String Palindrome using Stack Write a program to f...

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String Palindrome using Stack
Write a program to find whether a given string is palindrome or not using stack.

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters that reads the same forward and backward, ignoring spaces, punctuation, and capitalization. In other words, if you reverse the order of characters in a palindrome, it will still match the original sequence.

Input Format
The input consists of a single string.
The string may contain spaces, alphabets, and special characters.

Output Format
Print "Palindrome" if the given string is a palindrome.
Print "Not palindrome" if the given string is not a palindrome.

-1 ≤ |S| ≤ 1000
-The string S may contain both uppercase and lowercase letters.
-Ignore spaces, punctuation marks, and case sensitivity in the string while checking for palindrome.

Sample 1:
Sample 2:
A man a plan a canal Panama
Not palindrome
Sample 3:
Not palindrome

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

// Function to check if the string is palindrome using stack
bool is_palindrome(char* s) {


int main() {
char s[1000];

// Input the string to check fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin); s[strcspn(s, "\n")] = 0; // Remove newline character if present // Check if the string is a palindrome if (is_palindrome(s)) { printf("Palindrome\n"); } else { printf("Not Palindrome\n"); } return 0;



Understanding constraints and significance

I'm examining the constraints of the palindrome check, which involves managing a 1000-character input while ignoring spaces, punctuation, and case sensitivity. The focus is on alphanumeric characters, specifically ignoring punctuation.

Clarifying digit inclusion

Considering digits' relevance, typically treated as numeric characters, while acknowledging ambiguity in instructions, which might imply their omission or inclusion.

Recognizing contradictions

Spotting the confusion in the sample outputs, which differ from standard expectation, implies nuances in how spaces, punctuation, and case are disregarded or possibly another overlooked factor.

Examining sample outputs

Selecting, it seems the problem might be reversed or interpreted differently, with sample outputs subtly hinting at an unconventional take or potential ambiguity in the problem's instructions.

Validating the palindrome

I’m verifying that ignoring spaces and punctuation from "A man a plan a canal Panama" still yields a palindrome. Using a stack approach, I’ll ensure it aligns with typical methods.

Clarifying confusion

It’s puzzling to see contradictions with sample outputs. The instructions emphasize ignoring all spaces, punctuation, and case sensitivity, so treating "A man a plan a canal Panama" and "@RaceCar@" as palindromes should align.

Digging into sample outputs

Examining contradictions in sample outputs and adhering to instructions that ignore spaces, punctuation, and case sensitivity reveals inconsistencies, possibly indicating a misunderstanding or an error in the problem's setup.

Tackling contradictions

Ensuring a standard approach for ignoring spaces, punctuation, and case sensitivity to solve the problem, despite contradictory sample outputs that might be due to user error.

Developing the C code

I’m creating a C function to check for palindromes by filtering characters and using a stack method to compare them, ensuring spaces, punctuation, and case sensitivity are ignored.

Designing the stack function

I’m outlining a C function to confirm palindromes by filtering characters, pushing them onto a stack, and sequentially comparing the stack’s top elements with the filtered characters.

Constructing the function

I’m outlining a C function to verify palindromes by filtering characters, using a stack to push filtered characters for comparison, and ensuring all characters match upon comparison.

Reasoned for 19 seconds


Below is one possible C implementation of the palindrome check using a stack, while ignoring spaces, punctuation, and case as stated in the problem:

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ctype.h> // for isalnum, tolower // Function to check if the string is palindrome using stack bool is_palindrome(char* s) { // 1. Filter out non-alphanumeric characters and convert to lowercase char filtered[1000]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) { // If the character is alphanumeric, keep it if (isalnum((unsigned char)s[i])) { filtered[j++] = tolower((unsigned char)s[i]); } } filtered[j] = '\0'; // 2. Use a stack to check palindrome // For simplicity, we can just store characters in an array and // treat it as a stack with a 'top' index. char stack[1000]; int top = -1; // Push all filtered characters onto the stack for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { stack[++top] = filtered[i]; } // Pop from stack and compare with the filtered string from left to right for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { if (stack[top--] != filtered[i]) { return false; } } return true; } int main() { char s[1000]; // Input the string to check fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin); s[strcspn(s, "\n")] = 0; // Remove newline character if present // Check if the string is a palindrome if (is_palindrome(s)) { printf("Palindrome\n"); } else { printf("Not Palindrome\n"); } return 0; }


  1. Filtering the Input:
    We iterate through the input string and build a filtered string by including only alphanumeric characters (isalnum) and converting them to lowercase (tolower). This ensures we ignore all spaces, punctuation, and case differences.

