Quel type d'authentification (api_key, oauth, bearer, basic) ? ").strip()
config['auth_info']['location'] = input("Où se trouve la clé d'authentification (header, query) ? ").strip()
config['auth_info']['key_name'] = input("Quel est le nom du paramètre ou de l'en-tête pour l'authentification ? ").strip()
config['auth_info']['required'] = True

print(f"\n📝 Configuration détectée (confiance: {config['confidence_score']*100}%):")
print(f"Type d'API: {config['api_type']}")
print(f"Base URL: {config['base_url']}")
print(f"Authentification: {config['auth_info']['type']}")

suggested_name = config['suggested_name']
print(f"\nNom suggéré pour l'API: {suggested_name}")
api_name = input("Appuyez sur Entrée pour accepter ou entrez un nouveau nom: ").strip()
api_name = api_name or suggested_name

if config['auth_info']['required']:
print(f"\nAuthentification requise ({config['auth_info']['type']}):")
auth_value = input(f"Entrez votre {config['auth_info']['key_name']}: ").strip()
config['auth_info']['value'] = auth_value

self.apis[api_name] = {
"base_url": config['base_url'],
"auth_info": config['auth_info'],
"endpoints": {endpoint['name']: endpoint for endpoint in config['detected_endpoints']},
"headers": config['common_headers'],

print(f"\n✅ API '{api_name}' configurée avec succès!")

# Proposer un test
if input("\nVoulez-vous tester un endpoint maintenant? (o/n): ").lower() == 'o':
if not config['detected_endpoints']:
print("\nℹ️ Aucun endpoint détecté automatiquement. Vous pouvez en ajouter un manuellement pour le test.")
await self.test_endpoint(api_name)

async def test_endpoint(self, api_name: str):
"""Test rapide d'un endpoint"""
api_config = self.apis[api_name]
endpoints = api_config.get('endpoints', {})

if not endpoints:
print("\nℹ️ Aucun endpoint disponible pour le test.")
add_manually = input("Voulez-vous ajouter un endpoint manuellement pour le tester (o/n) ? ").lower()
if add_manually == 'o':
endpoint_name = input("Nom du endpoint : ")
endpoint_path = input("Chemin du endpoint (ex: /users) : ")
endpoint_method = input("Méthode HTTP (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) : ").upper()
endpoints[endpoint_name] = {
"name": endpoint_name,
"path": endpoint_path,
"method": endpoint_method,
"required_params": [],
"optional_params": [],
"description": "Endpoint ajouté manuellement"
# Save the manually added endpoint
self.apis[api_name]['endpoints'] = endpoints

print("\nEndpoints disponibles:")
for name, endpoint in endpoints.items():
print(f"- {name}: {endpoint['method']} {endpoint['path']}")

endpoint_name = input("\nChoisissez un endpoint à tester: ").strip()
if endpoint_name not in endpoints:
print("❌ Endpoint non trouvé")

endpoint = endpoints[endpoint_name]
params = {}

for param in endpoint['required_params']:
if param != api_config['auth_info'].get('key_name'):
params[param] = input(f"Entrez {param}: ").strip()

result = await self.call_endpoint(api_name, endpoint_name, params)
print("\n✅ Résultat du test:")
print(json.dumps(result, indent=2))
except Exception as e:
print(f"\n❌ Erreur lors du test: {str(e)}")

async def call_endpoint(self, api_name: str, endpoint_name: str, params: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]:
"""Exécute un appel API"""
api_config = self.apis[api_name]
endpoint = api_config['endpoints'][endpoint_name]

url = api_config['base_url'] + endpoint['path']

headers = api_config['headers'].copy()
if api_config['auth_info']['type'] != 'none':
if api_config['auth_info']['location'] == 'header':
headers[api_config['auth_info']['key_name']] = api_config['auth_info']['value']
elif api_config['auth_info']['location'] == 'query':
params[api_config['auth_info']['key_name']] = api_config['auth_info']['value']

