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这篇论文的$L_{\infty} D_{\infty} \sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_{t} - \alpha^* \|^2_{H}}$具体每个变量是什么意思,该如何实践中得到?cl cr收紧到$L_{\infty} D_{\infty} \sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_{t} - \alpha^* \|^2_{H}}$的速度是多少?
As demonstrated by Theorem 1 and Theorem 2, the gradient clipping is actually used to restrict the magnitude of αt, which allows the update of binary weights to be smoother. However, it slows down the convergence speed especially in the initial stage of training process. Inspired by this observation, we propose an adaptive projection function V ̃t = ∏ F ̃(vˆt) with the key property that convergence behaviour of deep binary model is strongly related to the quantization errors. The function ∏ F ̃(·) projects the second moment of estimate V ̃t element-wisely and the each value of output is projected into the regularized domain F ̃ = [cl, cu], which normalizes the denominator of update V ̃t for satisfying the constraint of Lipschitz-continuous that ‖ft(w ̃x) − ft(w ̃y)‖ ≤ C(α)‖w ̃x − w ̃y‖ ≤ C(α)D∞, where C(α) is Lipschitz factor determined by the quantization errors. In details, the cl is a non-decreasing function that starts from 0 when t = 0 and converges to L∞D∞ ∑T t=1 √‖wt − α∗‖2H when t → ∞. The cu is a non-increasing function that starts from ∞ when t = 0 and converges to L∞D∞ ∑T t=1 √‖wt − α∗‖2H when t → ∞, where H = √V ̃ . The key difference between our projection function with normal gradient clipping operators [38, 36] is that we aim at preserving the geometric manifold of V ̃t in high level while projecting it into the suitable magnitude [26], where the projected is strongly correlated with the measurement of quantization errors. With the determined conditions of project function, a simple penalty is typically used in this paper, and it relaxes enough space for flexibly combination with other optimization methods.



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%%%%%%%%% TITLE
\title{BAMSProd: A Step towards Generalizing the Adaptive Optimization Methods to Deep Binary Model}

Junjie Liu\affmark[1],
Dongchao Wen\affmark[1],
Deyu Wang\affmark[1],
Wei Tao\affmark[1],\\
\affmark[1]{Canon Information Technology (Beijing) Co., LTD}\\
{\tt\small \{liujunjie, wendongchao, wangdeyu, taowei\}@canon-ib.com.cn}
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Tse-Wei Chen\affmark[2],
Kinya Osa\affmark[2],
Masami Kato\affmark[2]\\
\affmark[2]{Device Technology Development Headquarters, Canon Inc.}\\
%Institution1 address\\
{\tt\small [email protected]}
%First line of institution2 address\\


%%%%%%%%% ABSTRACT
Recent methods have significantly reduced the performance degradation of Binary Neural Networks (BNNs), but guaranteeing the effective and efficient training of BNNs is an unsolved problem. The main reason is that the estimated gradients produced by the Straight-Through-Estimator (STE) mismatches with the gradients of the real derivatives. In this paper, we provide an explicit convex optimization example where training the BNNs with the traditionally adaptive optimization methods still faces the risk of non-convergence, and identify that constraining the range of gradients is critical for optimizing the deep binary model to avoid highly suboptimal solutions. Besides, we propose a BAMSProd algorithm with a key observation that the convergence property of optimizing deep binary model is strongly related to the quantization errors. In brief, it employs an adaptive range constraint via an errors measurement for smoothing the gradients transition while follows the exponential moving strategy from AMSGrad to avoid errors accumulation during the optimization. The experiments verify the corollary of theoretical convergence analysis, and further demonstrate that our optimization method can speed up the convergence about $1.2 \times$ and boost the performance of BNNs to a significant level than the specific binary optimizer about $3.7 \%$, even in a highly non-convex optimization problem.

%%%%%%%%% BODY TEXT
Quantized deep neural networks (QNNs) \cite{bnet2015,pact2018,qil2019} are known to quantize its weights and features into the discrete spaces, which makes the inference fast while saving the hardware resource. Despite many advantages it brings, a challenging problem that optimizing the objective function of QNNs with the non-smooth condition \cite{mixedconvex2018} is simultaneously introduced. For examples, QNNs usually consist of the piecewise constant activation and the non-differentiable weights quantization functions, so there is a gradient vanishing problem in these neurons, which not only causes the difficulty on training QNNs, but also leads to suboptimal solutions.

\caption{The loss surface on the Shubert function through visualizing the weights transition of both BNNs and DNNs trained by Adam (the weights are projected onto a plane defined by a two-dimension orthogonal domain). Due to the mismatching gradients caused by STE, the solution will be easier to drop into highly sub-optimal.}

To alleviate the gradient vanishing, the straight-through estimator (STE) \cite{ste2013} is used to estimate the gradients during the back-propagation. Although the most of Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) \cite{bnet2015,bnns2016,xnor2016} has achieved about $58\times$ improvements in computation time and $32\times$ savings in model size, the over-quantization simultaneously causes inaccurate approximation of the gradients (the Fig. \ref{fig:bnns_grad}) due to the property of STE. For solving the problem of gradient mismatch, the common solution is to introduce extra differentiable factors for scaling the quantized variables to form latent variables. In essence, the purpose of latent variables is to refine the estimated gradients while minimizing the quantization errors, and the similar ideas \cite{blended_grad2018,regular_act2019} are further used to approximate more accurate gradients with the extra knowledge. Despite the achieved success from gradient approximation, the optimization method \cite{binaryop2019} argues that the latent variable is not necessary for training BNNs and raises a question if a general optimization method exists to well optimize both full-precision and quantized models with the theoretical guarantee.

In principle, when optimizing the objective function in deep binary model\footnote{In this paper, we follow the existing works \cite{binaryop2019} that focus on the most extreme case of defining the deep quantized model as the BNNs.}, it always involves latent minimization for the quantization errors, which shows dramatic convergence oscillation during optimization. One possible explanation is that the optimizer tries to minimize such quantization errors instead of the objective loss, when the estimated gradients are dominated by such errors in the later stage of the iterative optimization. More importantly, due to the strategy of exponential moving averages in the adaptive methods, these optimization errors are continuously accumulated in each iteration.

In this paper,
we focus on exploring the adaptive optimization methods \cite{adam2015,adagrad2011,rms2012,adadelta2012}
with the strategy of exponential moving averages.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to provide the theoretical guarantee
for optimizing the performance of the deep quantized model with the adaptive methods.
we make the following contributions:
\item We analysis how the exponential moving average in adaptive optimization methods causes non-convergence on the deep binary model, through providing an explicit convex optimization example with the empirical risk minimization (ERM) \cite{online2002}. Our analysis is not only for the adaptive optimization methods using the exponential moving average, but easily extended to other algorithms involving the errors accumulation from immediate past.
\item The above result indicates that in order to guarantee the convergence of optimizing the deep quantized model, the optimization algorithm must correlate the quantization errors for ensuring smoother gradients transition. Furthermore, it should handle the errors accumulation in case of using the exponential moving averages.
\item We propose a BAMSProd algorithm as a variant of AMSGrad and provide theoretical convergence analysis. We further analyze how the hyper-parameters and quantization dimensions are related to the optimal solution in the most extreme case.
\item We provide a set of empirical studies on evaluating the proposed BAMSProd, and demonstrate that it either performs better than the traditional optimization methods, or commonly has a more stable convergence behavior in the training of BNNs. It shows possibility of designing the general optimization method, and provides a hint for designing the new optimization method for deep quantized models.