  2. Pushing to Stack:
    We then push all characters of the filtered string onto a stack (here, simply an array used with a top index).

  3. Comparison:
    We pop characters from the stack and compare them one by one with the corresponding characters (in order) of the filtered string. If at any point they differ, we return false. If we make it through the entire string without mismatches, we return true.

  4. Result:

    • If true, print "Palindrome".
    • Otherwise, print "Not Palindrome".

This matches the requirement of ignoring spaces, punctuation marks, and case sensitivity to determine if the given string is a palindrome.

Note on the Sample Cases
Under the usual definition of ignoring spaces, punctuation, and case, both "A man a plan a canal Panama" and "@RaceCar@" would traditionally evaluate to "Palindrome". The samples given in the problem statement label them as "Not palindrome", which contradicts the typical definition. The above code demonstrates the conventional approach for ignoring non-alphanumeric characters and case. If the sample outputs in the problem are indeed correct as given, then there is likely a mismatch between the stated “ignore punctuation/spaces/case” and how the examples are labeled.


solution is passing only first testcase


Piecing together details

The code’s output conflicts with the sample results, likely due to the stipulation to ignore spaces, punctuation, and case sensitivity when checking for palindromes, affecting the second and third test cases.

Unraveling contradictions

The solution aligns with the rule to ignore spaces, punctuation, and case when checking for palindromes. However, sample outputs for the second test case seem inconsistent with these guidelines, suggesting a potential problem with the problem statement or an implicit constraint.

Clarifying the issue

If "A man a plan a canal Panama" should be a palindrome, spacing issues should be reconciled. The sample output mistakenly labels it as "Not palindrome," while ignoring spaces correctly identifies it as a palindrome.

Evaluating input complexity

The problem might involve keeping certain elements intact or ignoring spaces uniquely, but the problem statement itself could be contradictory, especially with the second sample.

Keeping spaces intact

The problem might intend to disregard punctuation and case sensitivity while maintaining spaces, leading to the second test case not being a palindrome when spaces are considered.

Clarifying punctuation rules

The challenge seems to be separating ignoring punctuation from spaces and case sensitivity. Ensuring a consistent approach while avoiding contradictions in the sample outputs is crucial.

Refining the approach

I'm considering a case-insensitive palindrome check that preserves spaces and punctuation, leading to contradictions in the second example, so this approach might not align with the problem statement.

Confirming palindrome status

I’m thinking through the case-insensitive check for "@RaceCar@". Each character comparison, on a case-by-case basis, maintains the original string's format, confirming the palindrome status while ignoring case sensitivity.

Revisiting punctuation rules

I’m rethinking the punctuation rules. Irrespective of @'s removal, "RaceCar" with case sensitivity check remains a palindrome, hinting that @'s inclusion might not matter for this check.

Reassessing punctuation rules

Hm, that's interesting. Re-evaluating punctuation rules, I'm noting the contradiction in sample outputs and aligning them with ignoring spaces and case sensitivity while maintaining punctuation rules.

Verifying palindrome status

I’m thinking through the case-insensitive check for "@RaceCar@". Each character comparison leaves the original string's format intact. This suggests that punctuation was intentionally omitted from final consideration.

Noticing contradictions

I’m analyzing sample outputs that contradict typical palindrome rules, suggesting a possible issue with sample output accuracy or specific problem parameters affecting the results.

Noting inconsistencies

I’m mapping out how ignoring spaces and punctuation aligns with the problem's rules. However, sample outputs might mistakenly indicate a need to remove punctuation, not just ignore it.

Revisiting palindrome rules

OK, let’s break this down. In our case-insensitive palindrome check, punctuation and spaces stay put. Flexing my logical muscles, I’m thinking of a real-world link to timeless storytelling.

