
from jqdata import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def initialize(context):
# 设置基准
# 设置滑点
# 设置手续费
set_order_cost(OrderCost(open_tax=0, close_tax=0.001, open_commission=0.0003, close_commission=0.0003, min_commission=5), type='stock')
# 设置运行时间
run_daily(select_stock, time='15:30', reference_security='000300.XSHG')
run_daily(market_open, time='9:15', reference_security='000300.XSHG')
run_daily(market_close, time='14:57', reference_security='000300.XSHG')
run_daily(after_market_analysis, time='18:00', reference_security='000300.XSHG')
# 初始化全局变量
g.current_stock = None
g.selected_stock = None

def check_strength_conditions(current_strength, prev_strength, daily_change):
conditions_met = []

# 条件1: 日强度变化大于3
if daily_change > 3:

# 条件2: 强度得分大于6且日强度变化大于1.5
if current_strength > 6 and daily_change > 1.5:

# 条件3: 强度得分大于10且日强度变化大于1
if current_strength > 10 and daily_change > 1:

# 条件4: 当日强度得分大于13且前日强度得分小于13
if current_strength > 13 and prev_strength < 13:

# 条件5: 强度变化大于6
if daily_change > 6:

return conditions_met

def calculate_single_day_strength(close_data, offset=0):
ma5 = np.mean(close_data[-(5+offset):len(close_data)-offset])
ma13 = np.mean(close_data[-(13+offset):len(close_data)-offset])
ma20 = np.mean(close_data[-(20+offset):len(close_data)-offset])
ma60 = np.mean(close_data[-(60+offset):len(close_data)-offset])

ma5_prev = np.mean(close_data[-(6+offset):len(close_data)-(offset+1)])
ma13_prev = np.mean(close_data[-(14+offset):len(close_data)-(offset+1)])
ma20_prev = np.mean(close_data[-(21+offset):len(close_data)-(offset+1)])
ma60_prev = np.mean(close_data[-(61+offset):len(close_data)-(offset+1)])

ultra_short = np.arctan((ma5/ma5_prev - 1) * 100) * 57.3
short = np.arctan((ma13/ma13_prev - 1) * 100) * 57.3
medium = np.arctan((ma20/ma20_prev - 1) * 100) * 57.3
long = np.arctan((ma60/ma60_prev - 1) * 100) * 57.3

total_strength = (ultra_short/50 + short/40 + medium/21 + long/10)

return {
'strength': total_strength,
'ultra_short': ultra_short,
'short': short,
'medium': medium,
'long': long

def get_stock_strength(context):
# 获取所有A股
stocks = list(get_all_securities(['stock']).index)

# 过滤科创板和ST股票
stocks = [s for s in stocks if not (
s.startswith(('688', '689', '833', '837', '870', '871', '872', '873', '920', '430')) or
'ST' in get_security_info(s).display_name

# 过滤上市不足100天的股票
stocks = [s for s in stocks if (
( - get_security_info(s).start_date).days > 100

strength_scores = {}

for stock in stocks:
# 获取过去121个交易日的收盘价
prices = get_price(stock, count=121, end_date=context.current_dt, fields=['close'], skip_paused=False, fq='pre')
close = prices['close'].values

today_strength = calculate_single_day_strength(close)
yesterday_strength = calculate_single_day_strength(close, offset=1)

strength_history = []
daily_changes = []

# 获取过去60个交易日的日期列表
trading_dates = prices.index.tolist()[-60:]

# 计算60天的历史强度值
for i in range(60):
day_strength = calculate_single_day_strength(close, offset=i)
'date': trading_dates[-i-1],
'strength': day_strength['strength']

# 计算强度变化(当日减去前一日)
for i in range(len(strength_history)-1):
current_day = strength_history[i]
prev_day = strength_history[i+1]
'date': current_day['date'],
'change': current_day['strength'] - prev_day['strength'],
'current_strength': current_day['strength'],
'prev_strength': prev_day['strength']

strength_scores[stock] = {
'strength': today_strength['strength'],
'yesterday_strength': yesterday_strength['strength'],
'strength_history': strength_history,
'daily_changes': daily_changes
except Exception as e:

return strength_scores

def select_stock(context):
# 获取所有A股
stocks = list(get_all_securities(['stock']).index)

# 过滤科创板和ST股票
stocks = [s for s in stocks if not (
s.startswith(('688', '689', '833', '837', '870', '871', '872', '873', '920', '430')) or
'ST' in get_security_info(s).display_name

