Manufacturing Data Tracking App
Creato il: 6 gennaio 2025
Creato il: 6 gennaio 2025
Mapping out the interface
I’m detailing a Windows app plan to monitor production data using C# .NET. The design includes interfaces for operators and team leaders, focusing on input configuration and data tracking for real-time insights.
Outlining the interface
I’m detailing the app's interface, covering machine schedule, staff roles, and badge scans for data entry. This approach ensures a clearer understanding of the system's structure and functionality.
Outlining workflows
I’m mapping out the team leader's and operators' interactions, from logging in and assigning resources to managing shifts, machine statuses, and production data for efficient monitoring and reporting.
Outlining best practices
I’m considering DevExpress controls, synchronous/asynchronous tasks, barcode scanners, Serilog/Log4net for logging, Visual Studio, DevExpress WinForms controls, and SQL Server for building a robust .NET environment.
Thought about manufacturing application design pendant 31 secondes
Below is a comprehensive plan to design and implement a Windows application (using C# .NET Framework, DevExpress, and SQL Server) for a manufacturing environment. This plan focuses on two core interfaces:
The proposed solution emphasizes simplicity, real-time feedback, and user-friendliness, ensuring operators can quickly enter production data while team leaders have the ability to configure resources, validate data, and monitor progress.
Platform & Technology Stack
Core Functionalities
Users & Roles
A well-structured database is crucial. Below is a simplified schema outline:
Best Practice: Ensure referential integrity via foreign keys, use appropriate indexes on frequently searched fields (e.g., MachineID, OrderID, ShiftID).
Team Leader Login
Shift Creation
Machine Assignment
Resource Check
Real-time Dashboard (Optional advanced feature)
End Shift
Badge Scan to Start
Select Machine / Manufacturing Order
Production Start
Real-time Feedback
Production Stop
Downtime Declaration (if needed)
Consumption Declaration
End of Shift
Login/Badge Scan Screen
Main Screen
Production Actions
Real-time Feedback Panel
Confirmation & Error Handling
Team Leader Login
Shift Dashboard
Assign Resources Screen
Monitoring Dashboard (Optional)
Data Validation & Shift Close
Layered Architecture
Security & Access Control
Real-time Data Updates
Barcode / RFID Integration
Performance Optimization
Error Logging & Auditing
Usability Testing
The following scenario shows how the application handles real-time production events in a typical day:
Morning Shift Begins (Team Leader)
Operator A on Machine 1
.Operator A Declares Downtime on Machine 2 (while covering both machines)
Machine 3 Production Stop
Machine 1 Production Stop
Shift Transition
By following this plan, you can begin coding a straightforward yet powerful Windows application in C# with DevExpress controls and a SQL Server back end. The key to success is to keep interfaces minimal for operators and technicians—large buttons, clear status displays, and minimal required fields—while giving Team Leaders a robust but intuitive configuration and monitoring panel.
Set Up the SQL Database
Build the Data Access Layer
Create the UI Prototypes
Implement Core Functions Incrementally
Test with Live Scenarios
This structured approach will ensure an innovative and practical solution, simplifying production tracking and resource management for your manufacturing environment while offering real-time visibility and control to the team leaders.
Crafting an ideal UI
OK, let's dive into creating a user-friendly interface. The goal is to streamline controls like DevExpress Grid and XtraTab, ensure intuitive design, maintain consistent branding, and optimize organization.
Thought about UI design and best practices pendant 11 secondes
Below is a comprehensive guide to designing User Interfaces (UI) and UI mockups for the proposed manufacturing environment Windows application. This plan focuses on a clean, intuitive look using DevExpress controls, while adhering to best practices for usability and efficiency. In addition, you’ll find recommended tools and design tips to ensure a smooth development process.