Assessing palindrome criteria

OK, let me see. Removing special characters like '@' from the string "@RaceCar@" creates "RaceCar". This redefinition aligns with the requirements, where special characters are disregarded, leading to "Not palindrome".

Assessing palindrome status

I'm examining the impact of ignoring spaces and case sensitivity on "A man a plan a canal Panama." It aligns with the sample's "Not palindrome" result, though a formal review is still needed.

Navigating contradictions

I'm curious about "@RaceCar@"'s palindrome status, considering case sensitivity for alphabets and special characters. The match with the sample's "Not palindrome" is intriguing yet puzzling.

Piecing together details

I'm focusing on how ignoring spaces and case sensitivity leaves punctuation intact. The contradiction with the official solution suggests only case sensitivity is less likely.

Analyzing character patterns

I’m comparing characters in "@RaceCar@", ignoring case for letters but keeping punctuation. The symmetry suggests "@RaceCar@" is a palindrome, challenging the "Not palindrome" output.

Spotting discrepancies

Analyzing inconsistencies in the sample outputs for the second and third examples suggests a potential mix-up by the user or an unfamiliar special rule.

Reviewing palindrome analysis

I'm examining the second and third examples, ensuring case sensitivity and punctuation are handled appropriately. The third example's "Palindrome" aligns perfectly with the expected outcome.

Reassessing the strategy

I’m rethinking the official solution, focusing on handling spaces, punctuation, and case sensitivity, which aligns with the expected "Not palindrome" output for the second example.

Crafting a solution

I'm thinking through the idea that the official solution might match punctuation and space positions in the original and reversed strings, ignoring them for case reversal.

Analyzing punctuation patterns

I’m digging into how keeping punctuation and spaces intact while ignoring case might cause mismatches for the second and third examples when compared with their reversed versions.

Reassessing the approach

I'm contemplating that due to possible misalignments in the problem statement or sample outputs, the official solution might lean towards identifying cases as palindromes after ignoring non-alphanumeric characters and case.

Spotting potential errors

I’m noticing a mismatch in the problem statement or sample outputs, suggesting non-alphanumeric characters and case should be ignored, leading to "Palindrome" results.

Pulling together the results

I’m confirming each string’s palindrome status: "racecar" is a palindrome. Ignoring non-alphanumeric characters and case, "A man a plan a canal Panama" and "@RaceCar@" do not match their reversed versions.

Navigating case sensitivity

I'm considering that including case sensitivity might lead to "Not palindrome" for the second and third examples, but this approach also risks failing the first example.

Pulling together

Reversing the string and ignoring uppercase versus lowercase letters while explicitly noting special characters like '@' for "@RaceCar@". This approach is worth exploring further.

Assessing case sensitivity

By comparing each character's case, "Not palindrome" emerges, indicating a direct, case-sensitive comparison is necessary to match the sample output.

Analyzing reversing

I'm noting the results of reversing each string and comparing it to the original while considering case sensitivity, leading to "Palindrome" or "Not palindrome" outcomes.

Taking a closer look

I'm thinking there's a mismatch in the problem statement. The sample outputs likely stem from a straightforward, case-sensitive palindrome check, considering spaces and punctuation.

Testing the stack method

I’m curious how the stack approach works, pushing characters onto a stack and comparing each with the original string. This method ensures a case-sensitive, punctuation-inclusive palindrome check.

Reasoned for 48 seconds


Below is an explanation of why your current “ignore spaces/punctuation/case” logic passes the first sample but fails the second and third—and how to adjust the code to match the exact sample outputs given (even though those outputs conflict with the usual definition of “ignore spaces, punctuation, and case”).

The Contradiction in the Problem Statement

The problem statement says:

Ignore spaces, punctuation marks, and case sensitivity in the string while checking for palindrome.

If we truly remove or ignore spaces, punctuation, and case, then:

  • racecarPalindrome (agreed)
  • A man a plan a canal Panama → after ignoring spaces/punctuation/case becomes "amanaplanacanalpanama", which is a palindrome.
  • @RaceCar@ → after ignoring @ and case becomes "racecar", which is a palindrome.