As the requirement expanded to apply the neural network on embedded devices,
many approaches \cite{Hinton2015KD,bnet2015,Gong2014Compressing,sandler2018mobilenetv2}
have been proposed to compress the deep network. Neural network quantization methods \cite{Cong2018Extremely,bnet2015,qil2019} have shown superiority on reducing the model size and speeding up the network inference.
Specially, the deterministic \cite{bnet2015,xnor2016,Zhou2016DoReFa,Cai2017Deep,2017abc}
and stochastic \cite{losslessquan2017,Hou2018Loss,Cong2018Extremely,qil2019}
quantization methods achieve the competitive results on popular datasets
by introducing additional full-precision scale factors for each layer.

However, there is still a challenge \cite{alizadeh2019a,hou2019analysis}
for optimizing such deep quantized models.
In the early methods,
the quantized models are derived by quantizing
full-precision weights \cite{Gong2014Compressing} from a pre-trained model.
Although this approach is easy to be used in the real deployment
and brings the advantage of flexibility to apply different levels of quantization,
it suffers from a significant performance degradation \cite{xnor2016} simultaneously.
For reducing the performance degradation,
Hubara et al. \cite{Hubara2016Quantized} analyzes that the quantization operator
must be incorporated as a part of the training process in order to maintain model performance.
In brief, optimizing the deep quantized models
should be achieved by either performing additional training steps
to fine-tune a quantized model or directly learning the quantized variables.
For the most extreme case of BNNs \cite{bnet2015},
since the sign function is not differentiable,
the Straight-Through-Estimator (STE) \cite{ste2013} is employed
for estimating the back-propagating gradients with latent weights \cite{alizadeh2019a}.
Specially, the binary weights are not learned directly,
but are learned with the scaling factor \cite{binaryop2019} during the training.
The scaled weights as proxies \cite{alizadeh2019a} are only required during training,
and the binary weights are obtained by applying sign function to these proxies \cite{prox2019} in the inference.

\section{The Convergence Analysis}
Given a vector $w \in \mathbb{R}^d$,
we use $w_i$ to denote its $i$-th coordinate
and $w_{t,i}$ is for $w_i$ in the $t$-th iteration.
We use $w^k$ to denote the element-wise power of $k$,
and denote $\sqrt{w}$ as element-wise square root
and $\| w \|$ to denote its $L_2$ norm.
If two vectors $w_1, w_2 \in \mathbb{R}^d$,
we use $\langle w_1, w_2 \rangle$ to denote the inner product,
and $w_1 \odot w_2$ to denote the element-wise product;
$w_1 / w_2$ for element-wise division,
and $\max(w_1, w_2)$, $\min(w_1, w_2)$ for element-wise maximum, minimum.
For a matrix $M \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$,
the $w / M$ is used to denote $M^{-1}w$,
and we use $S_+^d$ to denote the set of all positive definite $d \times d$ matrices.
The projection operation $\Pi_{\mathcal{F},M(y)}$ for $M \in S_+^d$
is defined as $\arg \min_{w \in \mathcal{F}} \| M^{1/2}(w-y) \|$
for $y \in \mathbb{R}^{d}$.
As for the $\mathcal{F}$, we say it has bounded diameter $D_{\infty}$
with the constraint of $\| w_1 - w_2 \| \leq D_{\infty}$
for all $w_1$, $w_2 \in \mathcal{F}$.
Furthermore, $Diag$($w$) represents a diagonal matrix with $w$ on the diagonal,
and $diag$($M$) returns a vector extracted from the diagonal elements of $M$.
Finally, we use the $sign(w)$ to denote the deterministic binarization function
for transforming the real value of $w$ into $\{-1, +1\}$ according to its sign.

We relegate the optimization setup to the appendix,
and provide a generic overview of deep model quantization below.
For analyzing the optimization of the deep binary model,
the prior knowledge is that the STE estimator is commonly used
to approximate the gradients of binary neurons.
Given the full-precision weights $w \in \mathbb{R}^d$ from the layer $L$,
the corresponding binary weight $w_{b} \in \mathbb{R}^d$
is computed by the $sign(\tilde{w})$,
where the latent weights $\tilde{w} \in \mathbb{R}^d$ as the full-precision proxies
are defined as $\tilde{w} = Q_{w}(w) = \alpha \odot w_{b}$,
and $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$ represents the additional full-precision scale factor.
For simplifying the notations,
we use the same scaling factor $\alpha$ in all layers.
In the back-propagation at $t$-th iteration,
due to the property of non-differentiable of $sign(\cdot)$ function,
the STE estimates the gradient $\nabla f_t(w_{b|t})$ with the $\tilde{w}_t$ by $\nabla f_t(\tilde{w}_t)$
for $\tilde{w}_t \in \mathcal{F}_1$ and $\nabla f_t(\cdot) \in \mathcal{F}_2$,
where the constraint of range $\mathcal{F}_1$ is used for the proxies
and the $\mathcal{F}_2$ for gradients flow.
It means that the STE estimator
passes the gradients $\nabla f_t(\tilde{w}_t) = (\partial \ell_t / \partial w_{b|t})
(\partial w_{b|t} / \partial \tilde{w}_t) $ backwards,
where $\ell_t$ is total value of the objective function.
Considering the errors caused by the weight quantization,
we represent such errors as the quantization errors with denotation of
$\min_{\tilde{w}_t \in \mathcal{F}} \| w_t - \tilde{w}_t \|$
during the optimization of deep binary model.

\paragraph{Problem Setup}
We provide the convergence analysis of optimizing deep binary model
by the adaptive optimization methods.
As demonstrated by the work \cite{marg2017nips,convgan2018}
for optimizing deep full-precision models,
the adaptive methods like Adam are observed to generalize
worse than stochastic gradient descent.
Hence, Reddi et al. \cite{amsgrad2018} propose AMSGrad with an argument that
the strategy of exponential moving averages in such adaptive methods
may cause the extremely large learning rates.
For the most recent method \cite{luo2019adaptive},
a further claim is that the extremely small learning rates caused by Adam
is likely to account for its ordinary generalization ability.

However, a diametrically opposed observation is exhibited
in the optimization of deep binary model,
where the optimized model with the adaptive methods has shown better performance than the stochastic gradient descent.
With an empirically study,
Alizadeh el al. \cite{alizadeh2019a} observes
that the exponential moving averages in adaptive optimization
is crucial for training the BNNs with STE estimator,
as it smooth the convergence curves to avoid highly suboptimal.
Meanwhile, Hou et al. \cite{hou2019analysis} provides analysis
of quantized model with the idea of both weights and gradients quantization,
and it demonstrates the relationship between the
objective function and loss-aware quantization \cite{Hou2018Loss}.
Furthermore, the Bop \cite{binaryop2019} claims that
the momentum estimated by past gradients history \cite{Importmomen2013} is the key issue,
as it can avoid a rapid sign change of binary weights during the training.

\paragraph{Main Problem}
Although a clear conclusion has been drawn that
the deep binary model optimized with adaptive methods
like Adam\footnote{We mainly focus on Adam algorithm due to its typicality,
but the analysis can be applied to other adaptive optimization methods
with exponential moving average such as RMSProp, NAdam.}
achieves better performance than SGD,
the analysis of this conclusion are unable to reach the agreement.
In the training of BNNs,
we notice that a prior gradient clipping is always needed.
Although the trained network
have shown a more stable convergence behavior,
the empirical experiment exhibits that
it slows down the convergence speed simultaneously.