# 过滤上市不足100天的股票
stocks = [s for s in stocks if (
( - get_security_info(s).start_date).days > 100

qualified_stocks = [] # 存储符合条件的股票
strength_scores = get_stock_strength(context) # 获取股票强度数据

for stock in stocks:
if stock not in strength_scores:

stock_info = strength_scores[stock]
total_strength = stock_info['strength']
prev_strength = stock_info['yesterday_strength']
daily_change = total_strength - prev_strength

# 检查条件
if total_strength > 13:
conditions_met = check_strength_conditions(total_strength, prev_strength, daily_change)
'code': stock,
'name': get_security_info(stock).display_name,
'strength': total_strength,
'conditions_met': conditions_met,
'daily_change': daily_change,
'prev_strength': prev_strength,
'highlight': daily_change > 4, # 标记日强度变化大于4的股票
'star_mark': daily_change > 6 # 标记日强度变化大于6的股票

# 输出符合条件的股票汇总
qualified_stocks.sort(key=lambda x: x['strength'], reverse=True) # 按强度得分排序
print("\n=== 符合选市场龙头股公式的股票的股票汇总 ===")
for stock in qualified_stocks:
highlight_mark = "⭐ [大星号关注]" if stock['star_mark'] else ""
print(f"{context.current_dt} 18:00:00 - INFO - 股票代码: {stock['code']} 股票名称: {stock['name']} 强度得分: {stock['strength']:.2f} 日强度变化: {stock['daily_change']:.2f} ({stock['strength']:.2f}-{stock['prev_strength']:.2f}) {highlight_mark}")

# 输出最近20个交易日历史数据
for stock in qualified_stocks:
stock_data = strength_scores[stock['code']]
print(f"{context.current_dt} 15:30:00 - INFO - \n==================================================\n")
print(f"{context.current_dt} 15:30:00 - INFO - 股票代码: {stock['code']}\n")
print(f"{context.current_dt} 15:30:00 - INFO - 股票名称: {stock['name']}\n")
print(f"{context.current_dt} 15:30:00 - INFO - 当前总强度得分: {stock['strength']:.2f}\n")
print(f"{context.current_dt} 15:30:00 - INFO - \n最近20个交易日历史数据 日强度变化(当日-前日):\n")

# 只取最近20个交易日的数据
recent_changes = stock_data['daily_changes'][:20]
for change in recent_changes:
date = change['date']
# 检查当前强度和前一日强度是否满足条件
if change['current_strength'] is not None and change['prev_strength'] is not None: # 确保有交易数据
conditions_met = check_strength_conditions(change['current_strength'], change['prev_strength'], change['change'])
condition_mark = f" ⭐ [{', '.join(conditions_met)}]" if conditions_met else ""

# 获取截止到该日期的成交数据
prices = get_price(stock['code'], count=21, end_date=date, fields=['volume', 'money'], skip_paused=False, fq='pre')
volumes = prices['volume'].values
money = prices['money'].values

if len(volumes) >= 21:
# 计算均价
avg1 = money[-1] / volumes[-1] if volumes[-1] != 0 else 0 # 最近1日均价
avg3 = np.sum(money[-3:]) / np.sum(volumes[-3:]) if np.sum(volumes[-3:]) != 0 else 0 # 最近3日均价
avg5 = np.sum(money[-5:]) / np.sum(volumes[-5:]) if np.sum(volumes[-5:]) != 0 else 0 # 最近5日均价
avg10 = np.sum(money[-10:]) / np.sum(volumes[-10:]) if np.sum(volumes[-10:]) != 0 else 0 # 最近10日均价
avg20 = np.sum(money[-20:]) / np.sum(volumes[-20:]) if np.sum(volumes[-20:]) != 0 else 0 # 最近20日均价

# 前一周期的均价
prev_avg1 = money[-2] / volumes[-2] if volumes[-2] != 0 else 0
prev_avg3 = np.sum(money[-4:-1]) / np.sum(volumes[-4:-1]) if np.sum(volumes[-4:-1]) != 0 else 0
prev_avg5 = np.sum(money[-6:-1]) / np.sum(volumes[-6:-1]) if np.sum(volumes[-6:-1]) != 0 else 0
prev_avg10 = np.sum(money[-11:-1]) / np.sum(volumes[-11:-1]) if np.sum(volumes[-11:-1]) != 0 else 0
prev_avg20 = np.sum(money[-21:-1]) / np.sum(volumes[-21:-1]) if np.sum(volumes[-21:-1]) != 0 else 0