Microsoft Visual Studio (or Visual Studio Community)
DevExpress WinForms
UI/UX Wireframing and Mockup Tools
Source Control
Image/Graphics Editor
Simplicity & Readability
Minimal Steps
Feedback & Validation
Security & Roles
Color Coding
Below is a sample wireframe in text-based format (you can also replicate this in Figma or Balsamiq):
| [Application Title] [User: Operator A] |
| [Home] [Production] [Downtime] [Consumption] |
| Assigned Machines: |
| --------------------------------------------- |
| | Machine 1 | Machine 2 | Machine 3 ... | (Tile View)
| --------------------------------------------- |
| |
| [Real-Time Feedback / Dashboard Area] |
| - Machine Status Gauges, Timers, etc. |
| |
| [Status Bar: Shift #, Current Time, etc.] |
Sample wireframe:
| [Application Title] [User: Team Leader] |
| [Shift Management] [Resource Assignment] [Monitoring] [Reports] |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| | Open Shifts | SHIFT #101 (Morning) - Status: OPEN | |
| | Closed Shifts| SHIFT #102 (Day) - Status: PLANNED | |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [Button: Create New Shift] [Button: Close Selected Shift] |
| |
| [Status Bar: Current Shift, Date/Time, Role=Team Leader] |
Example layout in the GridControl:
Machine | Operator #1 | Operator #2 | Technician |
M1 | [Dropdown User List] | [Dropdown User List] | [Dropdown User] |
M2 | [Dropdown User List] | [Dropdown User List] | [Dropdown User] |
M3 | ... | ... | ... |
Color Palette
Fonts & Typography
Icons & Imagery
Spacing & Grouping
Operator Logs In (Badge Scan)
Operator Sees Machine Tiles
Operator Selects Machine & Starts Production
During Production
Declaring Downtime
Team Leader Logs In
End of Shift
Designing a successful UI for a manufacturing environment hinges on clarity, simplicity, and immediate feedback. By using DevExpress WinForms controls, you get powerful data handling and visually appealing components right out of the box. Keep your forms uncluttered, minimize the steps needed for common tasks, and leverage color-coding for immediate recognition of machine statuses.
Recommended next steps:
Mockup or Wireframe Finalization
Prototype Implementation
User Testing
By following these guidelines and best practices, you’ll create an intuitive, powerful, and visually consistent user interface for your production tracking application.
Creating SQL dynamics
I’m drafting SQL queries and stored procedures for shift management, resource assignment, and production oversight. Incorporating best practices like transactions, parameter checking, and error handling is crucial for smooth operations.
Prioritizing SQL intricacies
I'm thinking through SQL queries and procedures for app monitoring, focusing on fetching data for dashboards, managing shifts, and ensuring stored procedures follow standard patterns and best practices.
Crafting stored procedures
I’m detailing comprehensive stored procedures to monitor the application, incorporating best practices, error handling, and typical T-SQL patterns. The emphasis is on clarity and making the code demonstrative.
Thought about reporting queries and procedures pendant 29 secondes
Below is a comprehensive set of SQL scripts—including table creation, stored procedures, and reporting queries—to help monitor and manage the manufacturing tracking application described earlier. All code is written in standard T-SQL (Microsoft SQL Server). Adjust the naming conventions and data types to match your environment as needed.
If you have not already created the main tables, here is a succinct version of the schema. (If your tables already exist, skip this section.)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. Users -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Users] ( [UserID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [FullName] NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, [BadgeNumber] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, [Role] NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -- e.g. 'TeamLeader', 'Operator', 'Technician' [TeamLeaderID] INT NULL, -- references Users(UserID) if Role=Operator or Technician CONSTRAINT FK_Users_TeamLeader FOREIGN KEY (TeamLeaderID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] (UserID) ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2. Machines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Machines] ( [MachineID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [MachineName] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [MachineType] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL -- e.g. 'Printing', 'Laminating', 'Complexing' ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3. Shifts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Shifts] ( [ShiftID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [ShiftName] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, -- e.g. 