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
method = getattr(session, endpoint['method'].lower())
async with method(url, headers=headers, params=params) as response:
return await response.json()

def main():
manager = AIAPIManager(groq_api_key="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") # Replace with your API key

async def run_menu():
while True:
print("\n🔧 Menu Principal")
print("1. 🤖 Ajouter une API (assisté par IA)")
print("2. 📋 Liste des APIs")
print("3. 🔄 Tester un endpoint")
print("4. 🚪 Quitter")

choice = input("\nChoix: ").strip()

if choice == '1':
await manager.smart_add_api()
elif choice == '2':
for name, config in manager.apis.items():
print(f"\n📌 {name}")
print(f"Base URL: {config['base_url']}")
for endpoint in config['endpoints'].values():
print(f" - {endpoint['method']} {endpoint['path']}")
elif choice == '3':
if not manager.apis:
print("\n❌ Aucune API configurée")
print("\nAPIs disponibles:")
for name in manager.apis:
print(f"- {name}")
api_name = input("\nChoisissez une API: ").strip()
if api_name in manager.apis:
await manager.test_endpoint(api_name)
elif choice == '4':
print("\n👋 Au revoir!")
print("\n❌ Choix invalide")

if __name__ == "__main__":

what i want :
Ok j'aimerais rajouté un ce code un moyen que l'utilisateur est un menu pour utilisé des API's de sont choix qu'il peux rajouter en ajoutant la documentation ça clé api et d'autre chose si besoins il faut que le tout soit instinctif je sais que ça peux paraitre complexe mais j'aimerais que par exemple il y est un setting pour ajouté les API
dans ce setting imaginons que je rajoute l'api de spotify dans l'api spotify je créé des commandes comme lire les playlistes que l'utilisateur peut rajouté en ajoutant la documentation l'ia générera du code pour l'executer et le testera pour être sur que ceci est valide


Proposing API integration

I'm considering how to enrich AIAPIManager by introducing a user-friendly menu. This menu would facilitate adding desired APIs, complete with documentation and keys, ensuring ease of use.

Projecting functionality

Integrating a Spotify API setting, users would input commands like reading playlists. The AI would then generate and test the corresponding code, ensuring functionality and accuracy.

Enhancing functionality

By integrating a advanced method to generate code from documentation, adding a dynamic API menu for creating and updating APIs, and refining the code execution process, the system's functionality will be further enhanced.

Thought about API settings and automation pendant 20 secondes


Below is an extended version of your code that implements a Settings menu. This settings menu allows the user to:

  1. Add new APIs manually (by providing a base URL, authentication, and so on).
  2. Provide documentation for new APIs or commands.
  3. Delegate to the AI the task of parsing that documentation to generate endpoints (just like your smart_api_analysis function).
  4. Validate or test the newly created endpoints.

To illustrate, I added an example flow for creating a Spotify API entry. The user can provide minimal documentation or a short text describing what they want to do (e.g. "Read my playlists from Spotify"). The AI will try to parse it and generate endpoints automatically. Then the user can test them.


  • The below code keeps your existing code structure but adds new menu items and methods to handle advanced “settings” scenarios.
  • For a real-world Spotify integration, you would need OAuth flow, which can get more complex, but we show a simplified approach here to demonstrate the idea of adding a new API with a custom command.
  • If you really want to call Spotify, you might need to handle OAuth tokens, refresh tokens, etc. This code is a skeleton for demonstration.