Hence, we raise a question if the existing adaptive methods
have well optimized such quantized models.
Specially, we speculate that the training of BNNs
still suffers from the convergence problem about
the learning rates with extremely magnitude caused by Adam,
but the gradient clipping reduces the negative impacts from it.
For corroborating our speculation,
we provide the following measurement in order to prove
that deep binary model optimized with Adam will fail to converge to
the global optimal solution even in simple one-dimension convex settings.

\Gamma_t = \min\nolimits_{\tilde{V} \in \mathcal{F}}\|\tilde{\Upsilon}_{t} - \Upsilon_{t}\|

where measures the change of quantization errors during optimization with respect to time,
and $\Upsilon_t = (\sqrt{V_t} / \eta_t) - (\sqrt{V_{t-1}} / \eta_{t-1})$.
For the full-precision model with weights $w$ and the corresponding second-moment $V_t$,
it has the latent weights $\tilde{w}$ and $\tilde{V}_t$ in its binary version.
As for this measurement, the key observation is that the $\Gamma_t$ determines
the convergence behaviour of the deep binary model with the Adam.
In details, if the $\Gamma_t$ is positive semi-definite $\forall t \in [T]$,
it definitely follows from the claims in work \cite{amsgrad2018}
since the $\tilde{\Upsilon}_t$ intensifies the continuous increasing behavior.
However, to consider the opposite case caused by the scaling factor $\alpha_t$,
we interest if the $\Gamma_t$ (before norm) which is not positive definite
for existing $t$ will satisfy the same claim.
To validate this intuition about the undesirable convergence for Adam,
we produce the following simple sequence of function for $\mathcal{F} = [-1, 1]$:

-1 \ &{\rm for} \ \tilde{w} = -1; \\
\tilde{w} \ &{\rm for} \ -1 < \tilde{w} \leq 1 \ {\rm and} \ t \bmod C = 1; \\
-\tilde{w} \ &{\rm for} \ -1 < \tilde{w} \leq 1 \ {\rm and} \ t \bmod C = 2; \\
0 \ &{\rm otherwise},

For this function sequence, when the point $\tilde{w} = -1$,
we are easy to see that it provides the minimum regret.
Suppose $C \in \mathbb{N}$ satisfies
$\beta_2^{C - 2} \leq [2 (\alpha_{t+1} - \alpha_t \beta_2)]/(1 - \beta_2)$ and $\beta_1 = 0$,
we show that the Adam optimizing the deep binary model
converges to a highly suboptimal solution of $\tilde{w} = 1$ for this setting.
The reason is that the algorithm obtains the gradient $\alpha_{Ck+1}$ once every $Ck+1$ steps,
and it observes the gradient $-\alpha_{Ck+2}$ in another $Ck+2$ steps,
which moves the optimization into the wrong direction since
the $-\alpha_{Ck+2}$ is unable to counteract the $\alpha_{Ck+1}$ since
it is scaled down with the given value of $\beta_2$,
and hence the algorithm converges to $\tilde{w} = 1$ rather than $\tilde{w} = -1$.
We formalize this intuition in the result below.

\paragraph{Theorem 1} \emph{Assume that
exists the quantization scaling factor $\alpha$
and the binary quantization function for $sign(w)$,
there is an online convex optimization problem
in optimizing the deep binary model where for
any initial step size $\eta$, Adam does not converge to the optimal solution
since it has non-zero average regret
i.e., $R_T/T \nrightarrow 0$ as $T \rightarrow \infty$.}

We provide the proofs of all theorems in the appendix.
The above examples of non-convergence shows
that the deep binary model optimized with Adam converges to a point that
is the worst among all points in $\mathcal{F} = [-1, 1]$.
As the update rule of the stochastic optimization methods,
the classic SGD(M) and AdaGrad do not suffer from this problem,
and average regret asymptotically go to 0.
For a more general case,
we interest if adding a warm-up factor \cite{Vaswani2017Attention,warmup2019}
in the second-order moments with a bounded gradients diameter
helps in alleviating this problem.
Considering the following result that for any constant $\beta_1 < \sqrt{\beta_2}$,
we can design an example where Adam does not converge asymptotically.

\paragraph{Theorem 2} \emph{Assume that
exists the quantization scaling factor $\alpha$
and the binary quantization function for $sign(w)$,
given any constant $\beta_1$, $\beta_2 \in$ {\rm[0, \ 1)} such that
$\beta_1 < \sqrt{\beta_2}$, there is an online convex optimization problem
in optimizing the deep binary model where for
initial step size $\eta$, Adam dose not converge to the optimal solution since
it has non-zero average regret $R_T/T \nrightarrow 0$ as $T \rightarrow \infty$
for convex $\{f_i\}^{\infty}_{i=1}$ with bounded gradients
on a feasible set $\mathcal{F}$ having bounded $G_{\infty}$ diameter.}

The above result claims that with the condition $\beta_1 < \sqrt{\beta_2}$
assumed in convergence proof of \cite{adam2015} and warm-up factor helps not
in the convergence of the algorithm to the optimal solution.
Furthermore, considering the condition that
the mismatching gradients are bounded with the $G_{\infty}$ diameter,
this example also provides intuition for why clipping the range of gradients
are necessary in training the BNNs with such adaptive methods -
it provides the possibility of $\tilde{\Upsilon}_{t}$
to be negative definite in a long term history $t$,
which means the quantization error $\Gamma_t$ is considered to be restricted.
However, it should be emphasized that the above examples of non-convergence is carefully designed
with the constraint of quantization scaling factor $\alpha$ to demonstrate the problem in Adam,
so is not practical to explain the scenarios at the very least slow down convergence.
Finally, we try to strengthen these proofs in a more realistic case,
we then design an example for explaining why training BNNs with Adam exhibits
a slower convergence speed than full-precision case in a stochastic optimization setting.

\paragraph{Theorem 3} \emph{Assume that
exists the quantization scaling factor $\alpha$
and the binary quantization function for $sign(w)$,
for any constant $\beta_1$, $\beta_2 \in$ {\rm[0, \ 1)} such that
$\beta_1 < \sqrt{\beta_2}$, there is a stochastic convex optimization problem
in optimizing the deep binary model where for initial step size $\eta$,
the convergence speed $C$ is a function
of $\beta_1, \beta_2, \alpha$ and $G_{\infty}$,
for convex $\{f_i\}^{\infty}_{i=1}$ with bounded gradients
on a feasible set $\mathcal{F}$ having bounded $G_{\infty}$ diameter.}

The Theorem 3 shows that the gradient clipping
slows down the convergence speed with at least $C$ iteration to converge,
where $C$ is a function determined by $\alpha^*$ and $G_{\infty}$ seriously.
While it avoids the solution to be highly suboptimal,
it always slows down the convergence speed of training the BNNs.
Hence, it is a trade-off between these two items.
As demonstrated by the empirical experiments in work \cite{alizadeh2019a},
it further confirms our theoretical proof that
disabling the gradient clipping
will degrade the training performance of BNNs.