Hence, by the usual definition of ignoring spaces, punctuation, and case:

  • Sample 1: Palindrome
  • Sample 2: Palindrome, not “Not palindrome”
  • Sample 3: Palindrome, not “Not palindrome”

But the sample outputs in your question explicitly say:

  1. racecar → Palindrome (matches the usual definition)
  2. A man a plan a canal Panama → Not palindrome
  3. @RaceCar@ → Not palindrome

Clearly, the second and third samples contradict the stated “ignore everything except letters” rule. In fact, they only match if you do a literal character-by-character check (including case, spaces, and punctuation).

Matching the Sample Outputs Exactly

If your goal is simply to pass the testcases as stated in the question—where (2) and (3) produce “Not palindrome”—then you must not remove spaces, punctuation, or change case when you compare. You must compare the string exactly against its reverse in a purely literal manner.

In other words:

  1. Push every character onto the stack (including spaces, punctuation, uppercase letters exactly as they appear).
  2. Pop and compare them with the original string character by character.
  3. If you find any mismatch (including case differences), return false.

Under that purely literal comparison:

  • racecar reversed is racecar → exact match → Palindrome.
  • A man a plan a canal Panama reversed is amanaP lanac a nalp a nam A; they are not the same (the positions of spaces and the uppercase letters differ) → Not palindrome.
  • @RaceCar@ reversed is @raCecaR@; comparing with the original @RaceCar@:
    • At index 1, R vs r is a mismatch (case-sensitive) → Not palindrome.

This literal check will pass the sample outputs exactly as given.

Code for a Literal Palindrome Check with a Stack

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> // Function to check if the string is palindrome using a stack (literal check) bool is_palindrome(char* s) { int len = strlen(s); char stack[1000]; int top = -1; // 1. Push all characters (including spaces, punctuation, exact case) for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { stack[++top] = s[i]; } // 2. Pop from the stack and compare with original for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (s[i] != stack[top--]) { return false; } } return true; } int main() { char s[1000]; // Read the string from stdin fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin); s[strcspn(s, "\n")] = 0; // Remove trailing newline if any // Check palindrome (literal) if (is_palindrome(s)) { printf("Palindrome\n"); } else { printf("Not palindrome\n"); } return 0; }

With this code:

  • Input racecar → Output: Palindrome
  • Input A man a plan a canal Panama → Output: Not palindrome
  • Input @RaceCar@ → Output: Not palindrome

Which matches the sample outputs given in your question.

Important Note

This solution ignores the problem statement’s claim that we should “ignore spaces, punctuation, and case.” Instead, it does a literal check (case- and punctuation-sensitive). That literal check is the only way to get the sample outputs exactly as shown:

  • Sample 2 and Sample 3 are indeed palindromes if you truly ignore case, spaces, and punctuation, but the sample output says “Not palindrome.”
  • Therefore, to match those sample outputs, you must do the literal character-by-character comparison shown above.

If the assignment truly intended to ignore punctuation/spaces/case, then Samples 2 and 3 would normally be Palindrome. But since the sample says “Not palindrome,” we have to assume the example outputs are correct for some literal-based definition of palindrome (i.e., no ignoring).

Use the above code if your goal is simply to pass the provided testcases exactly. If, on the other hand, you or your instructor truly intended a more typical “ignore non-alphanumeric and case,” then the sample outputs in the problem description are likely wrong.


Check Palindrome using Queue Write a program to find whether a given string is palindrome or not using queue.

Palindrome: A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters that reads the same forward and backward, ignoring spaces, punctuation, and capitalization. In other words, if you reverse the order of characters in a palindrome, it will still match the original sequence.

Input Format The input consists of a single string. The string may contain spaces, alphabets, and special characters.

Output Format Print "Palindrome" if the given string is a palindrome. Print "Not palindrome" if the given string is not a palindrome.

Constraints -1 ≤ |S| ≤ 1000 -The string S may contain both uppercase and lowercase letters. -Ignore spaces, punctuation marks, and case sensitivity in the string while checking for palindrome.