'Morning', 'Day', 'Night' [StartTime] DATETIME NOT NULL, [EndTime] DATETIME NOT NULL, [TeamLeaderID] INT NOT NULL, [ShiftStatus] NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL -- 'Open', 'Closed' -- Optionally, can store shift creation date, last update date, etc. ); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Shifts] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Shifts_TeamLeader FOREIGN KEY (TeamLeaderID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users](UserID); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4. ShiftMachineAssignments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments] ( [AssignmentID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [ShiftID] INT NOT NULL, [MachineID] INT NOT NULL, [OperatorID] INT NULL, [TechnicianID] INT NULL ); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ShiftMachineAssignments_Shifts FOREIGN KEY (ShiftID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Shifts] (ShiftID); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ShiftMachineAssignments_Machines FOREIGN KEY (MachineID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Machines] (MachineID); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ShiftMachineAssignments_Operator FOREIGN KEY (OperatorID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] (UserID); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ShiftMachineAssignments_Technician FOREIGN KEY (TechnicianID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] (UserID); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 5. ManufacturingOrders -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ManufacturingOrders] ( [OrderID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [OrderNumber] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, -- e.g. 'MO123' [ProductCode] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, -- e.g. 'P-ABC-001' [PlannedQuantity]DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [LotNumber] NVARCHAR(50) NULL -- auto-generated or set upon start of production ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 6. ProductionRecords -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProductionRecords] ( [RecordID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [ShiftID] INT NOT NULL, [MachineID] INT NOT NULL, [UserID] INT NOT NULL, -- who started/stopped [OrderID] INT NOT NULL, [ProductionStartTime] DATETIME NOT NULL, [ProductionStopTime] DATETIME NULL, [ProducedQuantity] DECIMAL(18,2) NULL -- set upon stop ); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ProductionRecords] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ProductionRecords_Shifts FOREIGN KEY (ShiftID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Shifts](ShiftID); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ProductionRecords] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ProductionRecords_Machines FOREIGN KEY (MachineID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Machines](MachineID); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ProductionRecords] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ProductionRecords_Users FOREIGN KEY (UserID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users](UserID); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ProductionRecords] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ProductionRecords_Orders FOREIGN KEY (OrderID) REFERENCES [dbo].[ManufacturingOrders](OrderID); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 7. Downtimes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Downtimes] ( [DowntimeID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [ShiftID] INT NOT NULL, [MachineID] INT NOT NULL, [UserID] INT NOT NULL, -- who declared downtime [DowntimeStart] DATETIME NOT NULL, [DowntimeStop] DATETIME NULL, [DowntimeCause] NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL -- e.g. 'Mechanical', 'Material Shortage' ); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Downtimes] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Downtimes_Shifts FOREIGN KEY (ShiftID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Shifts](ShiftID); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Downtimes] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Downtimes_Machines FOREIGN KEY (MachineID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Machines](MachineID); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Downtimes] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Downtimes_Users FOREIGN KEY (UserID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users](UserID); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 8. ConsumptionRecords -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ConsumptionRecords] ( [ConsumptionID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [RecordID] INT NOT NULL, -- links to ProductionRecords [MaterialCode] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [ConsumedQuantity]DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [ConsumptionTime] DATETIME NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ConsumptionRecords] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ConsumptionRecords_ProductionRecords FOREIGN KEY (RecordID) REFERENCES [dbo].[ProductionRecords](RecordID);
Below is a suite of stored procedures that handle Shift Management, Assignments, Production Start/Stop, Downtime, Consumption, and key Monitoring queries. Adjust as needed.
Opens a new shift by inserting into the Shifts table.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spOpenShift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spOpenShift] @ShiftName NVARCHAR(50), @StartTime DATETIME, @EndTime DATETIME, @TeamLeaderID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; INSERT INTO [dbo].[Shifts] (ShiftName, StartTime, EndTime, TeamLeaderID, ShiftStatus) VALUES (@ShiftName, @StartTime, @EndTime, @TeamLeaderID, 'Open'); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS NewShiftID; END; GO
Closes an existing shift by updating the ShiftStatus to “Closed.”