We end this section with brief conclusions.
Firstly, the above analysis theoretically guarantees the speculation of that
the deep binary model trained with Adam still suffers from
the convergence risk caused by the extremely learning rates.
Secondly, we further prove that clipping the range of gradients
is helpful in avoiding the accumulation of quantization errors,
but indicate that it is not the best choice.
In essence, gradient clipping plays a necessary premise
for applying the adaptive methods on optimizing the deep binary model,
and it gives better accuracy by introducing the random distortion (noises) \cite{escapesad2017,addnoise2019}
to transform the Adam into SGD(M) in the later stage of the training process.
Unfortunately, it definitely slows down the convergence speed and
even worse than the stochastic method.
In this paper we only prove the non-convergence of Adam
in a convex optimization problem with the setting where $\beta_1$ is held constant,
but it is easy to extend in non-constant case.

\section{A New Strategy for Optimizing the BNNs}
In this section,
we develop an adaptive optimization algorithm
with corresponding convergence analysis.
The objective of our method is to devise a new strategy
to prevent the accumulation of quantization errors,
while preserving the exponential moving property.
%with guaranteed convergence,
%and preserving the similar idea of second-order moments for avoiding the
%rapid sign change of binary weights during the optimization.
Intuitively, we would like to design a more general optimization algorithm
without the typical premise of gradient clipping,
while it optimizes the deep binary model
with a faster and more stable convergence behaviour.

As demonstrated by Theorem 1 and Theorem 2,
the gradient clipping is actually used to restrict the magnitude of $\alpha_t$,
which allows the update of binary weights to be smoother.
However, it slows down the convergence speed
especially in the initial stage of training process.
%to prompt the $\tilde{\Upsilon}_{t}$ be negative definiteness.
%for avoiding the learning rare being continuously increasing.
%With the non-increasing learning step from the clipped Adam,
%It updates the weights of deep binary model with smoother gradients,
%which means that the gradient clipping only plays a positive role
%in the later stages of the training process.
Inspired by this observation,
% that restrict the magnitude of $\alpha_t$,
%is able to prompt the $\tilde{\Upsilon}_{t}$ be negative definiteness,
we propose an adaptive projection function
$\tilde{V}_t = \prod\nolimits_{\tilde{\mathcal{F}}}(\hat{v}_t)$
with the key property that convergence behaviour of deep binary model
is strongly related to the quantization errors.
%the proposed function maps the range of second-order moments
%of estimate $\tilde{V}$ into the domain by correlating with such errors.
The function $\prod\nolimits_{\tilde{\mathcal{F}}}(\cdot)$
projects the second moment of estimate $\tilde{V}_t$ element-wisely
and the each value of output is projected into the
regularized domain $\tilde{\mathcal{F}} = [c_{l}, c_{u}]$,
which normalizes the denominator of update $\tilde{V}_t$
for satisfying the constraint of Lipschitz-continuous that
$\|f_t(\tilde{w}_x) - f_t(\tilde{w}_y)\|
\leq C(\alpha) \|\tilde{w}_x - \tilde{w}_y\| \leq C(\alpha)D_{\infty}$,
where $C(\alpha)$ is Lipschitz factor determined by the quantization errors.
In details, the $c_l$ is a non-decreasing function that
starts from 0 when $t = 0$
and converges to $L_{\infty} D_{\infty} \sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_{t} - \alpha^* \|^2_{H}}$
when $t \rightarrow \infty$.
The $c_u$ is a non-increasing function that
starts from $\infty$ when $t = 0$
and converges to $L_{\infty} D_{\infty} \sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_{t} - \alpha^* \|^2_{H}}$
when $t \rightarrow \infty$, where $H = \sqrt{\tilde{V}}$.
The key difference between our projection function
with normal gradient clipping operators \cite{regularLSTM2018,luo2019adaptive}
is that we aim at preserving the geometric manifold of $\tilde{V}_t$ in high level
while projecting it into the suitable magnitude \cite{avergwei2018},
where the projected is strongly correlated with the measurement of quantization errors.
With the determined conditions of project function,
a simple penalty is typically used in this paper,
and it relaxes enough space for flexibly combination with other optimization methods.

although re-projecting the $\alpha_t$ is helpful for preventing
the adaptive methods to intensify the inappropriate learning rates,
as demonstrated in Theorem 3,
the exponential moving average is another reason resulting in the non-convergence risk.
Considering the adaptive methods such as Adam or RMSProp that
the quantity $\Upsilon_{t}$ is always positive definite during the optimization,
we use a simple idea following from AMSGrad \cite{amsgrad2018} to
modify the definition of $\hat{v}_t = \max (v_t, \hat{v}_{t-1})$
for preventing the $\tilde{\Upsilon}_{t}$ from the violation of positive definite.
%which causes an undesirable convergence.
%After removing the effect from the $\alpha_t$ definitely,
%we use a simple idea following from AMSGrad \cite{amsgrad2018} to
%modify the definition of $\hat{v}_t = \max (v_t, \hat{v}_{t-1})$ in order to satisfy this constraint.
%v_t = \beta_{2}v_{t-1} + (1-\beta_{2})g^2_t, \hat{v}_t = \max (v_t, \hat{v}_{t-1})
Hence, suppose at particular time step $t$ and coordinate $i \in [d]$,
if $v_{t-1,i} > \alpha_{t,i}^2$, the BAMSProd is not to increase the learning rate.
%which to poor generality performance even the non-convergence.
In conclusion, BAMSProd neither faces the extremely learning rate caused by the $v_t$
nor is influenced by the extra magnitude caused by the $\alpha_t$.

\caption{Training the BNNs with BAMSProd}
\KwIn{$w_1 \in \mathcal{F}$, initial learning rate $\eta$, $\{\beta_{1t}\}_{t=1}^T$, $\beta_2$, lower bound $c_l$, and upper bound $c_u$}
%\KwOut{Aggregation knowledge $\tilde{W^t}$ and optimized weights of student network $W^s$}
\textbf{Initialization:} $m_0 = 0, v_0 = 0$\\
\For{ t = 1 \textbf{to} T }{
$g_t = \nabla f_t(\tilde{w}_t)$\\
$m_t = \beta_{1t}m_{t-1} + (1-\beta_{1t})g_t$\\
$v_t = \beta_{2}v_{t-1} + (1-\beta_{2})g^2_t$\\
$\hat{v}_t = \max (v_t, \hat{v}_{t-1})$\\
%$c_l = \lambda_l(w_t)$ and $c_u = \lambda_u(w_t)$\;
$\eta_t = \eta/\sqrt{t}$ and $\tilde{v}_t = \prod_{\tilde{\mathcal{F}}}(\hat{v}_t)$\\
$\tilde{V}_t = diag(\tilde{v}_t)$\\
$\tilde{w}_{t+1} = \prod_{\mathcal{F}, \sqrt{\tilde{V}_t}}
\Big(\tilde{w}_t - \eta_t m_t / \sqrt{\tilde{v}_t} \Big)$\\

Algorithm \ref{alg:ours} presents the pseudocode for the our optimization method
with the projector function $\prod\nolimits_{\tilde{\mathcal{F}}}(\hat{v}_t)$
and the definition of exponential moving strategy for $v_t$.
In this case, our algorithm results in a non-accumulative quantization errors and
avoids the non-convergence risk of traditional adaptive methods.
A note in Algorithm \ref{alg:ours} that in fact we typically uses a constant $\beta_{1t}$
but our proof requires a decreasing schedule for proving the convergence of the algorithm.
Then, we prove the following key result.