import json import aiohttp import asyncio from groq import AsyncGroq from typing import Dict, Optional, List import logging from datetime import datetime import re from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs class AIAPIManager: def __init__(self, settings_file='api_settings.json', groq_api_key='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'): self.settings_file = settings_file self.apis = self.load_settings() self.groq_client = AsyncGroq(api_key=groq_api_key) self.logger = self._setup_logger() def _setup_logger(self): logger = logging.getLogger('AIAPIManager') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if not logger.handlers: handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) return logger def load_settings(self): try: with open(self.settings_file, 'r') as file: return json.load(file) except FileNotFoundError: return {} def save_settings(self): with open(self.settings_file, 'w') as file: json.dump(self.apis, file, indent=4) async def smart_api_analysis(self, user_input: str) -> Dict: """Analyse intelligente de l'API à partir de l'entrée utilisateur""" message = f"""You are an API configuration expert. Analyze this user input and create a detailed API configuration. If it's a URL, analyze its structure. If it's an API description, extract key information. User Input: {user_input} Consider these aspects: 1. Is this a URL or API description? 2. What's the authentication method? 3. What's the API's purpose? 4. What are the common endpoints? 5. What parameters are typically required? Respond in this exact JSON format: {{ "api_type": "rest|graphql|soap", "base_url": "string", "auth_info": {{ "type": "none|api_key|oauth|bearer|basic", "location": "none|header|query|basic", "key_name": "string", "required": true|false }}, "common_headers": {{"key": "value"}}, "detected_endpoints": [ {{ "name": "string", "path": "string", "method": "GET|POST|PUT|DELETE", "required_params": ["param1", "param2"], "optional_params": ["param3"], "description": "string" }} ], "suggested_name": "string", "rate_limit_info": "string", "confidence_score": 0.0 }}""" try: chat_completion = await messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": message} ], model="llama-3.1-8b-instant", temperature=0.1, stream=False ) response_content = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content # Handle potential JSONDecodeError try: return json.loads(response_content) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.logger.error("Erreur Groq: Invalid JSON response. Falling back to basic analysis.") return await self.fallback_analysis(user_input) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Erreur Groq: {str(e)}") return await self.fallback_analysis(user_input) async def fallback_analysis(self, user_input: str) -> Dict: """Analyse de repli si Groq n'est pas disponible ou si la réponse JSON est invalide""" try: parsed = urlparse(user_input) # If scheme and netloc are present, it is likely a URL if parsed.scheme and parsed.netloc: return self.analyze_url(parsed) except Exception as e: print(e) # If not a URL or other error, create a very basic config with low confidence return self.create_basic_config(user_input) def create_basic_config(self, user_input: str) -> Dict: """Crée une configuration de base avec des suggestions d'endpoints si possible""" config = { "api_type": "rest", "base_url": "", "auth_info": { "type": "none", "location": "none", "key_name": "", "required": False }, "common_headers": {}, "detected_endpoints": [], "suggested_name": "unknown_api", "rate_limit_info": "unknown", "confidence_score": 0.2 } # Basic endpoint suggestions based on user input user_input_lower = user_input.lower() if "cat" in user_input_lower or "chat" in user_input_lower: config["detected_endpoints"].append({ "name": "get_cats", "path": "/cats", "method": "GET", "required_params": [], "optional_params": [], "description": "Get a list of cats" }) config["detected_endpoints"].append({ "name": "get_cat", "path": "/cats/{id}", "method": "GET", "required_params": ["id"], "optional_params": [], "description": "Get a specific cat by ID" }) config["suggested_name"] = "cat_api" elif "nasa" in user_input_lower: config["detected_endpoints"].append({ "name": "get_apod", "path": "/planetary/apod", "method": "GET", "required_params": [], "optional_params": ["date", "api_key"], "description": "Get Astronomy Picture of the Day" }) config["suggested_name"] = "nasa_api" config["base_url"] = "" return config def analyze_url(self, parsed_url) -> Dict: """Analyse une URL pour créer une configuration""" params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query) base_url = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.netloc}" auth_info = { "type": "none", "location": "none", "key_name": "", "required": False } for param in params: if any(auth_term in param.lower() for auth_term in ['api_key', 'apikey', 'key', 'token']): auth_info = { "type": "api_key", "location": "query", "key_name": param, "required": True } break return { "api_type": "rest", "base_url": base_url, "auth_info": auth_info, "common_headers": {}, "detected_endpoints": [{ "name": "default", "path": parsed_url.path, "method": "GET", "required_params": list(params.keys()), "optional_params": [], "description": "Default endpoint detected from URL" }], "suggested_name": parsed_url.netloc.split('.')[0], "rate_limit_info": "unknown", "confidence_score": 0.7 } async def smart_add_api(self): """Interface utilisateur intelligente pour l'ajout d'API""" print("\n🤖 Assistant IA d'intégration d'API\n") print("Entrez l'URL de l'API ou décrivez-la en langage naturel:") user_input = input().strip() print("\n⏳ Analyse en cours...") config = await self.smart_api_analysis(user_input) if config['confidence_score'] < 0.5: print("\n⚠️ L'analyse automatique n'est pas très sûre. Aidons l'IA à mieux comprendre.") # Guide the user for more information if not config['base_url']: config['base_url'] = input("Avez-vous une URL de base pour l'API ? (Entrée pour ignorer) : ").strip() if config['auth_info']['type'] == 'none': auth_input = input("L'API nécessite-t-elle une authentification (o/n) ? ").strip().lower() if auth_input == 'o': config['auth_info']['type'] = input("Quel type d'authentification (api_key, oauth, bearer, basic) ? ").strip() config['auth_info']['location'] = input("Où se trouve la clé d'authentification (header, query, basic) ? ").strip() config['auth_info']['key_name'] = input("Quel est le nom du paramètre ou de l'en-tête pour l'authentification ? ").strip() config['auth_info']['required'] = True print(f"\n📝 Configuration détectée (confiance: {config['confidence_score']*100}%):") print(f"Type d'API: {config['api_type']}") print(f"Base URL: {config['base_url']}") print(f"Authentification: {config['auth_info']['type']}") suggested_name = config['suggested_name'] print(f"\nNom suggéré pour l'API: {suggested_name}") api_name = input("Appuyez sur Entrée pour accepter ou entrez un nouveau nom: ").strip() api_name = api_name or suggested_name if config['auth_info']['required']: print(f"\nAuthentification requise ({config['auth_info']['type']}):") auth_value = input(f"Entrez votre {config['auth_info']['key_name']}: ").strip() config['auth_info']['value'] = auth_value # Store new API config self.apis[api_name] = { "base_url": config['base_url'], "auth_info": config['auth_info'], "endpoints": {endpoint['name']: endpoint for endpoint in config['detected_endpoints']}, "headers": config['common_headers'], "last_updated": } self.save_settings() print(f"\n✅ API '{api_name}' configurée avec succès!") # Proposer un test if input("\nVoulez-vous tester un endpoint maintenant? (o/n): ").lower() == 'o': if not config['detected_endpoints']: print("\nℹ️ Aucun endpoint détecté automatiquement. Vous pouvez en ajouter un manuellement pour le test.") await self.test_endpoint(api_name) async def test_endpoint(self, api_name: str): """Test rapide d'un endpoint""" api_config = self.apis[api_name] endpoints = api_config.get('endpoints', {}) if not endpoints: print("\nℹ️ Aucun endpoint disponible pour le test.") add_manually = input("Voulez-vous ajouter un endpoint manuellement pour le tester (o/n) ? ").lower() if add_manually == 'o': endpoint_name = input("Nom du endpoint : ") endpoint_path = input("Chemin du endpoint (ex: /users) : ") endpoint_method = input("Méthode HTTP (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) : ").upper() endpoints[endpoint_name] = { "name": endpoint_name, "path": endpoint_path, "method": endpoint_method, "required_params": [], "optional_params": [], "description": "Endpoint ajouté manuellement" } # Save the manually added endpoint self.apis[api_name]['endpoints'] = endpoints self.save_settings() else: return print("\nEndpoints disponibles:") for name, endpoint in endpoints.items(): print(f"- {name}: {endpoint['method']} {endpoint['path']}") endpoint_name = input("\nChoisissez un endpoint à tester: ").strip() if endpoint_name not in endpoints: print("❌ Endpoint non trouvé") return endpoint = endpoints[endpoint_name] params = {} for param in endpoint['required_params']: if param != api_config['auth_info'].get('key_name'): params[param] = input(f"Entrez {param}: ").strip() try: result = await self.call_endpoint(api_name, endpoint_name, params) print("\n✅ Résultat