Collocations z urządzeniami kuchennymi
Creato il: 17 gennaio 2025
Creato il: 17 gennaio 2025
Breaking down the task
I’m working through the need to identify 2 unique collocations (2-4 words) from each of the 4 sentences for each item, ensuring no duplicates.
Selecting collocations
Focusing on 2-4 words, I identify key phrases like "use a blender" and "make fruit smoothies," ensuring clarity and precision in capturing meaningful combinations.
Crafting the phrase
I’m translating "blend fresh tomatoes" into Polish, ensuring the use of indefinite articles and adhering to the 2-4 words limit, focusing on dictionary form.
Mapping out tense and repetitions
Ensuring continuous tenses are preserved while managing repetitive collocations across sentences. Avoiding duplicates, the task involves translating 80 unique collocations accurately.
Mapping out collocations
I’m translating key phrases such as "use a blender" to "używać blendera" and "make fruit smoothies" to "przygotowywać koktajle owocowe," ensuring dictionary form and precision.
Systematically capturing collocations
I’m methodically gathering 2 unique collocations per sentence, ensuring clarity, dictionary form, indefinite articles, and no repetitions. Progressing with each sentence to maintain accuracy and avoid redundancies.
Choosing precise collocations
I’m working through translating "a blender is easy to clean" as "blender jest łatwy do wyczyszczenia" and "clean a blender" as "wyczyścić blender," while selecting the most suitable option for "after use."
Handling indefinite articles
I’m focusing on translating "put 500 grams of strawberries in a blender" as "włożyć 500 gramów truskawek do blendera," aligning the indefinite article usage with Polish grammar.
Translating collocations
I’m translating "a deep fryer" to "frytkownica," "heats oil" to "rozgrzewa olej," and "quickly" to "szybko," ensuring clarity and dictionary form. Progressing through each sentence methodically.
Choosing precise collocations
I’m selecting "be careful" as "być ostrożnym" and "when using a deep fryer" as "podczas używania frytkownicy," ensuring no duplicates and adhering to the 2-4 words limit.
Choosing the right collocations
I’m considering "be careful" as "być ostrożnym" and "when using a deep fryer" as "podczas używania frytkownicy," while ensuring no duplicates and adhering to the 2-4 words limit.
Crafting unique phrases
I’m noting the translation of "be careful with a deep fryer" to "być ostrożnym z frytkownicą," ensuring it’s distinct from previous phrases and adhering to the 2-4 words guideline.
Ensuring clarity
OK, checking if "kiedy używać frytkownicy" fits within the 2-4 words limit for "when using a deep fryer." Adjusting to maintain uniqueness and adherence to guidelines.
Ensuring precision
I’m refining the translation of "be careful" to "być ostrożnym" and "using a deep fryer" to "używanie frytkownicy," ensuring it fits within the 2-4 words limit. Progressing to the next translation.
Breaking it down
I'm translating "a food processor can chop vegetables in seconds" to "robot kuchenny może posiekać warzywa w kilka sekund," ensuring accuracy and maintaining clarity.
Translating and clarifying
I’m converting "my food processor can chop vegetables" and "grate cheese" to "robot kuchenny może posiekać warzywa" and "zetrzeć ser," ensuring dictionary form and clarity in context.
Parsing context
I'm translating "a heat lamp keeps the pizza warm" to "lampa grzewcza utrzymuje pizzę w cieple" and "be used in restaurants" to "być używaną w restauracjach," ensuring clarity and context.
Avoiding repetition
I’m ensuring no duplicate phrases by shifting the focus from "a heat lamp" to "is often used" and "in restaurants," maintaining clarity and context within the 2-4 words limit.
Streamlining the translation
I’m translating "turn on a heat lamp" to "włączyć lampę grzewczą" and "on cold days" to "w chłodne dni," ensuring the phrases are clear and concise within the 2-4 words limit.
Setting up the ice maker
I’m translating "an ice maker produces fresh ice cubes" to "kostkarka do lodu produkuje świeże kostki lodu" and "He refills the ice maker with water every day" to "On codziennie napełnia kostkarkę do lodu wodą," maintaining accuracy and clarity.
Refining translation
I'm focusing on "refill an ice maker" as "napełnić kostkarkę do lodu" and "with water" as "wodą," ensuring clarity and accuracy within the 2-4 words limit.
Ensuring translation accuracy
I'm translating "I heat my lunch in the microwave at school" to "Podgrzewam swój lunch w kuchence mikrofalowej w szkole," maintaining clarity and context. Moving forward with other translations.
Refining the translation
I’m focusing on "heat my lunch" as "podgrzać mój lunch" and "in a microwave" as "w kuchence mikrofalowej," ensuring clarity with indefinite articles for completeness.
Ensuring uniqueness
I’m ensuring that "always cover food" translates to "zawsze przykrywać jedzenie" and "cover food in a microwave" to "przykrywać jedzenie w kuchence mikrofalowej," avoiding any repetition and maintaining clarity.
Ensuring uniqueness
I’m working through "cover food" as "przykrywać jedzenie" and "microwave" as "kuchenka mikrofalowa," avoiding any repetition and maintaining clarity. Progressing with further translations.
Adapting the strategy
I’m ensuring no duplication by translating "cover food in a microwave" as "przykrywać jedzenie w kuchence mikrofalowej," which incorporates "in a microwave" as part of a new, unique collocation.