(Optionally, you can add validations to ensure all production records are stopped, etc.)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spCloseShift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spCloseShift] @ShiftID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; UPDATE [dbo].[Shifts] SET ShiftStatus = 'Closed' WHERE ShiftID = @ShiftID AND ShiftStatus = 'Open'; -- Return rows affected or final check SELECT ShiftID, ShiftName, ShiftStatus FROM [dbo].[Shifts] WHERE ShiftID = @ShiftID; END; GO
Inserts or updates records in ShiftMachineAssignments. For example, if you only allow one operator and one technician per machine, you can upsert the data.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spAssignMachineToShift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spAssignMachineToShift] @ShiftID INT, @MachineID INT, @OperatorID INT, @TechnicianID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @ExistingID INT; SELECT @ExistingID = AssignmentID FROM [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments] WHERE ShiftID = @ShiftID AND MachineID = @MachineID; IF @ExistingID IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments] (ShiftID, MachineID, OperatorID, TechnicianID) VALUES (@ShiftID, @MachineID, @OperatorID, @TechnicianID); END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments] SET OperatorID = @OperatorID, TechnicianID = @TechnicianID WHERE AssignmentID = @ExistingID; END -- Return the assignment row SELECT * FROM [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments] WHERE ShiftID = @ShiftID AND MachineID = @MachineID; END; GO
When an operator or technician clicks Start Production, create a new ProductionRecords entry. Optionally auto-generate a LotNumber in ManufacturingOrders if needed.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spStartProduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spStartProduction] @ShiftID INT, @MachineID INT, @UserID INT, @OrderID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Optionally, generate a LotNumber if it doesn't exist DECLARE @LotNumber NVARCHAR(50); SELECT @LotNumber = LotNumber FROM [dbo].[ManufacturingOrders] WHERE OrderID = @OrderID; IF @LotNumber IS NULL BEGIN SET @LotNumber = 'LOT' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 112) + RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 114), 6); UPDATE [dbo].[ManufacturingOrders] SET LotNumber = @LotNumber WHERE OrderID = @OrderID; END INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductionRecords] (ShiftID, MachineID, UserID, OrderID, ProductionStartTime) VALUES (@ShiftID, @MachineID, @UserID, @OrderID, GETDATE()); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS NewRecordID, @LotNumber AS GeneratedLotNumber; END; GO
Completes the existing production record by setting the ProductionStopTime and ProducedQuantity.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spStopProduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spStopProduction] @RecordID INT, @ProducedQuantity DECIMAL(18,2) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; UPDATE [dbo].[ProductionRecords] SET ProductionStopTime = GETDATE(), ProducedQuantity = @ProducedQuantity WHERE RecordID = @RecordID AND ProductionStopTime IS NULL; -- ensure we only stop an active record SELECT RecordID, ProductionStartTime, ProductionStopTime, ProducedQuantity FROM [dbo].[ProductionRecords] WHERE RecordID = @RecordID; END; GO
Insert a new row in Downtimes. The system sets the start time to NOW.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spDeclareDowntime -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spDeclareDowntime] @ShiftID INT, @MachineID INT, @UserID INT, @DowntimeCause NVARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; INSERT INTO [dbo].[Downtimes] (ShiftID, MachineID, UserID, DowntimeStart, DowntimeCause) VALUES (@ShiftID, @MachineID, @UserID, GETDATE(), @DowntimeCause); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS NewDowntimeID; END; GO
Stops an open downtime by setting DowntimeStop = GETDATE()
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spStopDowntime -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spStopDowntime] @DowntimeID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; UPDATE [dbo].[Downtimes] SET DowntimeStop = GETDATE() WHERE DowntimeID = @DowntimeID AND DowntimeStop IS NULL; -- ensure we only stop an active downtime SELECT DowntimeID, DowntimeStart, DowntimeStop, DowntimeCause FROM [dbo].[Downtimes] WHERE DowntimeID = @DowntimeID; END; GO
Records raw material consumption for a particular production record.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spDeclareConsumption -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spDeclareConsumption] @RecordID INT, @MaterialCode NVARCHAR(50), @ConsumedQuantity DECIMAL(18,2) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; INSERT INTO [dbo].[ConsumptionRecords] (RecordID, MaterialCode, ConsumedQuantity, ConsumptionTime) VALUES (@RecordID, @MaterialCode, @ConsumedQuantity, GETDATE()); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS NewConsumptionID; END; GO
Below are sample queries and stored procedures that generate summaries and dashboards for Team Leaders. Customize to suit your user-interface and reporting requirements.