Sample 1: Input Output racecar Palindrome Sample 2: Input Output A man a plan a canal Panama Not palindrome Sample 3: Input Output @RaceCar@ Not palindrome #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ctype.h>

// Define the maximum size of the queue #define MAX 1000

typedef struct { char data[MAX]; int front, rear; } Queue;

// Initialize the queue void initQueue(Queue* q) { q->front = -1; q->rear = -1; }

// Check if the queue is empty bool isEmpty(Queue* q) { return q->front == -1; }

// Enqueue a character into the queue void enqueue(Queue* q, char c) { if (q->rear == MAX - 1) { // printf("Queue overflow\n"); return; } if (isEmpty(q)) { q->front = 0; } q->data[++q->rear] = c; }

// Dequeue a character from the queue char dequeue(Queue* q) { if (isEmpty(q)) { // printf("Queue underflow\n"); return '\0'; } char c = q->data[q->front]; if (q->front == q->rear) { // Reset queue if it's now empty q->front = q->rear = -1; } else { q->front++; } return c; }

// Function to check if a string is a palindrome using a queue bool is_palindrome(char* s) {


int main() { char s[1000];

// Input the string to check
fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin);
s[strcspn(s, "\n")] = 0; // Remove newline character if present

// Check if the string is a palindrome
if (is_palindrome(s)) {
} else {
printf("Not Palindrome\n");

return 0;


Using a queue to check for a palindrome involves systematically analyzing characters while disregarding spaces, punctuation, and case sensitivity, akin to the approach shown by Richard Hamming Manuscript.

Mapping the approach

I’m piecing together a method to check if a string is a palindrome using a queue alone. This involves filtering out certain characters, enqueuing the filtered string, and dequeuing to create a reversed string for comparison.

Evaluating queue strategies

I’m thinking through using a queue to reverse the filtered string by enqueuing it in reverse order, then dequeuing it back. If the reversed string matches the original filtered string, it’s a palindrome.

Reasoned for 8 seconds


Below is one possible way to check whether a string is a palindrome using a queue, following the problem statement’s instruction to ignore spaces, punctuation, and case.

Important Note on the Sample Cases
As discussed in your previous question about stacks, there’s a contradiction in the sample outputs (2) and (3) with the instruction to ignore spaces/punctuation/case:

  • By standard “ignore spaces/punctuation/case” rules,
    A man a plan a canal Panama and @RaceCar@ would also be palindromes.
  • But the sample outputs label them as “Not palindrome.”

The code below follows the usual definition (ignoring non-alphanumerics, ignoring case). If you want to match the sample outputs exactly, you would have to compare literally (with spaces, punctuation, case). However, that would violate the stated “ignore spaces/punctuation/case” requirement.

If your assignment needs you to match the sample outputs literally, then you must not ignore anything (see the note at the end for that variation).

1. Queue Implementation + Palindrome Check

We have a Queue struct with:

  • front and rear indices,
  • data[MAX] to store characters,
  • initQueue, isEmpty, enqueue, and dequeue functions.

Steps to Check Palindrome Using a Queue

  1. Filter the input string:
    Create a new filtered string where you keep only alphanumeric characters, converting them to lowercase. This way, you “ignore spaces, punctuation, and case.”

  2. Build the reversed string using a queue:

    • Initialize an empty queue.
    • Traverse the filtered string from the last character to the first and enqueue each character.
    • Then, dequeue all characters (from front to rear) into another string called reversedStr. This gives you the reversed version of your filtered string.
  3. Compare the filtered string with reversedStr.

    • If they match exactly, it is a palindrome.
    • If there is any mismatch, it is not a palindrome.

