dịch đúng cách nói thời cổ trang trung quốc ,nhưn...

作成日: 2025年1月12日

使用モデル O1 by Chat01


dịch đúng cách nói thời cổ trang trung quốc ,nhưng sang tiếng việt , chỉ lấy văn bản, bỏ hết định dạng srt đi ,ở cuối mỗi dòng chỉ có 1 dấu phẩy,tên gọi của người lấy tên dễ hiểu nhất đúng nghĩa cổ trang

392 00:20:42,760 --> 00:20:43,279 将军

393 00:20:43,600 --> 00:20:44,399 已经把他们逼到

394 00:20:44,400 --> 00:20:45,159 平风关口了

395 00:20:45,240 --> 00:20:46,319 我们马上就要大胜

396 00:21:09,680 --> 00:21:10,519 顾总最近怎么

397 00:21:10,800 --> 00:21:11,679 心情这么好

398 00:21:44,240 --> 00:21:44,679 将军

399 00:21:45,000 --> 00:21:46,159 北大军被逼无奈

400 00:21:47,440 --> 00:21:48,679 此时我们若是出军

401 00:21:48,920 --> 00:21:49,719 必定大胜

402 00:21:49,760 --> 00:21:50,479 事不宜识

403 00:21:50,600 --> 00:21:51,359 即刻出兵

404 00:21:51,640 --> 00:21:52,079 是

405 00:21:52,600 --> 00:21:54,559 圣旨到

406 00:21:59,640 --> 00:22:01,599 陈薇将军接旨

407 00:22:02,480 --> 00:22:03,879 奉天承运

408 00:22:04,080 --> 00:22:06,399 陈薇将军战绩喜人

409 00:22:06,480 --> 00:22:07,639 现听命

410 00:22:07,640 --> 00:22:09,599 即刻起按兵不动

411 00:22:09,800 --> 00:22:11,039 大夏使者

412 00:22:11,160 --> 00:22:13,279 与北部落正在商

413 00:22:13,880 --> 00:22:15,159 钦此

414 00:22:17,240 --> 00:22:18,439 还不接旨

415 00:22:18,640 --> 00:22:19,479 属下接旨

416 00:22:27,560 --> 00:22:27,959 爽火 将军

417 00:22:28,400 --> 00:22:29,319 殿下这是什么意思

418 00:22:29,560 --> 00:22:30,799 我们马上就要拿下北

419 00:22:31,040 --> 00:22:31,679 现在居然才派人

420 00:22:31,720 --> 00:22:32,479 过来商议

421 00:22:32,640 --> 00:22:33,839 之前军粮也不供给

422 00:22:33,960 --> 00:22:34,959 让我们拼死拼活的

423 00:22:35,200 --> 00:22:35,959 现在一句话

424 00:22:35,960 --> 00:22:37,039 上我们什么都做不了

425 00:22:37,040 --> 00:22:37,159 丸

426 00:22:38,400 --> 00:22:40,479


Crafting an ancient translation

I’m working through translating historical Chinese drama lines into Vietnamese. It's crucial to preserve an ancient Chinese style, with each line ending in a comma.

Revisiting names

Taking a closer look at the names, I’m working through renaming them in a way that aligns with their ancient Chinese feel, such as "将军" becoming "Tướng quân" or renaming "顾总" to "Cố Tổng".

Deciphering the narrative

I’m examining the drama series text, ensuring the translation captures the essence of ancient Chinese, including maintaining classical name styles and precise dialogue.

Transcribing with precision

I’m translating text into Vietnamese, maintaining an ancient Chinese style, ensuring clear names like "顾总" are transformed into classical expressions such as "Cố Đại Nhân" or "Cố Tổng Quản".

Transliterating names

I’m noting the process of translating and adapting names like "爽火将军" to "Tướng quân Sảng Hỏa" and "顾总" to "Cố Tổng Quản," ensuring they align with a classical Vietnamese style.

Clarifying titles

I’m translating and clarifying titles like "殿下" as "Điện hạ" and "奉天承运" as "Phụng Thiên Thừa Vận," ensuring the text retains a classical Vietnamese style with each line ending in a comma.