Mapping the process
Translating "She uses a mixer to make cake batter" as "Ona używa miksera, żeby przygotować ciasto" and "Our mixer has different speed settings" as "Nasz mikser ma różne ustawienia prędkości."
Adapting possessive forms
I’m noting that possessive adjectives like "her" and "his" should be changed to "my" based on the user's instructions.
Crafting the translation
I’m translating "The pressure cooker releases steam at the end" to "Szybkowar uwalnia parę na koniec gotowania," ensuring clarity and context. Progressing with further translations.
Ensuring clarity
I’m working through translating "a pressure cooker releases steam" to "szybkowar uwalnia parę" and "at the end" to "na koniec."
Ensuring exact translation
¨m translating "a safety valve" to "zawór bezpieczeństwa" and "on top" to "na górze," making sure the 2-4 words limit is adhered to and avoiding any duplicates.
Translating key phrases
I’m accurately translating "make toast" to "robić tosty" and "in a toaster" to "w tosterze," ensuring clarity and context for each key phrase.
Translating key phrases
I’m translating "a toaster pops up bread" to "toster wyrzuca chleb" and "when it's ready" to "kiedy jest gotowy," ensuring clarity and context for each key phrase.
Mapping out the process
I’m ensuring each collocation is unique, not duplicated across sentences, and formatted correctly. Each item will be numbered, maintaining the original order for clarity.
Adhering to guidelines
I’m focusing on a single numbering system from 1 to 80 for all collocations, ensuring they are unique and presented in the correct order, following the provided instructions.
Ensuring unique collocations
I’m focusing on providing 2-4 non-duplicate collocations per sentence, adhering to instructions and maintaining clarity and context throughout the entire process.
Thought about kitchen appliances and usage for 4m 1s
use a blender – używać blendera
make fruit smoothies – przygotowywać koktajle owocowe
blend fresh tomatoes – miksować świeże pomidory
make a simple sauce – zrobić prosty sos
be easy to clean – być łatwy do wyczyszczenia
after use – po użyciu
put strawberries in a blender – włożyć truskawki do blendera
500 grams of strawberries – 500 gramów truskawek
use a deep fryer – używać frytkownicy
cook crispy fries – usmażyć chrupiące frytki
a deep fryer heats oil – frytkownica rozgrzewa olej
heat oil quickly – szybko rozgrzewać olej
a deep fryer can hold – frytkownica może pomieścić
two liters of oil – dwa litry oleju
be careful – być ostrożnym
using a deep fryer – używanie frytkownicy
a food processor can chop – robot kuchenny może posiekać
chop vegetables – posiekać warzywa
use my food processor – używać mojego robota kuchennego
grate cheese – zetrzeć ser
my food processor – mój robot kuchenny
prepare soup faster – przygotować zupę szybciej
a food processor has blades – robot kuchenny ma ostrza
different blades – różne ostrza
a heat lamp keeps – lampa grzewcza utrzymuje
keep the pizza warm – utrzymywać pizzę w cieple
is often used – jest często używana
in restaurants – w restauracjach
turn on a heat lamp – włączyć lampę grzewczą
on cold days – w chłodne dni
a heat lamp uses – lampa grzewcza używa
100 watts of power – 100 watów mocy
an ice maker produces – kostkarka do lodu produkuje
produce fresh ice cubes – produkować świeże kostki lodu
refill an ice maker – napełnić kostkarkę do lodu
with water – wodą
an ice maker is easy – kostkarka do lodu jest łatwa
easy to set up – łatwa w obsłudze
use an ice maker – używać kostkarki do lodu
for cold drinks – do zimnych napojów
heat my lunch – podgrzać mój lunch
in a microwave – w kuchence mikrofalowej
a microwave is quick – kuchenka mikrofalowa jest szybka
warm soup – podgrzać zupę
always cover food – zawsze przykrywać jedzenie
cover food in a microwave – przykrywać jedzenie w kuchence mikrofalowej
a microwave has a timer – kuchenka mikrofalowa ma minutnik
a simple timer – prosty minutnik
use a mixer – używać miksera
make cake batter – przygotować ciasto
my mixer has settings – mój mikser ma ustawienia
different speed settings – różne ustawienia prędkości
a mixer is great – mikser jest świetny
whip cream – ubijać śmietanę
buy a new mixer – kupić nowy mikser
for 30 euros – za 30 euro
a pressure cooker cooks – szybkowar gotuje
cook rice – ugotować ryż
lock the lid tightly – szczelnie zamknąć pokrywę
start a pressure cooker – włączyć szybkowar
a pressure cooker releases steam – szybkowar uwalnia parę
at the end – na koniec
a safety valve – zawór bezpieczeństwa
on top – na górze
a scale shows – waga pokazuje
how much sugar weighs – ile waży cukier
weigh the flour – zważyć mąkę
on a scale – na wadze
a scale can measure – waga może mierzyć
five kilograms – pięć kilogramów
a scale is precise – waga jest dokładna
very precise – bardzo dokładna
make toast – robić tosty
in a toaster – w tosterze
set a toaster – ustawić toster
lightly toasted bread – lekko przyrumieniony chleb
a toaster pops up bread – toster wyrzuca chleb
when it’s ready – kiedy jest gotowy
my toaster can heat – mój toster może podgrzewać
two slices – dwie kromki