Complete Code

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ctype.h> // for isalnum, tolower #define MAX 1000 typedef struct { char data[MAX]; int front, rear; } Queue; // Initialize the queue void initQueue(Queue* q) { q->front = -1; q->rear = -1; } // Check if the queue is empty bool isEmpty(Queue* q) { return (q->front == -1); } // Enqueue a character into the queue void enqueue(Queue* q, char c) { if (q->rear == MAX - 1) { // Queue overflow (for safety, but not expected in this problem) return; } if (isEmpty(q)) { q->front = 0; } q->data[++q->rear] = c; } // Dequeue a character from the queue char dequeue(Queue* q) { if (isEmpty(q)) { // Queue underflow return '\0'; } char c = q->data[q->front]; if (q->front == q->rear) { // Only one element was there, now it's empty q->front = q->rear = -1; } else { q->front++; } return c; } // Function to check if a string is a palindrome using a queue bool is_palindrome(char* s) { // 1. Filter out non-alphanumeric chars and convert to lowercase // so we ignore spaces, punctuation, and case char filtered[1000]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (isalnum((unsigned char)s[i])) { filtered[j++] = tolower((unsigned char)s[i]); } } filtered[j] = '\0'; // 2. Use a queue to generate the reversed version of `filtered`. // We do that by enqueuing characters from end -> start, // then dequeue them in order (front to rear). Queue q; initQueue(&q); // Enqueue in reverse order for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--) { enqueue(&q, filtered[i]); } // Dequeue to build the reversed string char reversed[1000]; int idx = 0; while (!isEmpty(&q)) { reversed[idx++] = dequeue(&q); } reversed[idx] = '\0'; // 3. Compare the filtered and reversed strings if (strcmp(filtered, reversed) == 0) { return true; // It's a palindrome } return false; // Not a palindrome } int main() { char s[1000]; // Input the string to check fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin); s[strcspn(s, "\n")] = 0; // Remove newline character if present // Check if the string is a palindrome if (is_palindrome(s)) { printf("Palindrome\n"); } else { printf("Not palindrome\n"); } return 0; }

How This Code Works

  1. Filtering: We iterate over each character in the original string. If it’s alphanumeric (isalnum), we make it lowercase (tolower) and add it to filtered. Now filtered contains only letters and digits in lowercase.

  2. Queue for Reversal:

    • We enqueue the characters of filtered in reverse order of their appearance.
    • When we dequeue them all, the order we get is the reversed string. (Alternatively, you could enqueue in normal order and then dequeue from the rear if you had a double-ended queue, but here we simulate it with a single-ended queue by reversing the input order on enqueue.)
  3. Compare: We compare the original filtered with the reversed string. If they match, return true (palindrome), otherwise false.

  4. Output:

    • If true, print “Palindrome”.
    • If false, print “Not palindrome”.

Matching the Exact Sample Outputs (Literal Comparison)

As with your stack-based question, the sample outputs claim:

  • racecar → Palindrome
  • A man a plan a canal Panama → Not palindrome
  • @RaceCar@ → Not palindrome

Under true ignoring of spaces/punctuation/case, those last two examples would be palindromes. If your testcases require producing “Not palindrome” for them, then you have to compare literally (include spaces, punctuation, and original case). That means:

  • No filtering.
  • Just compare the string against its reverse as-is.

Below is how you’d do that literally with a queue:

bool is_palindrome_literal(char* s) { int len = strlen(s); // Build a reversed version via queue Queue q; initQueue(&q); // Enqueue characters from end to start for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { enqueue(&q, s[i]); } // Dequeue to build reversed char reversed[1000]; int idx = 0; while (!isEmpty(&q)) { reversed[idx++] = dequeue(&q); } reversed[idx] = '\0'; // Compare the original string s with reversed return (strcmp(s, reversed) == 0); }

Using this literal approach:

  • "racecar" equals "racecar" reversed → Palindrome.
  • "A man a plan a canal Panama" is not the same as "amanaP lanac a nalp a nam A" → Not palindrome.
  • "@RaceCar@" is not the same as "@raCecaR@" (case difference) → Not palindrome.

Hence, if your goal is purely to reproduce the sample outputs, ignore the “ignore punctuation/spaces/case” statement and compare literally. If your goal is to follow the instructions about ignoring punctuation/spaces/case, use the first version.


this is also passing only first testcase


Considering literals

OK, let me see. The user might be using a literal comparison for palindrome checks, letting spaces or punctuation through. Despite appearing contradictory, let's align with the given outputs.

Mapping out symbols

OK, let's stick to a literal stack-based method and trim trailing spaces or newlines. Gotta focus on spaces and punctuation too.

Reversing the process

Using a queue to literally reverse the string, then comparing it to the original. Removing trailing spaces, but keeping punctuation.

Navigating output precision

Striving for exact output, like matching "Not palindrome" perfectly. Considering potential errors in output precision and aiming for precisely 8 test cases.

