
Créé le : 16 janvier 2025

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(a) 請根據台灣的大學學測英文作文評分標準:內容5分、組織5分、文法及句構5分、字彙及拼字5分,滿分20分評以下文章並給
建議 : (貼上自己的作文)
(b) 請批改文章,並逐句給文法或單字的建議:
One day there were a girl in the dog walk on the path,but suddenly he saw the elder guy lying on the ground, appears to be hurt or discomfortable, she runs ahead to he, then she gave simple checked to the old guy and surprisingly he still have a little breathing, without any hesitate, she take out the phone and report an emergency to the operator , soon, the medical was arrived here and and take to the old men to hospital,fortunately, for being treatment,immerse in pleasure and comfortable atmosphere, patient was recovered rapidly, without lease any side effect,after consult the old men,the little girl learned about that he was a billionaire,and the old man told she that day he walked on the road, abruptly feel a heart attack ,then he want to find medicine in his pocket but couldn't,subsequently the girls arrived and call the 911 save him life ,to appreciate the brave action show it,the old men decide to donate a million dollars to the little girl family and helping change the property in the village.


Evaluating the narrative's progression

I examined the content and organization of the text, noting the need for clearer grammar, sentence structures, and vocabulary accuracy.

Scoring categories

I evaluated the text's content, organization, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Progressing step-by-step, I identified and corrected errors, ensuring improvements in clarity and accuracy.

Thought about English composition evaluation 花的時間為 11 秒



(a) 依據大學學測英文作文評分標準(內容 5 分、組織 5 分、文法及句構 5 分、字彙及拼字 5 分;滿分 20 分)評分並給予建議

1. 內容(Content) —— 3/5

  • 優點:文章有一個簡單的故事主軸,描述少女救人的過程以及之後的獎勵。
  • 不足:整體雖然有敘事,但細節與情節鋪陳較薄弱,如「少女與老人之間的對話」「老人捐款之後對村莊的具體改變」等,可以再敘述得更豐富。

2. 組織(Organization) —— 2/5

  • 優點:故事的起承轉合大致可辨,事件先後順序算清晰(發現老人—>施救—>老人康復—>捐款)。
  • 不足:句與句之間銜接較為鬆散,且經常以逗號或其他方式直接串接,容易造成閱讀斷點。可以利用段落分段、適度使用連接詞(例如:However, Therefore, Meanwhile, Afterwards...) 來使文章更順暢。

3. 文法及句構(Grammar & Sentence Structure) —— 2/5

  • 優點:有嘗試使用過去式、現在式等動詞變化。
  • 不足:文中出現非常多基礎錯誤,包括:
    • 主詞、動詞的人稱或數(he/she, is/are, has/have)不一致
    • 時態錯置(「she runs ahead」「she take out the phone」等)
    • 冠詞與介系詞使用不正確
    • 句子結構常以逗號不斷串接,導致 run-on sentences

4. 字彙及拼字(Vocabulary & Spelling) —— 2/5

  • 優點:文中有嘗試使用例如“emergency”、“billionaire” 等較進階單字。
  • 不足:字彙使用上有些混亂(如 “discomfortable” 建議使用 “uncomfortable”),拼字偶有錯誤(“men”/“man”、“report an emergency to the operator”也可以用 “call an ambulance” 等更恰當表達)。

總分 (3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9/20)


  1. 段落與連接詞:嘗試將文章分成幾個段落,使用清晰的連接詞引導句子。
  2. 避免逗號連接一長串句子:每個完整的子句都需要明確的主詞和動詞,可用句號或分號分開。
  3. 加強文法基礎:特別留意 he/she、時態一致、單數複數一致、冠詞使用等基本問題。
  4. 字彙精準度:多查字典,並學習同義詞,使表達更清晰更貼切。

(b) 逐句批改並提供文法或字彙建議



1. 原文

One day there were a girl in the dog walk on the path, but suddenly he saw the elder guy lying on the ground, appears to be hurt or discomfortable,

  • 問題 1:句子開頭結構不清楚

    • "there were a girl in the dog walk on the path" 的意思不夠明確。
    • 可以考慮改為:「One day, there was a girl walking her dog along a path...」
  • 問題 2:代名詞 he/she 錯置

    • 前面說是 girl,卻使用了 “he”。
  • 問題 3:字彙 “discomfortable”

    • 正確應為 “uncomfortable”。
  • 問題 4:時態或句子結構

    • “appears to be…” 建議改為過去式 appeared 或使用現在分詞 appearing。
  • 建議寫法

    One day, there was a girl walking her dog along a path. Suddenly, she saw an elderly man lying on the ground, appearing to be hurt or uncomfortable.

2. 原文

she runs ahead to he, then she gave simple checked to the old guy and surprisingly he still have a little breathing,

  • 問題 1:時態混用

    • “she runs” 與 “she gave” 一句中混合了現在式與過去式。
    • 建議統一使用過去式(she ran, she gave)。
  • 問題 2:介系詞或代名詞

    • “ahead to he” 建議改為 “ran up to him”。
  • 問題 3:動詞搭配

    • “gave simple checked” 應改為 “gave him a simple check” 或 “checked him briefly”。
  • 問題 4:still have

    • 應為 “still had”。
  • 建議寫法

    She ran up to him and gave him a simple check. To her surprise, he still had a little breathing left.