# 计算均比
ratio1 = ((avg1 - prev_avg1) / prev_avg1 * 100) if prev_avg1 != 0 else 0
ratio3 = ((avg3 - prev_avg3) / prev_avg3 * 100) if prev_avg3 != 0 else 0
ratio5 = ((avg5 - prev_avg5) / prev_avg5 * 100) if prev_avg5 != 0 else 0
ratio10 = ((avg10 - prev_avg10) / prev_avg10 * 100) if prev_avg10 != 0 else 0
ratio20 = ((avg20 - prev_avg20) / prev_avg20 * 100) if prev_avg20 != 0 else 0
# 数据不足,无法计算
avg1 = avg3 = avg5 = avg10 = avg20 = 0
ratio1 = ratio3 = ratio5 = ratio10 = ratio20 = 0

print(f"{context.current_dt} 15:30:00 - INFO - {date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}日强度变化: {change['change']:.2f} "
f"({change['current_strength']:.2f}-{change['prev_strength']:.2f}){condition_mark} "
f"均价1: {avg1:.2f} 均价3: {avg3:.2f} 均价5: {avg5:.2f} 均价10: {avg10:.2f} 均价20: {avg20:.2f} "
f"均比1: {ratio1:.2f}% 均比3: {ratio3:.2f}% 均比5: {ratio5:.2f}% 均比10: {ratio10:.2f}% 均比20: {ratio20:.2f}%")

g.selected_stock = [stock['code'] for stock in qualified_stocks]

def market_open(context):
if g.selected_stock:
current_data = get_current_data()
for stock in g.selected_stock:
up_limit = current_data[stock].high_limit
cash = context.portfolio.available_cash * 0.5 / len(g.selected_stock)
if cash > 0:
order(stock, cash/up_limit, LimitOrderStyle(up_limit))

def market_close(context):
positions = context.portfolio.positions
current_data = get_current_data()

for stock in positions:
current_price = current_data[stock].last_price
up_limit = current_data[stock].high_limit

if current_price < up_limit:
down_limit = current_data[stock].low_limit
order(stock, -positions[stock].total_amount, LimitOrderStyle(down_limit))

def after_market_analysis(context):
current_date =
strength_scores = get_stock_strength(context)

print(f"\n{'='*20} {current_date} 市场分析报告 {'='*20}\n")

# 新增:输出日强度变化大于2.5且强度得分大于6的股票汇总
strong_change_stocks = [] # 用于存储日强度变化大于2.5且强度得分大于6的股票

for stock_code, stock_info in strength_scores.items():
stock_name = get_security_info(stock_code).display_name
latest_history = stock_info['strength_history'][0]
latest_change = stock_info['daily_changes'][0]

# 检查日强度变化是否大于2.5且强度得分大于6
if latest_change['change'] > 2.5 and latest_history['strength'] > 6:
'code': stock_code,
'name': stock_name,
'strength': latest_history['strength'],
'change': latest_change['change'],
'current_strength': latest_change['current_strength'],
'prev_strength': latest_change['prev_strength']

# 输出日强度变化大于2.5且强度得分大于6的股票汇总
if strong_change_stocks:
strong_change_stocks = sorted(strong_change_stocks, key=lambda x: (x['change'], x['strength']), reverse=True) # 按日强度变化和强度得分排序
print("=== 日强度变化大于2.5且强度得分大于6的股票汇总 ===\n")
for stock in strong_change_stocks:
print(f"{current_date} 18:00:00 - INFO - 股票代码: {stock['code']} 股票名称: {stock['name']} "
f"强度得分: {stock['strength']:.2f} 日强度变化: {stock['change']:.2f} "
print("=== 日强度变化大于2.5且强度得分大于6的股票汇总 ===\n暂无符合条件的股票。")

# 输出最近20个交易日历史数据
for stock in strong_change_stocks:
stock_data = strength_scores[stock['code']]
print(f"{current_date} 15:30:00 - INFO - \n==================================================\n")
print(f"{current_date} 15:30:00 - INFO - 股票代码: {stock['code']}\n")
print(f"{current_date} 15:30:00 - INFO - 股票名称: {stock['name']}\n")
print(f"{current_date} 15:30:00 - INFO - 当前总强度得分: {stock['strength']:.2f}\n")
print(f"{current_date} 15:30:00 - INFO - \n最近20个交易日历史数据 日强度变化(当日-前日):\n")