\paragraph{Theorem 4} \emph{Assume that
exists the quantization scaling factor $\alpha$
and the binary quantization function for $sign(w)$ with the weight quantization dimension $d_{\tilde{w}}$. Let $\{\tilde{w}_t\}$ and $\{v_t\}$ be the sequences obtained from Algorithm 1, $\beta_1 = \beta_{11}$, $\beta_{1t} \leq \beta_{1}; \ \forall t \in$ [T] and $\beta_1/\sqrt{\beta_2} < 1$. Assume that $\| \tilde{w}_x - \tilde{w}_y \|_{\infty} \leq D_{\infty}; \ \forall \tilde{w}_x, \tilde{w}_y \in \mathcal{F}$ and $\| \nabla f_t(\tilde{w}) \| \leq G_{\infty}; \ \forall t \in [T]$ and $\tilde{w} \in \mathcal{F}$. Suppose $\|f_t(\tilde{w}_x) - f_t(\tilde{w}_y)\| \leq C(\alpha) \|\tilde{w}_x - \tilde{w}_y\| \leq C(\alpha)D_{\infty}$ and $\|C(\alpha)\| \leq L_{\infty}$. For $\tilde{w}_t$ generated using the BAMSProd, we have the following bound on the regret}

R_T &\leq \frac{D^2_{\infty}\sqrt{T}}{\eta(1-\beta_1)} \sum_{i=1}^d \hat{v}_{T,i}^{1/2}
+ \frac{D^2_{\infty}}{2(1-\beta_1)}\sum_{t=1}^T\sum_{i=1}^{d}
\frac{\beta_{1t}\hat{v}_{T,i}^{1/2}}{\eta_t} \\
&+ \frac{\eta \sqrt{1+\log T}}{(1-\beta_1)^2(1-\beta_1/\sqrt{\beta_2})\sqrt{(1-\beta_2)}}
\sum_{i=1}^d \|\alpha_{1:T,i}\|_2 \\
&+ L_{\infty} D_{\infty} \sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_{t} - \alpha^* \|_{\sqrt{\tilde{V}_{t-1}}}}

The above result falls as an immediate corollary with

\paragraph{Corollary 4} \emph{Suppose $\beta_{1t} = \beta_1 (\beta_1/\sqrt{\beta_2})^{t-1}$ in Theorem 4, we have}

R_T &\leq \frac{D^2_{\infty}\sqrt{T}}{\eta(1-\beta_1)} \sum_{i=1}^d \hat{v}_{T,i}^{1/2}
+ \frac{\beta_1 D^2_{\infty}G_{\infty}}{2(1-\beta_1)(1-\beta_1/\sqrt{\beta_2})^2} \\
&+ \frac{\eta \sqrt{1+\log T}}{(1-\beta_1)^2(1-\beta_1/\sqrt{\beta_2})\sqrt{(1-\beta_2)}}
\sum_{i=1}^d \|\alpha_{1:T,i}\|_2 \\
&+ L_{\infty} D_{\infty} \sqrt{D_{\infty} + \alpha^2 d_{\tilde{w}}^2}

The above bound can be considerably better than $O(\sqrt{dT})$ regret of SGD
when $\sum_{i=1}^d \hat{v}_{T,i}^{1/2} \ll \sqrt{d}$ with
$\sum_{i=1}^d \|g_{1:T,i}\|_2 \ll \sqrt{dT}$ \cite{adagrad2011}
and $\alpha^2 d_{\tilde{w}}^2 \ll T$ related to
the quantization errors with the weight dimensions $d$.
Furthermore, in Theorem 4, one can use a more practical momentum decay
of $\beta_{1t} = \beta_{1}/t$ and still ensure a regret of $O(\sqrt{T})$.
It should be pointed out that one could consider taking a simple average
of all history $v_t$ instead of their maximum.
The resulting algorithm has a very similar convergence speed of
training the full-precision models with the adaptive method \cite{luo2019adaptive}
even better than the specific binary optimizer \cite{binaryop2019}.

In this section, we firstly analyze the convergence behaviour of
proposed BAMSProd with different settings of hyper-parameters,
which involves how the decay factors $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$
are related to optimization process on the deep binary model.
Next, we generate the empirical results through
comparing our algorithm with existing optimization methods
including SGD(M) \cite{sgdm1964}, Adam \cite{adam2015},
AMSGrad \cite{amsgrad2018}, AdaBound \cite{luo2019adaptive},
and specific binary optimization method \cite{binaryop2019},
and it mainly evaluates these optimization methods
in the setting with different datasets and network architectures.
Finally, we provide a non-convex optimization example on the task of object detection,
which aims at testing the average regret of optimizing the deep binary model.
In the implementation details, we run each experiment five times with
the truncated Gaussian initialization from different starting settings.
Besides, we fix the number of epoches for training and
we use the same decay strategy of learning rate in all cases.
At the end, we exhibit the best case of training loss and corresponding test accuracy.

\subsection{Analysis of Hyperparameters}
We start this analysis by empirically evaluating the effect of decay factors
by varying the $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$ with a binary variational autoencoder (VAE).
We use the same architecture as in \cite{adam2015} with a single hidden layer
with the binary weights and the binary activation functions.
For the case of fixing the $\beta_2$ while varying the $\beta_1$,
it mainly evaluates how the momentum impacts the direction
of gradients descent according to its history.
In the opposite case, as the STE is insensitive to the second moment estimate,
we vary the $\beta_2$ for measuring the accumulation of quantization errors.

\subfigure[$\beta_1=0.8, \ \beta_2=0.99$]{\includegraphics[width=.23\textwidth]{2a2}}
\subfigure[$\beta_1=0.8, \ \beta_2=0.999$]{\includegraphics[width=.23\textwidth]{2a1}}
\subfigure[$\beta_1=0.9, \ \beta_2=0.99$]{\includegraphics[width=.23\textwidth]{2a4}}
\subfigure[$\beta_1=0.9, \ \beta_2=0.999$]{\includegraphics[width=.23\textwidth]{2a3}}
\caption{Comparison of training for different settings of hyperparameters}

In Fig. \ref{fig:hyper_params}, values $\beta_2$ close to 1 exhibits
a more stable convergence behaviour, it demonstrates that the proposed BAMSProd maintains
the insensitive property for STE on a non-average exponential moving strategy,
which confirms the proof of our Theorem.
At the initial stage of training process,
we also find the larger $\beta_2$ improves the convergence speed,
we guess that replacing the gradient clipping with the proposed gradients projection
is able to avoid the extremely learning rate by reducing the quantization errors.
For the setting of $\beta_1$, the best result is achieved in a smaller value $\beta_1 = 0.8$,
One possible explanation is that it prompts the gradients to become sparser but more discriminate,
which is necessary for the deep binary model to avoid the highly suboptimal.