Confirming translation details

Ensuring each line of the ancient Chinese text is accurately translated into Vietnamese, maintaining a classic style, with titles and names clearly defined.

Mapping out the narrative

Piecing together the text, translating each line into Vietnamese. The translation follows a classic style, with precise titles and names to ensure a coherent and accurate portrayal.

Piecing together the translation

I’m carefully crafting the translation, ensuring each line is in Vietnamese with a classic style. Including titles and names, I’m maintaining accuracy and coherence, with a comma at the end of each line.

Crafting the translation

I’m working through each line, ensuring a Vietnamese translation with a classic style. Titles and names are carefully included, and each line concludes with a comma, following the original text format.

Clarifying ancient Chinese names

I'm adjusting "顾总" to "Cố Đại Nhân" and confirming classical Vietnamese adaptation, ensuring each name fits within a poetic and ancient context.

Clarifying context and meaning

I’m translating "事不宜识" as "Việc không nên chậm trễ" and will assume "事不宜迟" to ensure precise interpretation within a classical context, adjusting my approach as needed.

Refining each line

I’m working through translating the ancient Chinese text into Vietnamese, maintaining classical style. Each line is carefully crafted to end with a comma, ensuring clarity and coherence.

Aligning the translation

I’m ensuring each line of the Chinese text is accurately translated into Vietnamese, adhering to the classical style and maintaining clear, distinct phrases for clarity and precise meaning.

Ensuring coherence

I’m mapping out the Vietnamese translation, balancing adherence to classical style and clarity, while maintaining the original Chinese meaning and ensuring each line ends with a comma.

Crafting the translation

I’m working through the ancient Chinese text, ensuring a Vietnamese translation with a classic style, including precise titles and names, and maintaining clarity with commas at the end of each line.

Pulling together the translation

Wrapping up by ensuring each line in the Vietnamese translation of the ancient Chinese text ends with a comma, adhering to the classic style and maintaining clarity.

Mapping out the translation

I’m finalizing the Vietnamese translation of the ancient Chinese text, ensuring each line ends with a comma and maintains a classic style, with a total of 34 lines.

Ensuring precision

I’m ensuring clarity in the Vietnamese translation of ancient Chinese text, focusing on classic style and accuracy for each line, including titles and names, with commas at the end of each line.

Crafting the translation

I’m working meticulously on the Vietnamese translation of ancient Chinese text, ensuring each line ends with a comma, titles and names are clear, and the classical style is maintained.

Ensuring clarity

I’m confirming the translation of the ancient Chinese text into Vietnamese, ensuring each line ends with a comma, titles and names are precise, and the classical style is maintained.

Thought about ancient Chinese dialogue translation cho 1m 1s


Tướng quân,
Đã ép bọn họ đến,
Cửa ải Bình Phong rồi,
Chúng ta lập tức sẽ đại thắng,
Gần đây Cố Đại Nhân vì sao,
Tâm trạng lại hân hoan đến thế,
Tướng quân,
Đại quân phương Bắc đã hết đường lui,
Lúc này nếu chúng ta xuất binh,
Ắt hẳn đại thắng,
Việc không thể chậm trễ,
Tức khắc khởi binh,
Thánh chỉ tới,
Tướng quân Trần Vi, tiếp chỉ,
Phụng Thiên thừa vận,
Tướng quân Trần Vi lập nhiều chiến công lừng lẫy,
Nay vâng mệnh,
Từ giờ án binh bất động,
Sứ giả Đại Hạ,
Đang cùng Bắc Bộ Lạc bàn định,
Khâm thử,
Còn không mau tiếp chỉ,
Thuộc hạ tiếp chỉ,
Tướng quân Sảng Hỏa,
Điện hạ có ý chỉ gì,
Chúng ta sắp bình định phương Bắc,
Nay lại mới phái người,
Đến đây thương nghị,
Trước đây lương thảo chẳng cung ứng,
Khiến chúng ta liều mình chiến đấu,
Nay chỉ một lời,
Khiến ta chẳng thể làm gì,