3. 原文

without any hesitate, she take out the phone and report an emergency to the operator,

  • 問題 1:介係詞/片語

    • “without any hesitate” → “without any hesitation” 或 “without hesitation”。
  • 問題 2:時態

    • “she take out” → “she took out”;“report” → “reported”。
  • 問題 3:更自然的表達

    • “report an emergency to the operator” 也可以寫成 “called for an ambulance” 或 “called 911 (或 119) to report an emergency”。
  • 建議寫法

    Without hesitation, she took out her phone and called 911 to report an emergency.

4. 原文

soon, the medical was arrived here and and take to the old men to hospital,

  • 問題 1:文意不清

    • “the medical was arrived here” 不通順;可以改為 “the ambulance arrived” 或 “the paramedics arrived”。
  • 問題 2:重複字 “and and”

    • 注意拼字或重複。
  • 問題 3:單數複數

    • “the old men” → “the old man” (前後文講的是同一位長者)。
  • 問題 4:時態

    • “take… to hospital” → “took… to the hospital”。
  • 建議寫法

    Soon, the ambulance arrived and took the old man to the hospital.

5. 原文

fortunately, for being treatment, immerse in pleasure and comfortable atmosphere, patient was recovered rapidly, without lease any side effect,

  • 問題 1:用字與句子結構
    • “for being treatment, immerse in pleasure” 有些中式英文,建議簡化或改寫。
  • 問題 2:時態
    • “patient was recovered” 可以改成 “the patient recovered…”
  • 問題 3:拼字
    • “without lease any side effect” → 可能想表達 “without leaving any side effects” 或 “without any side effects”。
  • 建議寫法

    Fortunately, after receiving treatment in a comfortable environment, the patient recovered rapidly without any side effects.

6. 原文

after consult the old men, the little girl learned about that he was a billionaire,

  • 問題 1:時態/動詞形式
    • “after consult” → “after consulting” 或 “after she consulted”。
  • 問題 2:單數複數一致
    • 前面應該一直是 “the old man”,不要變複數 “men”。
  • 建議寫法

    After consulting with the old man, the little girl learned that he was actually a billionaire.

7. 原文

and the old man told she that day he walked on the road, abruptly feel a heart attack ,then he want to find medicine in his pocket but couldn't,

  • 問題 1:代名詞使用
    • “told she” → “told her”。
  • 問題 2:時態
    • “abruptly feel a heart attack” → “abruptly felt a heart attack”。
    • “he want to find medicine” → “he wanted to find medicine”。
  • 用字
    • “feel a heart attack” 比較常用 “had a heart attack” 或 “suffered a heart attack”。
  • 建議寫法

    The old man told her that while he was walking on the road that day, he suddenly had a heart attack. He wanted to find his medicine in his pocket but couldn’t.

8. 原文

subsequently the girls arrived and call the 911 save him life,

  • 問題 1:單複數與動詞時態
    • “the girls” → 應該是 “the girl” (同一人)。
    • “call the 911 save him life” → 建議 “called 911 to save his life”。
  • 建議寫法

    Subsequently, the girl arrived and called 911 to save his life.

9. 原文

to appreciate the brave action show it, the old men decide to donate a million dollars to the little girl family and helping change the property in the village.

  • 問題 1:用字與結構
    • “the brave action show it” 不清楚;可改成 “to show his appreciation for her brave action”。
  • 問題 2:單複數
    • “the old men decide” → “the old man decided”。
  • 問題 3:動詞形式
    • “helping change” → “help change” 或 “and help improve...”。
  • 建議寫法

    To show his appreciation for her brave action, the old man decided to donate a million dollars to the girl’s family and help improve the village’s property.



One day, there was a girl walking her dog along a path. Suddenly, she noticed an elderly man lying on the ground, looking hurt and uncomfortable. She ran up to him and checked him briefly. To her relief, he still had a slight pulse and was breathing. Without hesitation, she took out her phone and called 911 to report an emergency.
Soon, the ambulance arrived and took the old man to the hospital. Fortunately, after receiving proper treatment in a comfortable environment, he recovered rapidly and suffered no lasting side effects.
After speaking with the old man, the little girl learned that he was actually a billionaire. He explained that he had suddenly suffered a heart attack while walking that day. He tried to find his medicine in his pocket but couldn’t. Fortunately, the girl arrived just in time and called 911 to save his life. To show his appreciation for her brave action, the old man decided to donate a million dollars to the girl’s family and help improve the living conditions in the village.


  1. 評分:根據學測英文作文評分標準,本文整體約 9/20 分(內容3、組織2、文法及句構2、字彙及拼字2)。
  2. 建議
    • 加強段落結構與連接詞運用。
    • 避免使用逗號串接多個子句而產生 run-on sentences。
    • 多注意 he/she、單數/複數、時態一致性,並且使用正確的冠詞與介系詞。
    • 使用更精準的字彙(如 uncomfortable 而非 discomfortable、call 911 而非 report an emergency 等)。





Examining Earth's defenses

I'm mapping out Earth's shields: magnetosphere, ionosphere, atmospheric layers, and Van Allen belts, noting their roles against solar wind and coronal mass ejections. Earth's magnetic field significantly contributes to these protections.

Thought about solar wind and Earth's protection 花的時間為 5 秒



  1. 地球磁層(Magnetosphere)

  2. 大氣層

  3. 范艾倫輻射帶(Van Allen Radiation Belts)


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