du test:") print(json.dumps(result, indent=2)) except Exception as e: print(f"\n❌ Erreur lors du test: {str(e)}") async def call_endpoint(self, api_name: str, endpoint_name: str, params: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]: """Exécute un appel API""" api_config = self.apis[api_name] endpoint = api_config['endpoints'][endpoint_name] url = api_config['base_url'] + endpoint['path'] headers = api_config['headers'].copy() if api_config['auth_info']['type'] != 'none': # example: handle Bearer tokens, basic, etc. if needed if api_config['auth_info']['type'] in ['bearer', 'oauth']: headers['Authorization'] = f"Bearer {api_config['auth_info']['value']}" elif api_config['auth_info']['type'] == 'basic': # For BASIC, user might have "username:password" # This is a simplistic approach - in real usage we'd base64-encode headers['Authorization'] = f"Basic {api_config['auth_info']['value']}" elif api_config['auth_info']['type'] == 'api_key': if api_config['auth_info']['location'] == 'header': headers[api_config['auth_info']['key_name']] = api_config['auth_info']['value'] elif api_config['auth_info']['location'] == 'query': params[api_config['auth_info']['key_name']] = api_config['auth_info']['value'] async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: method = getattr(session, endpoint['method'].lower()) async with method(url, headers=headers, params=params) as response: response.raise_for_status() # If response is not JSON, this might fail: return await response.json() # ------------------ NEW SETTINGS METHODS ------------------ # async def manage_settings(self): """ Manage user settings: 1. Add a new API (manually or with AI help) 2. Update or remove an API 3. Add new commands to an existing API from user-provided docs """ while True: print("\n⚙️ Paramètres") print("1. Ajouter une nouvelle API (assisté par IA)") print("2. Mettre à jour / Supprimer une API existante") print("3. Ajouter de nouvelles commandes/endpoints via documentation") print("4. Retour au menu principal") choice = input("\nChoix: ").strip() if choice == '1': # Re-use our existing smart_add_api await self.smart_add_api() elif choice == '2': self.update_or_remove_api() elif choice == '3': if not self.apis: print("\n❌ Aucune API configurée pour le moment.") continue await self.add_commands_via_docs() elif choice == '4': break else: print("\n❌ Choix invalide") def update_or_remove_api(self): """Update or remove an existing API from the config""" if not self.apis: print("\n❌ Aucune API configurée.") return print("\nAPIs disponibles:") for name in self.apis.keys(): print(f"- {name}") api_name = input("\nChoisissez une API à modifier/supprimer: ").strip() if api_name not in self.apis: print("❌ API non trouvée.") return print(f"\nQue voulez-vous faire avec l'API '{api_name}' ?") print("1. Mettre à jour la configuration (base URL, auth, etc.)") print("2. Supprimer l'API") choice = input("\nChoix: ").strip() if choice == '1': self.update_api_config(api_name) elif choice == '2': del self.apis[api_name] self.save_settings() print(f"\n✅ L'API '{api_name}' a été supprimée.") else: print("\n❌ Choix invalide") def update_api_config(self, api_name: str): """Update basic info like base_url, auth_info, etc.""" api_config = self.apis[api_name] print("\nLaissez vide pour conserver les valeurs actuelles.\n") new_base_url = input(f"Base URL actuelle: {api_config['base_url']}\nNouvelle base URL: ").strip() if new_base_url: api_config['base_url'] = new_base_url print(f"\nAuthentification actuelle: {api_config['auth_info']['type']}") update_auth = input("Voulez-vous changer l'authentification (o/n)? ").strip().lower() if update_auth == 'o': auth_type = input("Nouveau type (api_key, oauth, bearer, basic, none): ").strip() auth_location = input("Location (header, query, basic, none): ").strip() key_name = input("Nom du paramètre ou en-tête: ").strip() required_val = input("Requis ? (o/n): ").strip().lower() if required_val == 'o': required = True auth_value = input(f"Entrez votre {key_name}: ").strip() else: required = False auth_value = "" api_config['auth_info'] = { "type": auth_type, "location": auth_location, "key_name": key_name, "required": required, "value": auth_value } self.apis[api_name] = api_config self.apis[api_name]['last_updated'] = self.save_settings() print(f"\n✅ Configuration de l'API '{api_name}' mise à jour.") async def add_commands_via_docs(self): """ Allows user to select an existing API and provide some 'documentation' or 'description' of new commands they want to add. The AI tries to parse it and generate new endpoints. """ print("\nAPIs disponibles:") for name in