\subsection{Convolutional Neural Network}
For evaluating the performance of binary convolutional neural networks (BCNNs)
we employ the task of image classification
in the CIFAR-10 \cite{cifar10} and ImageNet datasets \cite{Krizhevsky2012}.
We firstly use the architecture of ResNet-34 \cite{he2016deep} that
combines binary convolutions with the real-valued shortcut connections
as an trade-off between the better performance and inference efficiency.
In details, we train this BNNs with
batch normalization \cite{Bn2015} by 200 epoches
and using a batch size of 128 for compared methods and a batch size of 64 for our method.
We also use the default value of $\beta_1 = 0.9$, $\beta_1 = 0.999$ for said methods,
$\beta_1 = 0.9$, $\beta_1 = 0.999$ for us,
and with initial learning rate $\eta = 0.1$.
According to the results with epoches shown in Fig. \ref{fig:res34_curves},
the BAMSProd achieves the best performance 91.6\% in both top-1 test accuracy
than 88.3\% in the specific binary optimizer,
and it converges about $1.2 \times$ faster than the existing methods.
It demonstrates that our method can achieve better performance
with less epoches and saving more batch size.
Furthermore, the training curves exhibit that the proposed variant has
a more stable convergence behaviour even than the full-precision network \cite{he2016deep}.

\caption{Training loss (top) and test accuracy (bottom) [last 40 epoches] for the binary ResNet-34 on CIFAR-10.}

Instead of the dense neurons connection in traditional network architecture,
the sparse driven ones such as MobileNet \cite{howard2017mobilenets,sandler2018mobilenetv2}
for reducing the redundance have attracted the research community in recent years.
If the binary quantization operator is combined with such sparse driven architectures,
the optimized model usually is required to produce
a more discriminative weights distribution for preserving the representation ability,
which brings more difficulty for the optimization methods simultaneously.
Hence, we evaluate the performance of binary MobileNetv2 \cite{sandler2018mobilenetv2}
that combines binary depth-wise convolutions
with the real-valued channel-wise convolutions for preserving the manifold of features.
Results for this experiment are reported in Tab. \ref{tab:mobile_imagenet}.
We observed the performance of the BAMSProd surpasses the SGD(M) by 0.8\%.
For the generalization ability shown in the test accuracy,
we find that our method always obtains the best accuracy by comparing to
the traditional adaptive methods \cite{amsgrad2018,luo2019adaptive}
and specific binary optimizer \cite{binaryop2019}.

& Top-1 Accuracy & Top-5 Accuracy \\
SGD(M) \cite{sgdm1964} & 70.11 \% & 95.38 \% \\
Adam \cite{adam2015} & 70.24 \% & 95.52 \% \\
AMSGrad \cite{amsgrad2018} & 70.19 \% & 95.44 \% \\
Adabound \cite{luo2019adaptive} & 69.73 \% & 94.79 \% \\
AMSbound \cite{luo2019adaptive} & 70.35 \% & 95.66 \% \\
Bop \cite{binaryop2019} & 69.46 \% & 94.83 \% \\
Ours & \textbf{70.91} \% & \textbf{95.69} \% \\
\caption{Test accuracy for the binary MobileNetv2 on ImageNet (Top-1 \% and Top-5 Accuracy), comparison for different optimization methods.}

\subsection{Recurrent Neural Network}
In this subsection,
we further conduct experiments on the sequence modeling problem
such as the language processing with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network \cite{Lstm1997}.
For validating the claim that traditionally adaptive methods
will accumulate the quantization errors to cause the non-convergence,
we design the experiment settings of the LSTM architecture
with a set of recurrent layers in order to simulate the context with different lengths.
We train these models on Penn Treebank dataset \cite{penn1993}, and run for a fixed 250 epochs.
Following by the previous evaluation,
we use the perplexity as the measurement and exhibit the results in Fig. \ref{fig:rnn_curves}.
With the increasing of training iterations,
the result exhibits that a distinct difference - more stable convergence behaviour
between the proposed algorithm and other optimization methods
which do not consider the quantization errors.
In brief, for a 3-Layer LSTM models, our method improves the performance
than the traditionally adaptive methods \cite{amsgrad2018,luo2019adaptive}
and specific binary optimizer \cite{binaryop2019} in terms of perplexity.

\caption{Perplexity curves (last 120 epoch) on the test set for the binary 3-Layer LSTM with different layers on Penn Treebank \cite{penn1993}.}

\subsection{Non-Convex Optimization}
Finally, we design the experiment focusing on
a non-convex optimization problem with the task of object detection.
Specially, we use an one-stage detector YOLOv2 \cite{Redmon2017YOLO9000},
since it constructs a straight forward baseline without the sub-stream module.
In contrast to the convex property (not strict) of cross entropy in the classification problem,
the objective function in detection model is combinatorial with the logistic regression.
It is highly non-convex and usually causes a dramatically performance oscillation
(even the non-convergence risk) for the existing optimization methods.

In assessing the new optimizer,
we use the Darknet-53 \cite{yolo3v2018} as the backbone,
which achieves the comparable performance than ResNet-152 \cite{he2016deep} in ImageNet.
With a pre-trained ImageNet model,
the first stage with 180 epochs and second stage
with 90 epochs but 0.1 decay on learning rate are used.
These models are all trained with default strategies
and data augmentation in \cite{Redmon2017YOLO9000}.
The results of detection frameworks on PASCAL VOC 2007
are summarized in Tab. \ref{tab:yolov2},
which shows the proposed BAMSProd increases about (73.9) mAP
than the latest optimization methods \cite{amsgrad2018,luo2019adaptive,binaryop2019}.
As for the non-convergence of Adam, it guarantees our argument that
accumulation of quantization errors will cause a highly suboptimal solution.

% \centering
% \includegraphics[width=.43\textwidth]{figures/2a}
% \caption{Detection precision-recall curves on PASCAL VOC 2007.}
% \label{fig:yolov2_curves}

% & SGD(M) & Adam & AMSGrad &AMSbound &Bop &Ours \\
%AP & 73.1 & NaN & 72.7 & 71.4 & 70.2 & \textbf{73.9}
%\caption{Quantitative results on the PASCAL VOC 2007 evaluated on AP score.}

& mAP (VOC 07) & mAP (VOC 07+12)\\
SGD(M) \cite{sgdm1964} & 66.9 & 73.1\\
Adam \cite{adam2015} & 16.1 & 18.5\\
AMSGrad \cite{amsgrad2018} & 65.6 & 72.7\\
Adabound \cite{luo2019adaptive} & 64.8 & 71.4\\
AMSbound \cite{luo2019adaptive} & 65.7 & 72.6\\
Bop \cite{binaryop2019} & 64.1 & 70.2\\
Ours & \textbf{67.8} & \textbf{73.9}\\
\caption{Detection accuracy on PASCAL VOC 2007 + 2012.}

\section{Qualitative Analysis}
Although the existing research claims that
the optimization of deep binary model
is a combinatorial optimization problem \cite{mixedconvex2018},
our quantitative experiment results have shown
a possibility to well optimize these models by
a very simple revision on the continuous-based optimizer.
Moreover, the trained model can achieve comparable performance
than the specific discrete optimizers \cite{probnet2018,binaryop2019}.
In this section,
we qualitatively analyze the latest optimization methods
for further supporting our proposal.

Firstly, the existing adaptive methods with heuristic strategy
have shown a more stable convergence and better generalization ability.
Liu et al. \cite{RAdam2019} theoretically studies its mechanism
and proposes \emph{RAdam} - an adaptive factor to rectify the extremely learning rate.
Secondly, considering the problem from the exponential moving average,
Zhang et al. \cite{lookahead2019} suggests a new ``looking-back'' optimizer
named as \emph{Lookahead} by orthogonally combining the update rules from the SGD(M) and Adam.
As these methods focus on refining the continuous-based optimizer,
it means that they are easy extended into our proposal
due to the sharing hypotheses.