# 只取最近20个交易日的数据
recent_changes = stock_data['daily_changes'][:20]
for change in recent_changes:
date = change['date']
# 检查当前强度和前一日强度是否满足条件
if change['current_strength'] is not None and change['prev_strength'] is not None: # 确保有交易数据
conditions_met = check_strength_conditions(change['current_strength'], change['prev_strength'], change['change'])
condition_mark = f" ⭐ [{', '.join(conditions_met)}]" if conditions_met else ""

# 获取截止到该日期的成交数据
prices = get_price(stock['code'], count=21, end_date=date, fields=['volume', 'money'], skip_paused=False, fq='pre')
volumes = prices['volume'].values
money = prices['money'].values

if len(volumes) >= 21:
# 计算均价
avg1 = money[-1] / volumes[-1] if volumes[-1] != 0 else 0 # 最近1日均价
avg3 = np.sum(money[-3:]) / np.sum(volumes[-3:]) if np.sum(volumes[-3:]) != 0 else 0 # 最近3日均价
avg5 = np.sum(money[-5:]) / np.sum(volumes[-5:]) if np.sum(volumes[-5:]) != 0 else 0 # 最近5日均价
avg10 = np.sum(money[-10:]) / np.sum(volumes[-10:]) if np.sum(volumes[-10:]) != 0 else 0 # 最近10日均价
avg20 = np.sum(money[-20:]) / np.sum(volumes[-20:]) if np.sum(volumes[-20:]) != 0 else 0 # 最近20日均价

# 前一周期的均价
prev_avg1 = money[-2] / volumes[-2] if volumes[-2] != 0 else 0
prev_avg3 = np.sum(money[-4:-1]) / np.sum(volumes[-4:-1]) if np.sum(volumes[-4:-1]) != 0 else 0
prev_avg5 = np.sum(money[-6:-1]) / np.sum(volumes[-6:-1]) if np.sum(volumes[-6:-1]) != 0 else 0
prev_avg10 = np.sum(money[-11:-1]) / np.sum(volumes[-11:-1]) if np.sum(volumes[-11:-1]) != 0 else 0
prev_avg20 = np.sum(money[-21:-1]) / np.sum(volumes[-21:-1]) if np.sum(volumes[-21:-1]) != 0 else 0

# 计算均比
ratio1 = ((avg1 - prev_avg1) / prev_avg1 * 100) if prev_avg1 != 0 else 0
ratio3 = ((avg3 - prev_avg3) / prev_avg3 * 100) if prev_avg3 != 0 else 0
ratio5 = ((avg5 - prev_avg5) / prev_avg5 * 100) if prev_avg5 != 0 else 0
ratio10 = ((avg10 - prev_avg10) / prev_avg10 * 100) if prev_avg10 != 0 else 0
ratio20 = ((avg20 - prev_avg20) / prev_avg20 * 100) if prev_avg20 != 0 else 0
# 数据不足,无法计算
avg1 = avg3 = avg5 = avg10 = avg20 = 0
ratio1 = ratio3 = ratio5 = ratio10 = ratio20 = 0

print(f"{current_date} 15:30:00 - INFO - {date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}日强度变化: {change['change']:.2f} "
f"({change['current_strength']:.2f}-{change['prev_strength']:.2f}){condition_mark} "
f"均价1: {avg1:.2f} 均价3: {avg3:.2f} 均价5: {avg5:.2f} 均价10: {avg10:.2f} 均价20: {avg20:.2f} "
f"均比1: {ratio1:.2f}% 均比3: {ratio3:.2f}% 均比5: {ratio5:.2f}% 均比10: {ratio10:.2f}% 均比20: {ratio20:.2f}%")

g.selected_stock = [stock['code'] for stock in strong_change_stocks]

1 符合选市场龙头股公式的股票的股票汇总 的数据 要输出
2 不要输出 日强度变化大于2.5且强度得分大于6的股票汇总 的数据3
3 对符合选市场龙头股公式的股票的股票进行 因子回测 ,用不同的深度机器学习

4 对不同的因子: 强度得分, 日强度变化,1日均价,3日均价, 5日均价,10日均价,20日均价,1日均价,3日均价,5日均价,10日均价,20日均价,volume, money,
5 输出不同的深度机器学习回测结果数据
6.建议的各因子的 最佳组合参数











To address your requests, I'll guide you through the necessary modifications and steps to achieve your goals.

