DHA Enrollment Timeout Error
Creado el: 3 de diciembre de 2024
Respondido usando OpenAI 01 Preview por OpenAI01
Creado el: 3 de diciembre de 2024
Respondido usando OpenAI 01 Preview por OpenAI01
用户提供一个过程中涉及 ZTNA 解除和重新注册的日志。我在查看初次解除的成功情况,以及尝试重新注册失败的三次记录,特别关注初次注册的特定日志序列。
我看到日志中包括 "DHA Posture request timed out",整体结果是失败,失败发生在 "DHAEnrollment: failure (120.003 sec)" 步骤。
"可能是 Duo Security 消息代理服务未运行或未响应,导致 DHA Posture 请求通过 IPC 管道超时。"
重启Duo Security服务或检查防火墙和配置,可能会解决与Duo Security Message Broker通信时的超时问题。
思考 花的時間為 12 秒
Based on the logs you've provided, the enrollment process is failing during the DHAEnrollment phase due to a timeout error. Here’s a breakdown of the key points and recommendations to resolve the issue:
Successful Unenrollment:
Handling Unenrolled notification from enrollment driver
Enrollment Attempts Failing at DHAEnrollment:
DHAEnrollment : failure (120.003 sec)
Timeout Errors:
E/ DhaPostureClient.cpp:473 CDhaPostureClient::OnAsioTimerExpired() DHA Posture request timed out. Request type 'DhaRequestEnrollment(5)', Request ID '28074c39-cb69-4512-89b5-a0a88c629b30'
W/ IpcPipesConnection.cpp:820 CIpcPipesConnection::OnAsyncSendTimeout() '\\.\pipe\com.duosecurity.messagebroker.sc' client: AsyncSend request timed out
Communication with Duo Security Service:
suggests that the system is attempting to communicate with the Duo Security Message Broker Service.Duo Security Service Not Running or Unresponsive:
Firewall or Security Software Blocking Communication:
Corrupted or Misconfigured Duo Security Components:
Verify Duo Security Services:
) and look for services related to Duo Security or Device Health.Review Security Software and Firewall Settings:
is not being blocked.Check for Software Updates:
Repair or Reinstall Duo Security Components:
Examine System Logs for Additional Errors:
Validate Device Compliance Policies:
Test on Another Device:
Contact Support:
The enrollment failure is occurring because the DHAEnrollment step cannot complete due to a timeout in communication with the Duo Security Message Broker service. This is likely caused by the service not running, being unresponsive, or being blocked by security settings.
By verifying that the Duo Security services are operational and ensuring that no security policies are obstructing the necessary communication channels, you should be able to resolve the enrollment issue.
Feel free to ask if you need further clarification or assistance with any of these steps.