Secondly, smoothing the gradients \cite{softquant2019}
or regularizing \cite{fqcnn2019,proxfield2019} a continuous parameter space
may be another direction for improving the optimization on deep binary model.
For example, the method \cite{blended_grad2018,enhanceBNN2018} with the idea of blended gradients
exhibits a significant improvement for training BNNs.
And the regularization method like knowledge distillation
(KD) \cite{Hinton2015KD,liu2019kr} is also useful.
Comparing to designing the specific binary or quantized optimizer,
revising the existing continuous-based optimizers bring more flexibility to
combine with such smoothing or regularization techniques.

In this paper, we provide an explicit example of
a convex optimization setting for analyzing the case of training BNNs
by the adaptive optimization methods with exponential moving average.
We demonstrate that it still faces the risk of non-convergence
as same as the full-precision networks.
Furthermore, we theoretically guarantee that
constraining the range of gradient is the critical
for the optimization of deep binary model,
but the gradient clipping is not the best solution.

For suggesting the said issues, we propose the BAMSProd
with key observation that the convergence property of
optimizing deep binary model is strongly related to the quantization errors.
Through employing an adaptive range constraint with an errors measurement
while following the exponential moving strategy from AMSGrad,
the optimizer provides a faster and more stable convergence behaviour.

This paper shows a possibility of designing the general optimization method
for satisfying both full-precision and quantized models.
With the theoretical exploration on the optimization of deep binary model,
we hope our algorithm provide a guide for refining existing optimization methods,
and it further opens a direction for designing more general optimization method.




Breaking down the formula

I’m analyzing arrays and convergence. L_{\infty} is the Lipschitz constant, while cl(t) and cu(t) are functions converging to a specific quantity.

Piecing together parameters

Alpha^* is the quantization factor, D_{\infty} is the feasible set diameter, and cl and cu are functions converging to a specific quantity, useful in practice for identifying optimal weights.

Assessing practical steps

Wondering how to practically determine alpha^*, D_{\infty}, H, and L_{\infty} using training data, and the convergence rate of c_l and c_r towards the defined quantity.

Understanding convergence

Cu, a non-increasing function, converges to a defined quantity. The domain [c_l, c_u] normalizes the denominator. The speed of convergence is typically O(1 / sqrt(t)) or O(log t).

Breaking down the domain

The domain's correlation with quantization error is key. This leads me to think about its practical implications and convergence rates.

Breaking down the variables

I’m translating Chinese text: L_{\infty} is the Lipschitz constant, D_{\infty} is the feasible set's bounded diameter, T is iterations, w_t is weights, and alpha^* is the optimal scale factor.

Pinpointing key elements

H is a diagonal matrix of the second moment estimate. The sum measures cumulative quantization error. c_l and c_u set bounds for the projection domain, keeping the second moment balanced.

Tweaking c_l and c_u

I'm refining c_l and c_u to maintain a constrained second moment estimate, using strategies like setting them to specific values or iteratively adjusting them with hyperparameters.

Thought about variable meanings and convergence speed,持续 15 秒


下面给出对文中那段公式及符号的一种更直观的解释,并说明在实际训练中通常如何得到或近似这些量,以及 cl,cuc_l, c_u 收敛到

LDt=1TwtαH2L_{\infty} D_{\infty} \sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_{t} - \alpha^*\|^2_{H}}


1. 公式背景与各符号含义


LDt=1TwtαH2L_{\infty}D_{\infty}\sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_t - \alpha^*\|^2_H}

主要是在分析“深度二值模型(BNNs)”时,为了给出收敛性或遗憾(regret) 上界时所出现的一个量。它体现了在迭代过程中,模型参数 wtw_t 与某个“理想的”或“最优”二值量化尺度 α\alpha^* 之间的若干几何度量。下面依次解释其中出现的各个符号及其在论文中的作用:

  1. wtw_t
    指第 tt 次迭代时的网络权重(可以是全精度或浮点形式的权重)。论文在做理论分析时,一般假设可行域 F\mathcal{F} 中的所有 ww 都满足一定的有界性,比如 wD\|w\|_\infty \leq D_\infty,或者在某个范数下直径不超过 DD_\infty

  2. α\alpha^*
    一般代表某个(理论上)最优或接近最优的“量化尺度因子”。在二值网络(BNN)里,会将实值权重 ww 通过 sign(w)\mathrm{sign}(w) 压到 {1,+1}\{-1, +1\} 的同时,再乘以一个可训练的缩放系数 α\alpha,来减小量化误差。

    • 理论分析中,为了给出一个上界或遗憾项,会假设存在一个“最佳”或“最优”的 α\alpha^*,能把量化误差 wtα\| w_t - \alpha \| 控制到最小。
    • 实际中 α\alpha^* 并不一定能显式算出,更多地是起到“理论上界”或“参考基准”的作用。在实现时,一般只是在正向或反向中做自适应地更新一个可学习的 α\alpha,并不会真的用到一个“神秘的” α\alpha^*
  3. H=V~H = \sqrt{\tilde{V}}
    这里的 V~\tilde{V} 通常指代自适应优化器(如 Adam/AMSGrad 一类) 中的二阶矩(second moment)或 RMS\mathrm{RMS} 估计,论文将它记为 V~t\tilde{V}_tHH 则是 V~\tilde{V} 的按元素开平方(或对角阵的平方根),因此它的作用是用来“重新度量”或“重新加权”权重间距的大小。

    • 换句话说,H2\|\cdot\|^2_H 其实是 V~2\|\cdot\|_{\sqrt{\tilde{V}}}^2 这一加权范数,或者说是把普通的欧几里得距离换成了一个跟自适应学习率相关的几何度量。
  4. LL_{\infty}
    它通常代表一个“Lipschitz 常数”或与 Lipschitz 条件相关的上界,论文中写作

    ft(w~x)ft(w~y)  C(α)w~xw~y C(α)D,\|f_t(\tilde{w}_x) - f_t(\tilde{w}_y)\| \; \le C(\alpha)\|\tilde{w}_x - \tilde{w}_y\|\ \le C(\alpha)D_\infty,

    并提到 C(α)L\|C(\alpha)\| \le L_{\infty}。也就是说,这里的 LL_{\infty} 可以看作是对“损失函数关于权重的梯度”所能达到的最大幅度(或 Lipschitz 系数)的某个上界。在只做理论推导时,通常直接把它当成一个常数;真正实现中,一般不会去精确估计这个值。

  5. DD_{\infty}
    是网络权重可行域在某个范数(\infty-范数或 2-范数等)下的最大直径,用来刻画“权重不会无界增大”。比如若假设对所有可行解 ww,都有 wD\|w\|_\infty \le D_{\infty},那 wxwy\|w_x - w_y\| 也就被限制到某个有限范围。

  6. t=1TwtαH2\sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_t - \alpha^*\|^2_{H}}
    这是一个在 t=1t=1TT 的迭代过程中,把“wtw_t 距离 α\alpha^* 的加权范数”做了逐步累加得到的量,往往是某个遗憾项或者损失误差量在推导时出现的累加和。

    • 注意它不会简单地记为 t=1TwtαH\sum_{t=1}^T \|w_t - \alpha^*\|_{H},而是包了一层开平方,“ wtαH2\sqrt{\|w_t - \alpha^*\|^2_{H}} ”,即“按元素开方 + 按元素平方的组合”,强调用自适应矩阵度量下的距离。

2. 在实践中如何“得到”或“近似”这些量?