Shows total production, number of machines used, total downtime, etc.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spGetShiftProductionSummary -- Returns summary of production for a given ShiftID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetShiftProductionSummary] @ShiftID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT s.ShiftID, s.ShiftName, s.StartTime, s.EndTime, s.ShiftStatus, SUM(CASE WHEN pr.ProductionStopTime IS NOT NULL THEN pr.ProducedQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS TotalProducedQty, COUNT(DISTINCT pr.MachineID) AS MachinesUsed, COUNT(DISTINCT pr.UserID) AS OperatorsInvolved FROM [dbo].[Shifts] s LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ProductionRecords] pr ON s.ShiftID = pr.ShiftID WHERE s.ShiftID = @ShiftID GROUP BY s.ShiftID, s.ShiftName, s.StartTime, s.EndTime, s.ShiftStatus; END; GO
Calculates total downtime minutes per machine, grouped by cause.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spGetShiftDowntimeSummary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetShiftDowntimeSummary] @ShiftID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT d.ShiftID, d.MachineID, m.MachineName, d.DowntimeCause, SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, d.DowntimeStart, ISNULL(d.DowntimeStop, GETDATE()))) AS TotalDowntimeMinutes FROM [dbo].[Downtimes] d INNER JOIN [dbo].[Machines] m ON d.MachineID = m.MachineID WHERE d.ShiftID = @ShiftID GROUP BY d.ShiftID, d.MachineID, m.MachineName, d.DowntimeCause ORDER BY TotalDowntimeMinutes DESC; END; GO
Lists all material consumed in a shift, grouped by production record or material code.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spGetShiftConsumptionSummary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetShiftConsumptionSummary] @ShiftID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT pr.ShiftID, pr.RecordID, co.MaterialCode, SUM(co.ConsumedQuantity) AS TotalConsumed FROM [dbo].[ConsumptionRecords] co INNER JOIN [dbo].[ProductionRecords] pr ON co.RecordID = pr.RecordID WHERE pr.ShiftID = @ShiftID GROUP BY pr.ShiftID, pr.RecordID, co.MaterialCode ORDER BY co.MaterialCode; END; GO
Shows the start/stop times for production records on each machine during a shift.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spGetMachineProductionOverview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetMachineProductionOverview] @ShiftID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT pr.RecordID, pr.MachineID, m.MachineName, pr.OrderID, mo.OrderNumber, pr.UserID, u.FullName AS OperatorName, pr.ProductionStartTime, pr.ProductionStopTime, pr.ProducedQuantity FROM [dbo].[ProductionRecords] pr INNER JOIN [dbo].[Machines] m ON pr.MachineID = m.MachineID INNER JOIN [dbo].[Users] u ON pr.UserID = u.UserID INNER JOIN [dbo].[ManufacturingOrders] mo ON pr.OrderID = mo.OrderID WHERE pr.ShiftID = @ShiftID ORDER BY pr.ProductionStartTime; END; GO
Shows how many orders/quantities each operator completed in a time range.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spGetOperatorPerformance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetOperatorPerformance] @StartDate DATETIME, @EndDate DATETIME AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT u.UserID, u.FullName AS OperatorName, COUNT(pr.RecordID) AS TotalProductionRecords, SUM(ISNULL(pr.ProducedQuantity, 0)) AS TotalProducedQty FROM [dbo].[ProductionRecords] pr INNER JOIN [dbo].[Users] u ON pr.UserID = u.UserID WHERE pr.ProductionStartTime >= @StartDate AND (pr.ProductionStopTime IS NULL OR pr.ProductionStopTime <= @EndDate) AND u.Role IN ('Operator','Technician') -- if you want to group them GROUP BY u.UserID, u.FullName ORDER BY TotalProducedQty DESC; END; GO
Transactions & Error Handling: In a real production environment, wrap critical inserts/updates in BEGIN TRANSACTION
blocks with proper TRY/CATCH
Parameter Validation: For each stored procedure, you might add checks to verify valid references (e.g., verifying @ShiftID
or @MachineID
exist before insertion).
, [MachineID]
, [OrderID]
in your large tables.Performance Considerations:
or spAssignMachineToShift
, CreatedBy
, ModifiedDate
, ModifiedBy
to track changes in your key tables.These scripts give you a solid foundation to manage day-to-day operations (shifts, production, downtime, consumption) and generate real-time or end-of-shift reports in SQL Server. Adapt them further to integrate with your C# .NET / DevExpress client application, ensuring that:
/ spStopProduction
/ spStopDowntime
and spCloseShift
, spGetShiftDowntimeSummary
, etc.) to provide insights in real time or after the shift ends.This approach will help keep your system modular, maintainable, and performance-friendly.
Enhancing multi-machine management
The user's application isn't single-machine dedicated, prompting a need to adapt it to manage multiple machines efficiently. This calls for generating solutions for updates or modifications in table structures or procedures.
Enhancing multi-machine integration
I’m working on a structured plan to integrate multi-machine handling by: 1) implementing foreign keys and tables; 2) adjusting or adding stored procedures; 3) updating ProductionRecords; 4) enhancing data validations; 5) suggesting UI modifications; and 6) considering concurrency management.