self.apis.keys(): print(f"- {name}") api_name = input("\nChoisissez une API pour ajouter de nouvelles commandes: ").strip() if api_name not in self.apis: print("❌ API non trouvée.") return print("\nEntrez la documentation ou la description de la/les commande(s) que vous voulez ajouter.") print("Par exemple, pour Spotify: 'Je veux récupérer la liste de mes playlists, récupérer les titres d'une playlist, etc.'") docs_input = input("\nVotre description: ") if not docs_input: print("\n❌ Description vide.") return print("\n⏳ Analyse de votre description en cours...") new_config = await self.smart_api_analysis(docs_input) # If the AI found new endpoints, let's merge them: if new_config.get('detected_endpoints'): existing_endpoints = self.apis[api_name].get('endpoints', {}) for endpoint in new_config['detected_endpoints']: ep_name = endpoint['name'] # If name already exists, append a suffix while ep_name in existing_endpoints: ep_name = ep_name + "_new" existing_endpoints[ep_name] = endpoint self.apis[api_name]['endpoints'] = existing_endpoints self.apis[api_name]['last_updated'] = # Possibly update base_url or other info if not present if not self.apis[api_name]['base_url'] and new_config.get('base_url'): self.apis[api_name]['base_url'] = new_config['base_url'] # We won't override existing auth_info, but we can compare if new_config.get('auth_info', {}).get('type') != 'none' and \ new_config['auth_info']['type'] != self.apis[api_name]['auth_info']['type']: print("\n⚠️ Nouvelle info d'auth détectée. Souhaitez-vous la remplacer ? (o/n)") if input().strip().lower() == 'o': self.apis[api_name]['auth_info'] = new_config['auth_info'] self.save_settings() print("\n✅ Nouvelles commandes ajoutées avec succès !") else: print("\n❌ Aucune commande détectée dans la documentation. Vous pouvez réessayer avec plus de détails.") # ------------------ MAIN MENU ------------------ # def main(): manager = AIAPIManager(groq_api_key="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") # Replace with your own Groq API key async def run_menu(): while True: print("\n🔧 Menu Principal") print("1. 🤖 Ajouter une API (assisté par IA)") print("2. 📋 Liste des APIs") print("3. 🔄 Tester un endpoint") print("4. ⚙️ Paramètres (ajout/suppression/modification d'APIs, nouvelles commandes)") print("5. 🚪 Quitter") choice = input("\nChoix: ").strip() if choice == '1': # Directly add an API await manager.smart_add_api() elif choice == '2': # List all APIs if not manager.apis: print("\n❌ Aucune API configurée.") else: for name, config in manager.apis.items(): print(f"\n📌 {name}") print(f"Base URL: {config['base_url']}") print("Endpoints:") for endpoint in config['endpoints'].values(): print(f" - {endpoint['method']} {endpoint['path']}") elif choice == '3': if not manager.apis: print("\n❌ Aucune API configurée") continue print("\nAPIs disponibles:") for name in manager.apis: print(f"- {name}") api_name = input("\nChoisissez une API: ").strip() if api_name in manager.apis: await manager.test_endpoint(api_name) else: print("\n❌ API non trouvée.") elif choice == '4': # Manage settings await manager.manage_settings() elif choice == '5': print("\n👋 Au revoir!") break else: print("\n❌ Choix invalide") if __name__ == "__main__": main()

What’s New?

  1. New “Settings” Menu (manage_settings method):

    • 1. Ajouter une nouvelle API: re-uses your existing AI-driven flow for adding an API.
    • 2. Mettre à jour / Supprimer une API: update or remove an existing API from the configuration.
    • 3. Ajouter de nouvelles commandes/endpoints via documentation: the user can provide new documentation/descriptions, and the AI tries to parse and generate endpoints.
  2. Adding or Updating an API:

    • In the “update” flow, we allow the user to change the base_url and authentication details.
    • In the “remove” flow, we simply delete the selected API from the config.
  3. Generate Commands from Documentation:

    • The user can input custom docs (like “I want to fetch Spotify playlists”), and the same AI logic (smart_api_analysis) attempts to generate endpoints.
    • We merge these newly discovered endpoints with existing ones.
  4. Bearer, OAuth, Basic Auth handling**:

    • In call_endpoint, we expanded the logic to handle different authentication styles in a basic way (though real OAuth flows may require a separate token request).

With this, you have a more “instinctive” tool to add or remove APIs, add custom commands, test them, and store everything in a local JSON file. You can keep building on this to incorporate real OAuth flows for something like Spotify or other complex APIs.

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