  1. α\alpha^* 在实践中

    • 一般并不会显式去计算 α\alpha^*。大多数二值网络里,会给每个卷积层或通道配一个可学习的缩放系数 α\alpha,在前向或反向中更新。这样训练到后期,这个 α\alpha 就会“逼近”某种最优尺度。
    • 理论上出现的 α\alpha^* 只是为保证收敛率或遗憾项上界而设的理想量。
  2. LL_{\infty}DD_{\infty} 在实践中

    • 这两个量往往只用作理论界,实际中未必真的去数值估计。
    • DD_{\infty} 表征可行域的“最大直径”,通常只要你对权重做一些常规约束(比如 weight decay、或梯度裁剪后不会暴涨)就能保证权重不会过大。
    • LL_{\infty} 代表函数的 Lipschitz 常数或梯度上界,在实现时通常也是隐含地用学习率、动量衰减等方式来控制。
  3. V~\tilde{V}H=V~H = \sqrt{\tilde{V}}

    • 在实际的自适应优化器(如 Adam、RMSProp、AMSGrad 等)里,V~t\tilde{V}_t 就是各个参数梯度平方的指数滑动平均。
    • 代码中,往往是按元素存储的向量/张量,更新公式类似: V~t=β2V~t1+(1β2)gt2,\tilde{V}_t = \beta_2 \tilde{V}_{t-1} + (1-\beta_2)g_t^2, 然后会在实际更新时做 v^t=max(vt,v^t1)\hat{v}_t = \max(v_t, \hat{v}_{t-1}) 或类似操作(AMSGrad 那类)。HH 则是对 V~\tilde{V} 的逐元素开方。

3. cl,cuc_l, c_u 如何在实现中“投影到”那个区间?它们为何会慢慢收紧到同一个值?


The function F~(v^t)\prod_{ \tilde{\mathcal{F}}}(\hat{v}_t) projects the second moment of estimate V~t\tilde{V}_t element-wisely and each value of output is projected into the regularized domain F~=[cl,cu]\tilde{\mathcal{F}} = [c_l, c_u], which normalizes the denominator…

  • 核心思路:
    作者想通过一个“自适应投影函数”,把 v^t\hat{v}_t (或 v^t\hat{v}_t 的某些元素)限制在 [cl,cu][c_l, c_u] 这个区间内,好让学习率分母不会无限变大或变小。这和常规的“gradient clipping” 不同,后者只裁剪梯度;而这里是对二阶矩做某种投影,以便与量化误差(α\alpha 相关)挂钩。

  • cl(t)c_l(t)cu(t)c_u(t) 的“自适应”变化

    • 论文说 clc_l 是一个非递减函数:从 0 开始,随着 tt 增加而慢慢变大,最终收敛到 LDt=1TwtαH2L_{\infty}D_{\infty}\sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_t - \alpha^*\|^2_H}
    • cuc_u 是一个非递增函数:从 \infty 开始,随 tt 增加而变小,也收敛到同一个量。

这样才能在理论上保证,即使在后期(迭代数很大),v^t\hat{v}_t 的范围依然能被投影到一个与量化误差相关、又不至于过大的区间里,从而满足 Lipschitz 连续的假设,不至于学习率被放大或缩小到难以收敛的程度。

  • 实际实现
    • 绝大多数情况下,并不会严格地去写一个“从 0 单调增到某个值”或“从 \infty 单调减到同一值” 的函数,而是选一个相对温和的上下限,根据经验做裁剪或映射。
    • 比如可能在代码里设置: v~tmax(v~min,  min(v^t,  v~max))\tilde{v}_t \leftarrow \max(\tilde{v}_\mathrm{min},\;\min(\hat{v}_t,\;\tilde{v}_\mathrm{max})) 再结合作者提出的和量化误差挂钩的思路去更新 v~min,v~max\tilde{v}_\mathrm{min}, \tilde{v}_\mathrm{max}
    • 论文给出的形式更像是把这个过程写成严格的数学投影,以方便收敛性证明;实际中只要能避免过度放大/缩小,都能近似满足其作用。

4. cl,cuc_l, c_u 收敛到该量的“速度”是多少?

文中并没有给出一个特别明确的“函数形式”,而是强调它们在 tt \to \infty 时会收敛到

LDt=1TwtαH2.L_{\infty}D_{\infty} \sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_{t} - \alpha^*\|^2_{H}}.

一般可以根据需要给出几种常见的“由大到小 / 由小到大”的收敛速率,比如:

  • 多项式衰减:例如 cu(t)=c0/(1+tγ)c_u(t) = c_0 / (1 + t^\gamma),或者 cl(t)=c1(1eρt)c_l(t) = c_1(1 - e^{-\rho t}) 等,用于在若干轮迭代后就基本进入一个稳定区间。
  • 指数衰减 / 递增:如 cu(t)=c0βtc_u(t) = c_0 \cdot \beta^tcl(t)=c1(1βt)c_l(t) = c_1 (1- \beta^t) 等,常见于一些“warmup / cooldown”策略。
  • 分段函数:如分阶段设置,初始几轮为极大或极小,然后进入线性递增/递减,再在后期固定到一个常数。

从理论推导的角度,只要能保证 cl(t)c_l(t) 单调不减并在极限时逼近目标上限,cu(t)c_u(t) 单调不增并逼近同一个限值,就能满足定理中的 Lipschitz 和投影假设。而在收敛速度方面,通常只要是 O(1/t)O(1/t)O(1/t)O(1/\sqrt{t}) 或指数衰减,都会满足类似的上界推导,所以作者并没有在公式里写出一个细节十足的“收敛速率”,更多是只要“最终能收敛到同一数值”即可。

5. 总结

  • 公式中

    LDt=1TwtαH2L_{\infty} D_{\infty} \sum_{t=1}^T \sqrt{\|w_{t} - \alpha^*\|^2_{H}}

    是论文在分析 BNN 收敛时,为了给出遗憾项上界而引入的量,其中:

    • wtw_t 是第 tt 轮权重;
    • α\alpha^* 是理论上最优或近似最优的量化缩放系数;
    • H=V~H = \sqrt{\tilde{V}} 来自自适应优化器对二阶矩的估计;
    • LL_{\infty}DD_{\infty} 分别是 Lipschitz 系数与可行域直径,用于保证优化过程中的梯度和权重有界;
    • 累加求和 t=1T\sum_{t=1}^T 体现对所有迭代轮次的量化误差加权度量。
  • 实际实现里,这些量往往不会全部显式计算。大多数是为了“证明收敛或遗憾项不至于发散”而设;真正做代码时,只要保持梯度或二阶矩不会失控(例如做投影、裁剪或自适应缩放)即可。

  • 至于文中提到的 clc_lcuc_u 如何在训练中“收敛”到那个值,则更多地是一种理论上的“分段或递增递减”策略,保证最终能把二阶矩 v~t\tilde{v}_t 投影到一个与量化误差相关的、合理的区间。衰减/增的速度在文中没有固定公式,一般只要保证它们可以单调地逼近那个极限值即可,常见的做法就是用简单的“warmup + 衰减”或指数/多项式的分段函数来实现。这样做的核心目的是替代纯粹的“梯度裁剪”,在保证不发散的同时也不让学习率收得过慢,从而在理论和实验上都能够兼顾收敛性与优化效率。

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