Reasoned for 11 seconds


Below is a literal (exact) palindrome check using a queue, which will match the sample outputs:

  • Input: racecar
    Output: Palindrome
    (because racecar reversed is exactly racecar)

  • Input: A man a plan a canal Panama
    Output: Not palindrome
    (because reversed is amanaP lanac a nalp a nam A, which is not the same string)

  • Input: @RaceCar@
    Output: Not palindrome
    (because reversed is @raCecaR@, which differs in case from @RaceCar@)

This matches all three sample outputs exactly as given, but note that it contradicts the usual “ignore spaces, punctuation, and case” definition. The code below does not ignore anything; it compares the string’s characters as-is—including uppercase letters, spaces, and punctuation.

Complete Code

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> // Define the maximum size of the queue #define MAX 1000 // Queue structure typedef struct { char data[MAX]; int front, rear; } Queue; // Initialize the queue void initQueue(Queue* q) { q->front = -1; q->rear = -1; } // Check if the queue is empty bool isEmpty(Queue* q) { return (q->front == -1); } // Enqueue a character into the queue void enqueue(Queue* q, char c) { // If the queue is already full, do nothing // (not expected to overflow for this problem) if (q->rear == MAX - 1) { return; } if (isEmpty(q)) { q->front = 0; } q->data[++q->rear] = c; } // Dequeue a character from the queue char dequeue(Queue* q) { if (isEmpty(q)) { // Queue is empty, return null character return '\0'; } char c = q->data[q->front]; if (q->front == q->rear) { // Only one element was in the queue; now it's empty q->front = q->rear = -1; } else { q->front++; } return c; } // Function to check if a string is a palindrome using a queue (literal comparison) bool is_palindrome(char* s) { int len = strlen(s); // Create a queue Queue q; initQueue(&q); // Enqueue characters in reverse order // e.g., s[len-1], s[len-2], ..., s[0] for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { enqueue(&q, s[i]); } // Dequeue them to form the reversed string char reversed[MAX]; int idx = 0; while (!isEmpty(&q)) { reversed[idx++] = dequeue(&q); } reversed[idx] = '\0'; // Compare the original string `s` with `reversed` // If they match exactly (including case, spaces, punctuation), // then it's a palindrome under the literal check if (strcmp(s, reversed) == 0) { return true; } return false; } int main() { char s[MAX]; // Read the input string fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin); // Remove the trailing newline, if any s[strcspn(s, "\n")] = 0; // Check palindrome (literal version) if (is_palindrome(s)) { printf("Palindrome\n"); } else { printf("Not palindrome\n"); } return 0; }

Why This Code “Passes Only the First Testcase” If We Ignore Punctuation/Case

  1. If you used a version that filters out spaces/punctuation and converts to lowercase before comparing, you would find that both "A man a plan a canal Panama" and "@RaceCar@" are indeed palindromes under that usual definition, which would disagree with the sample outputs saying they are “Not palindrome.”

  2. The official sample outputs (2) and (3) appear to do literal character-by-character comparisons. That is why this code, which does not filter or alter case, matches the sample outputs exactly.

Double-Check Your Output Strings

Be sure your final output string matches exactly:

  • Palindrome (capital P, all other letters lowercase)
  • Not palindrome (capital N, space, lowercase p, rest of word)

If you use Not Palindrome (capital “P”), it may fail the automated test. Matching exact casing and spacing in output is often necessary in coding challenge platforms.

If You Truly Must “Ignore Spaces, Punctuation, Case”…

…then you should do something like this:

bool is_palindrome_ignore(char* s) { // 1. Build a filtered string containing only alphanumeric in lowercase char filtered[MAX]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (isalnum((unsigned char)s[i])) { filtered[j++] = tolower((unsigned char)s[i]); } } filtered[j] = '\0'; // 2. Reverse it using a queue Queue q; initQueue(&q); for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--) { enqueue(&q, filtered[i]); } char reversed[MAX]; int idx = 0; while (!isEmpty(&q)) { reversed[idx++] = dequeue(&q); } reversed[idx] = '\0'; // 3. Compare return (strcmp(filtered, reversed) == 0); }

But this will make A man a plan a canal PanamaPalindrome (contradicting the sample output). You only want this version if your actual requirement is to ignore punctuation/spaces/case and you do not need to match the sample outputs exactly.

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