1. Output Only the Data Under "符合选市场龙头股公式的股票的股票汇总"

To ensure that only the data under "符合选市场龙头股公式的股票的股票汇总" is outputted, you need to modify the select_stock function and remove or comment out any sections that output data under "日强度变化大于2.5且强度得分大于6的股票汇总".


  • Locate the select_stock Function: Find the function where "符合选市场龙头股公式的股票的股票汇总" is printed. This is already present in your select_stock function.

  • Modify the Output: Ensure that only the desired data is printed. Remove or comment out any code that outputs other data.

  • Example Modification: Remove any print statements or logging that are not related to "符合选市场龙头股公式的股票的股票汇总".

2. Remove Output of "日强度变化大于2.5且强度得分大于6的股票汇总"

In your after_market_analysis function, you have code that outputs data under "日强度变化大于2.5且强度得分大于6的股票汇总". To prevent this data from being outputted:


  • Locate the after_market_analysis Function: Find the function where this data is being printed.

  • Remove or Comment Out the Output Code: Delete or comment out the section that outputs the undesired data.

3. Perform Factor Backtesting Using Different Deep Learning Methods

To perform factor backtesting on the selected stocks using deep learning, you need to:

  • Prepare the Data: Extract the relevant factors for the selected stocks.

  • Choose Deep Learning Models: Consider models like Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM), or Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) tailored for time-series data.

  • Implement Backtesting Framework: Use a backtesting framework that integrates with your deep learning models to simulate trading strategies.


  1. Data Extraction:

    • Extract the factors: strength score, daily strength change, 1-day to 20-day average prices, volume, and money.
    • Ensure the data is cleaned and normalized.
  2. Feature Engineering:

    • Create input features for the model using the extracted factors.
    • Consider lagging features to capture temporal dependencies.
  3. Model Selection:

    • ANN: Good for capturing nonlinear relationships.
    • LSTM: Excellent for time-series data with temporal dependencies.
    • CNN: Can be used for feature extraction in time-series data.
  4. Training and Validation:

    • Split your data into training and testing sets.
    • Train the models on historical data.
    • Validate the models using cross-validation techniques.
  5. Backtesting:

    • Simulate trading strategies based on model predictions.
    • Use performance metrics like Sharpe Ratio, Maximum Drawdown, and Return on Investment (ROI) to evaluate.
  6. Hyperparameter Tuning:

    • Experiment with different model architectures and parameters.
    • Use techniques like Grid Search or Bayesian Optimization.

4. Factors to Consider

The factors you mentioned are:

  • Strength Score (强度得分)
  • Daily Strength Change (日强度变化)
  • Average Prices: 1-day, 3-day, 5-day, 10-day, 20-day
  • Volume and Money

These factors can be used as features in your models.

Feature Engineering Tips:

  • Normalization: Scale your features to have zero mean and unit variance.
  • Lag Features: Include previous days' values to capture trends.
  • Interaction Terms: Consider combining features to capture interactions.

5. Output Results of Backtesting

After training your models and performing backtesting:

  • Present Performance Metrics:

    • Accuracy of Predictions
    • Profit and Loss (P&L)
    • Sharpe Ratio
    • Maximum Drawdown
  • Compare Models:

    • Show how each deep learning method performed.
    • Highlight strengths and weaknesses.
  • Visualizations:

    • Plot equity curves.
    • Show feature importance.

6. Suggest Best Combination of Factors

Based on the backtesting results:

  • Identify Top Features:

    • Use techniques like feature importance scores from models.
    • Determine which factors most significantly impact performance.
  • Optimal Factor Combination:

    • Recommend the combination of factors that yielded the best results.
    • Provide insights into why these factors are effective.

Additional Recommendations

  • Cross-Validation: Use time-series cross-validation methods to ensure robustness.

  • Avoid Overfitting: Regularize your models and keep them as simple as possible.

  • Model Interpretability: Consider using models that provide interpretability to understand the impact of each factor.

  • Update Your Data Regularly: Ensure that your data is up-to-date, especially since your knowledge cutoff is in 2023.

Ethical and Compliance Considerations

  • Risk Management: Always include risk management in your strategies to mitigate potential losses.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that your trading activities comply with financial regulations.


By following these steps, you can modify your code to output only the desired data and perform factor backtesting using deep learning methods on the selected stocks. This approach will help you identify the most effective factors and their optimal combinations for your trading strategy.

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