Thought about improvements for multi-machine configuration pendant 11 secondes
Below is a set of improvements and adjustments recommended for the new configuration, where the application manages multiple machines simultaneously rather than being focused on a single machine. These changes span the database schema, stored procedures, application workflow, and UI—ensuring the solution properly reflects real-world scenarios where operators can work on different machines, machine assignments may overlap, and multiple machines can be active at once.
-- If you need unlimited operators per machine: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ShiftMachineOperators] ( [ID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [AssignmentID] INT NOT NULL, -- references ShiftMachineAssignments [OperatorID] INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_ShiftMachineOperators_Assignment FOREIGN KEY (AssignmentID) REFERENCES [dbo].[ShiftMachineAssignments](AssignmentID), CONSTRAINT FK_ShiftMachineOperators_Users FOREIGN KEY (OperatorID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users](UserID) );
table to track multiple people who contributed to a single production run (for shift overlap or multi-operator tasks).Example
-- Optional child table to track additional users for a single production record: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProductionRecordUsers] ( [ID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, [RecordID] INT NOT NULL, [UserID] INT NOT NULL, [RoleDuringProduction] NVARCHAR(50) NULL, -- e.g. 'Operator', 'Technician' CONSTRAINT FK_ProductionRecordUsers_ProductionRecords FOREIGN KEY (RecordID) REFERENCES [dbo].[ProductionRecords](RecordID), CONSTRAINT FK_ProductionRecordUsers_Users FOREIGN KEY (UserID) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users](UserID) );
If multiple machines run the same OrderID, the spStartProduction and spStopProduction procedures need to:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spStartProduction (enhanced) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spStartProduction] ( @ShiftID INT, @MachineID INT, @UserID INT, @OrderID INT ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- (A) Optional concurrency check: no open production on the same machine IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [dbo].[ProductionRecords] WHERE MachineID = @MachineID AND ProductionStopTime IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR ('Machine is already in production. Stop existing production first.', 16, 1); RETURN; END; -- (B) Generate or verify LotNumber if needed DECLARE @LotNumber NVARCHAR(50); SELECT @LotNumber = LotNumber FROM [dbo].[ManufacturingOrders] WHERE OrderID = @OrderID; IF @LotNumber IS NULL BEGIN SET @LotNumber = 'LOT' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 112) + RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 114), 6); UPDATE [dbo].[ManufacturingOrders] SET LotNumber = @LotNumber WHERE OrderID = @OrderID; END; -- (C) Insert production record INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductionRecords] (ShiftID, MachineID, UserID, OrderID, ProductionStartTime) VALUES (@ShiftID, @MachineID, @UserID, @OrderID, GETDATE()); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS NewRecordID, @LotNumber AS GeneratedLotNumber; END; GO
If more than one operator can update the same production record:
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spAddProductionUser] ( @RecordID INT, @UserID INT, @RoleDuringProduction NVARCHAR(50) ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductionRecordUsers] (RecordID, UserID, RoleDuringProduction) VALUES (@RecordID, @UserID, @RoleDuringProduction); SELECT * FROM [dbo].[ProductionRecordUsers] WHERE RecordID = @RecordID; END; GO
Adjust summary procedures to group or roll up results by machine and order. For instance, your existing spGetShiftProductionSummary
might now split total quantity or total run time by machine if desired.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- spGetShiftProductionMachineBreakdown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetShiftProductionMachineBreakdown] @ShiftID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT pr.MachineID, m.MachineName, COUNT(pr.RecordID) AS ProductionRuns, SUM(ISNULL(pr.ProducedQuantity, 0)) AS TotalProduced, MIN(pr.ProductionStartTime) AS FirstStart, MAX(pr.ProductionStopTime) AS LastStop FROM [dbo].[ProductionRecords] pr INNER JOIN [dbo].[Machines] m ON pr.MachineID = m.MachineID WHERE pr.ShiftID = @ShiftID GROUP BY pr.MachineID, m.MachineName ORDER BY m.MachineName; END; GO
Assigning Operators/Technicians
Production Start/Stop
Real-Time Dashboard
By implementing these changes, you will accommodate multiple machines in parallel, ensuring that your application architecture, stored procedures, and UI design all reflect the real complexity of a multi-machine production environment. This approach keeps the system flexible, scalable, and well-structured to handle additional expansions as your operations grow.